Parkinson's drugs can triple the odds that people develop impulse control problems such as gambling, binge eating, shopping sprees and compulsive sexual behaviors, U.S. researchers said on Monday.
Impulse control disorders (ICD) (most commonly pathologic gambling, hypersexuality, and uncontrollable spending) and compulsive behaviors can be triggered by dopaminergic therapies in Parkinson disease (PD). ICD are especially prevalent in patients ...
Look I'm not proud of what I did one bit. It wasn't the real me. I've had Parkinson's for 13 years now and I'm only 59. I wouldn't give Parkinson's to my worst enemy. I've been taking Requip for many years now and not realizing what it was doing to me. Requip is a bad drug. I was taking the max dosage which helped me function, it worked, I felt good. After I got in trouble, I saw a doctor at Walter Reed and told him what happened and he said I bet you are taken Requip. I was taking three other drugs along with Requip. Well he took me off Requip and now that I'm off the drug I freeze up every two hours and basically can't move or function . The meds I take now don't work with food. I've lost 40 lbs. I take a pill every 2 hours. I have brain surgery (DBS) in January which will hopefully help with my symptoms. Do you know what dystonia feels like? It feels like your whole body weights 8 tons. Your muscles tense up tight. I hope the procedure will help but I'll never live a normal life again. Read the links about Requip. I served 20 years in the Navy loyalty, 5 years as a contractor then 11 years in the government. I was a GS-13 step 7. This isn't my character to do such a horrific crime. Know what really hurts, I knew these women and I have the most deepest respect for them.
For what its worth, I turned myself in right away and told them exactly who the victims were. Unfortunately I hurt the whole building, heck the whole base for that matter. I knew that I was bothering one of the women, nothing bad, I was just around more than she liked, we worked together. I went to our supervisor and told him that I think I'm bothering her. He told me not to e-mail her unless for work. Well she was going away on rotation and I e-mailed her and said, I know I'm not suppose to e-mail you but be safe and have a wonderful trip.
I'll just add that I've never touched any women nor have I spoken anything inappropriate to a women ever. Why I risked everything for this is mind boggling, a normal person would not take such a risk for something so horrible. I've regretted this every single day. I'm am so very sorry for this.
I have a lawyer in my family and we are going to go after the company. There will be something for the victims in the suit.