Fox pup



Nickster said:
Although the fox is cute, when it associates humans with food, love, etc. It WILL lose its fear of humans. If it becomes a pet then thats fine. But if released back into the wild, you are doing a disservice to the animal by taking away his best survival tactic, fear of humans. They are a wild animal and will revert to their instincts, no matter how tame someone may believe them to be. And just to play the devils advocate, what if the foxes mother was watching from a distance as her kit was taken by a human. All kind of rules and regulations on housing native wildlife. I don't think High GHT deserved to be called stupid and mean by resiting the laws of our state.

Once wildlife, in this case, a fox, is able to eat on its own, it is placed in a pen away from humans and blind fed daily.
We do not "love" them.
We fed them, rehab them, and wild them up.

You would be amazed how fast they "wild" up and become fearful of humans.
Once ready for release, they are released in an area far away from people where they will not be a problem animal.
DNR has very strick guidelines on what we can rehab, and where it can be released and when.
Thanks for your comments! :howdy:


Bud said:
You prevented an inevitable roadkill. :yay:

What will become of it?

First, I like youtr avatar!!

The pup , now of all 1 pound, 10 ounces, a healthy 5 week old boy, and finally free of a lot of ticks, is slowly learning to eat on its own, yet gets formula 3 x a day.

In a few weeks, when the teeth are all in, it will go into a bigger, outdoor pen to wild up.
He growls..and acts like a big mean fox, but snuggles up to eat.
It is still in isolation for a while longer.

If we can locate a reahbber with another gray, they will be put together. Foxes are cimmuity critters and do better when released in pairs.

But for now he is safe and doing well and is still "wild" grrrr...


PrchJrkr said:
Yes he is adorable, but will soon turn into a chicken, cat, and small dog killer.

..and mice, rats, moles. rabbitts, groundhogs, birds, slugs, snails, turtles, worms, fruit, berries, garbage, cat and dog food, will get into dumpsters, live in the woods or in the photographed near the White House, travel in the drainage systems in the city, and will keep the rat population down.

Rabies and distemper will kill them as will cars, traps and poison.
Women who used to adore and crave fox stoles will scream upon seeing one slink across their cultured lawns, kids will shoot at them and farmers will poison them.
The gray fox was here before we were, and the red was imported in the 1600;1700's to the eastern shore for hunting.

They are smart, sneaky, a trickster, a true survivor.

Saving one pup may not make a big difference in the greater scheme of life, but to the pup, it makes all the difference in the world.
He deserves a chance to be all nature has designed him to be.


PrchJrkr said:
Tell that to my neighbor when his quail, that he raised from eggs, start disappearing. Foxes are vermin.

Well, snakes, crows, hawks, owls, opossums, raccoons, squirrels all eat bird eggs and love them as a quick sourse of protein, and all of these will also go afer quail if they can.

Don't put all the blame on the fox.

Also if farmer had better caging, quail would be safe.


Nickster said:
Although the fox is cute, when it associates humans with food, love, etc. It WILL lose its fear of humans. If it becomes a pet then thats fine. But if released back into the wild, you are doing a disservice to the animal by taking away his best survival tactic, fear of humans. They are a wild animal and will revert to their instincts, no matter how tame someone may believe them to be. And just to play the devils advocate, what if the foxes mother was watching from a distance as her kit was taken by a human. All kind of rules and regulations on housing native wildlife. I don't think High GHT deserved to be called stupid and mean by resiting the laws of our state.

Who is resiting the laws?
Please explain ....


New Member
05-24-2007 06:06 PM She rehabs nuisance wildlife like groundhogs...hope your horse never breaks a leg in a groundhog hole.
Thanks for the nice comment and the red karma. I too hope my horse never breaks a leg in a groundhog hole.


Labs4Me said:
05-24-2007 06:06 PM She rehabs nuisance wildlife like groundhogs...hope your horse never breaks a leg in a groundhog hole.
Thanks for the nice comment and the red karma. I too hope my horse never breaks a leg in a groundhog hole.

To the wise Karma Leaver:

Actually, I do not rehab groundhogs, I rescue them.
Then they go to another rehabber who has proper deep pens for them.
They are released far from people and horses.
I try to educate property onwers on how to get rid of problem wildlife, short of killing them, and if that is the last resort, them that option is explored.

There is a reason why species task, to untangle and sort it out.
Many times it is food supply issue.

And for the record, I have only removed one problem groundhog from an area that has NO livestock or horses, just an old barn. OK?
Good, I am glad we got that cleared up.
Thanks!! :howdy:


Well-Known Member
Inkpen said:
To the wise Karma Leaver:

Actually, I do not rehab groundhogs, I rescue them.
Then they go to another rehabber who has proper deep pens for them.
They are released far from people and horses.
I try to educate property onwers on how to get rid of problem wildlife, short of killing them, and if that is the last resort, them that option is explored.

There is a reason why species task, to untangle and sort it out.
Many times it is food supply issue.

And for the record, I have only removed one problem groundhog from an area that has NO livestock or horses, just an old barn. OK?
Good, I am glad we got that cleared up.
Thanks!! :howdy:

Although people like to give bad karma for great that you are doing, I want to tell you to keep up the good work and just remember what comes around goes around, both your good and their bad!

:biteme: -- This is directed to all the bad karma givers that dont want to leave their name!
Last edited:


New Member
Inkpen said:
Who is resiting the laws?
Please explain ....

High EGT said:
Cute yes. But have you turned it over to wildlife experts in the county? Just FYI it is illegal to keep wild animals as "pets". We found this out when last year I was adopted by a baby squirrel and eventually turned it over to a local rescue organization. You can contact a local vet office and they should have a # listed. Good luck.... :howdy:

I thought High EGT was passing on their knowledge of the law as it pertained to their experience. Then the next post was about mean and stupid people. I assumed about this comment.


Nickster said:
I thought High EGT was passing on their knowledge of the law as it pertained to their experience. Then the next post was about mean and stupid people. I assumed about this comment.

I was referring to some rude karma recieved.

I am a rehabber and a wildlife control cooperator and am bound by COMAR and 08.03.15, in addition to State and Federal laws pertaining to wildlife management and care.


Princess of Mean
Labs4Me said:
05-24-2007 06:06 PM She rehabs nuisance wildlife like groundhogs...hope your horse never breaks a leg in a groundhog hole.
Thanks for the nice comment and the red karma. I too hope my horse never breaks a leg in a groundhog hole.

I hope their horse doesn't break a leg in a groundhog hole, but sure hope whoever gave that karma breaks their leg in said hole, and then dies in a fire.


Witchy Woman
The lady who sold my brother his raccoon had domesticated baby foxes for sale too. Everything from artic to fennick. They're so cute.

Ink.. I wanna come over and play with it. :dance:


MysticalMom said:
The lady who sold my brother his raccoon had domesticated baby foxes for sale too. Everything from artic to fennick. They're so cute.

Ink.. I wanna come over and play with it. :dance:

That is so sad that people are allowed to sell exotic species.
Many states allow it because they get a % of the license fee to the seller.

I am so against it at all levels...really..don't care how "cute" it is, it is a wild animal and no amount of breeding will breed that wild factor out of it.
Heck the domestic cat is a professional killer and does so because he is wired for it.

So many wild animals grow up and owners loose interest or can no longer afford to feed/care for it.
Just how many are dumped with the false belief that "it can take care of itself in the wild"?

Is that any way for a wild animal to live out its life? As a captive "pet"?

And pup is not here, it is at a RVS site where it is safe while in isolation. :smile:


Witchy Woman
Inkpen said:
That is so sad that people are allowed to sell exotic species.
Many states allow it because they get a % of the license fee to the seller.

I am so against it at all levels...really..don't care how "cute" it is, it is a wild animal and no amount of breeding will breed that wild factor out of it.
Heck the domestic cat is a professional killer and does so because he is wired for it.

So many wild animals grow up and owners loose interest or can no longer afford to feed/care for it.
Just how many are dumped with the false belief that "it can take care of itself in the wild"?

Is that any way for a wild animal to live out its life? As a captive "pet"?

And pup is not here, it is at a RVS site where it is safe while in isolation. :smile:

I totally agree. And I'm conflicted about alot of the practices just of the breeder who sold to my brother in particular. Like taking the babies away from mom at 3 days old.:bawl: But it happens.

But I'm glad, if it's going to happen, that there are people like my little brother who love and care for their exotic pet all their LONG and healthy lives.
Not everyone just dumps their pets when they're no longer cute or convienient.


New Member
Inkpen said:
This should go under animals..but no catagory for wildlife..
Anyway..I had the honor to help out this little pup today.
The finder spotted it playing with a plastic bag on the roadside..all by its self and thought it was a kitten.
Using a thick towel, the "kitten" got picked up and placed into a carrier.
It is obvious it is not a kitten but a gray fox pup.
Weighs all of a pound or 2.
Never pick up any species that carries rabies.
Call for help...rabies shots hurt!

Here are 3 photos of the litte guy inside the cat carrier....
He had a long day and was very tired.
Enjoy.... :howdy:

Cute dude! :yay:
Glad he is OK ...when does it get set free?


Well-Known Member
Hello6 said:
I hope their horse doesn't break a leg in a groundhog hole, but sure hope whoever gave that karma breaks their leg in said hole, and then dies in a fire.

Good grief...what is it with you and wishing people to die in fires? That's a pretty mean thing to say. You're no better than that karma giver.
Cowgirl said:
Good grief...what is it with you and wishing people to die in fires? That's a pretty mean thing to say. You're no better than that karma giver.
Maybe she's the reincarnation of Audrey Rose!


Supper's Ready
Hi all, new to SOMD forum, MD resident for years. I was drawn to this thread right away from having a recent experience with a gray fox. First of all, nice save there Inkpen :yay: glad to read stories like yours. Here's mine:

I had seen s/he (guessing "he", because I read that the male hunts for food for the pups) a few times in my yard. He'd worn out a path in the grass by using the exact same path from the woods to the area under our bird feeder, and then the same exit path toward the neighbor's yard to the right.

The other day just before dusk I had the camera ready when he was under the bird feeder. I predicted he'd exit to the right again, and so positioned the camera. Sure enough, he did. To get him to turn his head, I made two quick kissing sounds (as you would a pet). He stopped walking, held his position and turned his head.

I took two quick pictures and said "thank you", and he turned his head back and started to walk to the neighbor's yard through the fence.

Awesome creature, so cool, undisturbed by my presence. Look forward to reading many more from all of you. Cheers.


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Princess of Mean
Cowgirl said:
Good grief...what is it with you and wishing people to die in fires? That's a pretty mean thing to say. You're no better than that karma giver.

Hate people. Just that simple. Worst way I can think for someone to die, and it's catchy and fun to type. DIAF, or if you prefer, FOADIAF (eff off and die in a fire) It's a FARKism.

Careful you don't fall off that high horse you're on.
