Fourth-Grader Switches Genders Over Winter Break

METHUEN, Mass. (AP) — A fourth-grader who was attending a Massachusetts elementary school as a girl before February vacation has returned to school as a boy.

The parents of the 9-year-old child said the youngster was born with the body of a girl, but the brain of a boy.

They have asked that he be referred to and treated as a boy by teachers and other students, and school officials are accommodating the request. The parents have even changed the child's name.

The child's mother told The Eagle-Tribune that the family made the decision after consulting with medical professionals. She said the child is still biologically a girl.

The mother has requested that the family not be identified to protect the child.

School Superintendent C. Phillip Littlefield said there is nothing harmful about the child being in the school.
You have GOT to be kidding me.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
The mother has requested that the family not be identified to protect the child.
Yeah, because certainly none of the kids in its school will be able to figure it out. :rolleyes:

This should be against the law. And if the mother doesn't want anyone knowing about it, why is she talking to the press?????


* * * * * * * * *
Staff member
PREMO Member
The parents of the 9-year-old child said the youngster was born with the body of a girl, but the brain of a boy. Recent developments also prove both parents were born brainless.



Twenty Something
But then when the child goes to the bathroom....if he/she has girl parts she'd go to the girl's room....but I dunno, that's so weird....and what medical professionals thought this was a good idea??


Twenty Something
and what about when all the other boys are going out for football, and this one will be at the corner store buying tampons if "he" still has girl parts. :shrug:

and let's say something happens on later down the road......if "he" gets pregnant....

I'm so lost.....did they inject the kid with testosterone or something? :confused:


American Beauty
PREMO Member
I wonder if and when the parents will ask the State to pay for gender reassignment surgery.


Occasional User
It seems like the transition would have been easier if they had relocated to an area where no one knew him as a girl.

I read that book 'As Nature Made Him,' and it is very interesting. In that real-life story, an accident at circumcism was the reason for 'gender reassignment,' but babies are born with dual sex organs and it is something that has to be dealt with.

I'm surprised a 4th grader has enough 'awareness' of gender to go through with this. I feel sorry for the entire family.


Lovin' being Texican
morganj614 said:
Is that what happened to Rosie O' Donnell? :confused:

I believe Rosie is originally from Mass. isn't she?

Club'nBabySeals said:
Figures this would take place in Mass.

What you can expect more of in Mass. when same-gender couples "marry" and adopt children.

Two very 'on' observations. I don't believe any concious medical professional would diagnose gender confusion in a child this age. I suspect a Social Worker is behind this. The Mom and Dad have the gender confusion and should have been neutered prior to this child's conception.


wandering aimlessly
I feel so sorry for this child. Obviously a pawn in her/his parents twisted game. I have a fourth grader, and this is not something that would be easily accepted by classmates. Poor poor baby. :sad:


Lovin' being Texican
Why do these liberals believe everything is a conspiracy?

RoseRed said:

Lorenzo Berardinetti said:
"I get charged one price and she gets charged another price for virtually the same material," he said.

Berardinetti said that opened his eyes to an experience women have long learned to deal with, namely higher prices for clothes, shoes, hair cuts and other services.

Do you suppose the legislator has nylon panties and frilly silk shirts? Just 'cause hers are more expensive to dry clean may have nothing to do with the article of clothing but everything to do with the material out of which it is constructed. Just a thought.