Fritz being Fritz? Going full Stalin on Jaymi Sterling


Power with Control
Regarding the EDIT mark.... on this forum, the Edited doesn't always show up. Seems if you edit very soon after posting, it does not get flagged. Also seems if no one has read the post yet, it doesn't get flagged. If you post, wait some time and it gets read, it gets flagged.

I may be blowing smoke here, but it's what I've noticed.

Right, but this is FB we are talking about


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Ah yes, I'm having a religious experience. And too dumb to understand what is so blindingly obvious that its not worth your time to explain. Which time you spent instead telling me these things :) And no, you don't have to defend anything, but it does make you look like you cant defend your ideas. :)

I'm open to logic, but you need to bring some, not just snark and insults.

That this is such a big deal to you or anyone else, to the point you'd liken Fritz to Stalin (!), is interesting to me.

So whoever runs the SAO FB page edited a few years old posts to remove Jaymi Sterling's name. So what? The edits apparently happened last year, and somehow it's just come to anyone's attention. Doesn't that strike you as odd? At all? You can recreate the results yourself - go to the SAO FB page, do a search for "Jaymi", navigate to the original post, click the "..." and view the edit history. There's some effort involved, and Duckpin (whoever that is) decided it was worth the effort.

I feel like if you want to rally support against Fritz, there are a number of better reasons than this.


Power with Control
That this is such a big deal to you or anyone else, to the point you'd liken Fritz to Stalin (!), is interesting to me.

So whoever runs the SAO FB page edited a few years old posts to remove Jaymi Sterling's name. So what? The edits apparently happened last year, and somehow it's just come to anyone's attention. Doesn't that strike you as odd? At all? You can recreate the results yourself - go to the SAO FB page, do a search for "Jaymi", navigate to the original post, click the "..." and view the edit history. There's some effort involved, and Duckpin (whoever that is) decided it was worth the effort.

I feel like if you want to rally support against Fritz, there are a number of better reasons than this.

Big deal? Because I posted it? I also post about turtles :) And the Stalin reference is an easy reach for someone erasing a person, quite a popular meme, even. But you still haven't posted about the problems with Sterling's case. Unless its the fact that it was done last year.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Every time I see that name come up I can't help but think...



Well-Known Member
The Maryland State Government Bureau of Editing in the Social Media Division has found justification to remove portions of
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Well-Known Member
I no hollah at you! You go now. You say bad thing!!
No ask question!!

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Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
this is weird..... I'm getting annoying phone calls from a woman yelling at me in some Asian dialect....Why would Yoko call me (or someone like her) screaming at the top of her lungs??

Did I anger someone?
She's on you like white on rice, huh?


Long Haired Country Boy
Ad Free Experience
My son had the pleasure of meeting Jaymi and said he wasn't impressed. He said she exuded and aura of privilege that he found unpleasant. Those weren't his exact words, but a father knows what is meant. I'll leave that decision to others when I vote.


the poor dad
My son had the pleasure of meeting Jaymi and said he wasn't impressed. He said she exuded and aura of privilege that he found unpleasant. Those weren't his exact words, but a father knows what is meant. I'll leave that decision to others when I vote.
I would describe my encounter with her in a similar way.


New Member
I think references to her on the State's Attorney's Facebook page were removed when she resigned which was right before they were about to fire her. I don't think that is uncommon.


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Well-Known Member
Amen to that. People are always clutching their pearls, all "Oh I hate negative campaigning :drama: " and yet they're the biggest audiences for it and drawn like flies to sh*t.


Hogan v Fritz is 6 of one, half dozen of another, so people getting all emotional about one or the other of them is hilarious to watch.
I'm willing to put anyone else in there and give it a shot, it's not like anyone can argue crime is down. If he can't do it I hope we find someone that can


Well-Known Member
Daughter like Father? Can't get the election hours correct or a deliberate attempt to suppress voters?

Don't fall for it. The polls are open from 7:00 AM till 8:00 PM for a duration of 13 hours.


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Well-Known Member
I met Jaymi at Hollywood Firehouse and I didn't notice anything like an aura of privilege, and I jumped on her pretty hard about her daddy the Trump hater too. She seemed really nice to me, but of course anyone running for office is required to act nice, or hide in their basement.