Forum Talent Exhibition

Should there be a Forum Talent Exhibition?

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New Member
Should we have one here on the boards...

Thinking best picture, best story, best poem. Best Rap
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Patch Tuesday

Should we have one here on the boards...

Thinking best picture, best story, best poem. Best Rap

I'm holding out for the chick that can put her legs behind her head...



What ever happened with Geek Island?

I remember the challenges, but I don't ever remember reading how it ended. I seem to remember that there was some kind of scavenger hunt as a finale, but I must have missed it, because I don't ever remember hearing about results.


I bowl overhand
I've got a 22 month old .. I can ride around on my unicycle with him on my shoulders.. howz zat??


Lem Putt
What ever happened with Geek Island?

I remember the challenges, but I don't ever remember reading how it ended. I seem to remember that there was some kind of scavenger hunt as a finale, but I must have missed it, because I don't ever remember hearing about results.
Some people got thier granny panties in a bunch and it fizzled out.


Pea Brain
PREMO Member
What ever happened with Geek Island?

I remember the challenges, but I don't ever remember reading how it ended. I seem to remember that there was some kind of scavenger hunt as a finale, but I must have missed it, because I don't ever remember hearing about results.

I won! :diva:

Still waiting on my trophy. :tap: