R.I.P. Bobo, We miss you!
What a handsome guy!
Thanks, he is a cutie but the older he gets the more looney he gets!!

What a handsome guy! a lady emailed me and said I had her dog. I ttold her he was at rita's.....called rita's yesterday to see if they had picked him I emailed today and she said they no longer want him..just find him a home......AHHHHHHAHHHHHHHH..I can not believe it...." just find him a home"...he is a very sweet boy...cute to ,I will try to get a pic. a lady emailed me and said I had her dog. I ttold her he was at rita's.....called rita's yesterday to see if they had picked him I emailed today and she said they no longer want him..just find him a home......AHHHHHHAHHHHHHHH..I can not believe it...." just find him a home"...he is a very sweet boy...cute to ,I will try to get a pic.
He is absolutely adorable, and smart to boot!! If I didn't have all of mine I would take him in a heart beat!
Man! He sure looks thin! What a sweet-looking pup! He has a Boxery look to him.
what a sweetie!Here's my baby.
I'll start another thread when he's ready to be adopted. Hopefully everything checks out at the vet. This guy's a love bug.
Here's a pic of our resident dalmation mix "Bowie". She's just over 10 years old.
Cute pup also. What are you calling the new guy?
Very cute dog! I think he looks kinda houndish, or pointerish.
Rita was calling him "Snoopy" but as of now he responds to anything.
I got home from work today and realized he managed to get out of his crate. Nothing destroyed or accidents so he scored some points there. We've never had that happend before. Apparently this guy is smart too.
He has a hound type bark. A lady at Rita's last night thought he was a foxhound mix.