What has my rapt attention, however, is the fact that the NBA appears to be in motion with regard to forcing him to sell The Clippers. Sterling has told them to shove it.
Next step: Court.
It is by no means a sure bet that the court will do the right thing and tell the NBA they can't tell people what to do with their privately owned property/institutions, however satisfying that may be to those with leanings toward immediate gratification.
The government has decided they are now allowed to force citizens to buy ####. (see also: ACA, alias Obamacare)
The next logical step is to allow themselves to force citizens to sell ####.
And more of our freedom goes straight down the ####ter. I wish there was a truly free society left somewhere on this god-forsaken planet.
That is absurd. The NBAssociation is just that and, as such, it has rules and by laws and is not a right. If I own a McDonalds, I can't just do whatever the hell I like. I can't start selling Whoppers and I can't say things that harm the brand and expect my association to not care based on the franchise being MY property. It's an association.
Don Sterling is going to make out like a champ on this, pushing back just enough to sell his $17 million franchise (IIRC) for something between $500 mil and $1 billion. The other owners will push back enough to make it as less of a fiasco as they can.
There is no argument to be made that this has anything to do with the government making us buy, or sell, a thing if the NBA is successful in getting rid of a franchisee they deem unacceptable because he has bad breathe let alone his interesting positions on race and what he deems acceptable, having sex with 'them' and what is not, being seen in public with them.
This guy has had it coming for a long time and that is why this came down so hard so fast.
What is interesting to me is that a number of long time owners who have known Sterling for some time, are getting cold feet worrying about things they may have said or will say.
Now, THAT is interesting.