Fresh Venison

It's what's for dinner tomorrow.:yahoo:

Buddy of mine is filling crop damage permits. His freezer is full. Now he's starting on mine. Brought me a venison veal tonight. Fresh from the farmer's field. She's butchered and in the freezer (except for the roast we're eating tomorrow night). :yum:


It's what's for dinner tomorrow.:yahoo:

Buddy of mine is filling crop damage permits. His freezer is full. Now he's starting on mine. Brought me a venison veal tonight. Fresh from the farmer's field. She's butchered and in the freezer (except for the roast we're eating tomorrow night). :yum:


can't wait for some fried deer meat in a couple of weeks...


33 yrs & we r still n luv
Someone hook me up PLEASE............. PLEASE............. PLEASE............. PLEASE.............


Not fresh, but still eating deer meat out of the freezer, had deer sphagetti the other night, Mmm-Mmm good!
When I went to pull out of my 'hood this AM, there was a truck parked, running, lights on, in the right lane of Rt. 6. I thought he had a problem. He did(n't). He was waiting for the police to show up to give him a tag for the NICE 6 point buck he had hit just minutes before. Truck was still driveable. Here's my question. He was 15' from the entrance to my neighborhood. Why not pull into the 'hood and drag the deer out of the roadway? Why block the main road like that? Make no sense to me.


one day the dark will end
Anyone have some antlers or antler pieces they want to donate to see some wildlife get thru the winter?
I have some animals that are too small/too young to release that need to do some chewing on those mineral rich antlers!!


And good hunting to all a good job in thinning that deer herd!!!:buddies:
Anyone have some antlers or antler pieces they want to donate to see some wildlife get thru the winter?
I have some animals that are too small/too young to release that need to do some chewing on those mineral rich antlers!!


And good hunting to all a good job in thinning that deer herd!!!:buddies:
Did you ever come get log sections?


Well-Known Member
When I went to pull out of my 'hood this AM, there was a truck parked, running, lights on, in the right lane of Rt. 6. I thought he had a problem. He did(n't). He was waiting for the police to show up to give him a tag for the NICE 6 point buck he had hit just minutes before. Truck was still driveable. Here's my question. He was 15' from the entrance to my neighborhood. Why not pull into the 'hood and drag the deer out of the roadway? Why block the main road like that? Make no sense to me.

Thats one deer thats not going to be eating your acorns.:smile:


New Member
Had grilled Venison Tenderloin last night and will again for lunch today. Need about 4 more deer to "fill the freezer.


Dream Stealer
yumm...Im calling SO right now..we have some tenderloin..and he needs to fry it up for favorite thing in the whole world.


New Member
Personally, I'd frost a mug as well so that it is ready to pour a beer into. I find it almost offensive to not enjoy an ice cold beer with my steak, but that's just me.

yumm...Im calling SO right now..we have some tenderloin..and he needs to fry it up for favorite thing in the whole world.
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New Member
It's what's for dinner tomorrow.:yahoo:

Buddy of mine is filling crop damage permits. His freezer is full. Now he's starting on mine. Brought me a venison veal tonight. Fresh from the farmer's field. She's butchered and in the freezer (except for the roast we're eating tomorrow night). :yum:

I'll retract the comment until proven wrong...
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New Member
Have a slow cooker full of venison stew ready to put on tomorrow before work...should be delish for dinner.


I still believe that southern Md would be the perfect place to launch off the first Fast Food Venison chain.
It could be called either "More Buck for your Doe" or "More Doe for your Buck".
Just look for the Big Golden Antlers !
Menu would include:
The Big Bambi Burger
squirrely fries
Stuffed Ham-burger
Bud on tap (w/10 oz cups) - free refills
Deer Head Tacos
Fried Oyster McNuggets
what else :shrug:
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New Member
Unless the regs have changed in the past 10 years, the deer is to be left laying were it falls???? This was the rule 10 years ago, this I know for a sure fact, but, I can stand to be corrected, but, please show me where it states the deer can be "possessed".
RatchetJaw said:
Sure hope DNR don't find out you're putting crop permit deer in the freezer.
Farmer gives permit to hunter.
Hunter shoots deer.
Hunter forbidden by law to waste deer.
Hunter properly checks in deer.
Hunter gives field dressed carcass to friend.
No money exchanges hands.
100% legal.
Unless the regs have changed in the past 10 years, the deer is to be left laying were it falls???? This was the rule 10 years ago, this I know for a sure fact, but, I can stand to be corrected, but, please show me where it states the deer can be "possessed".
Maryland Deer Management Plan. Turn to page 62. Read bullet point #4. Or, do a search of the document for "crop damage permit" and read the 4th item found. It states:

DNR said:
Most of those landowners who know of crop damage permits are satisfied with the process for obtaining the permits. Finally, there is a regulation that stipulates that all healthy deer harvested for population control and crop damage control be processed and used for food, regardless of the time that they are harvested.