Funniest Post


Well-Known Member
It amuses me when people "assume" someone is white, when they're posting on the internet and have no idea what the other person is. :lol:

I didn't see the picture - where is it?

My avatar. My wife wanted me to black out the little ones face so no-one would recognize him.


Chin Jiggla!
Baja28, BCP, Lenny, Sockgirl77, Gumbo, Morningbell, Radiopatroll and Duponster have some of the most hilarious posts I've seen on here.


Methodically disorganized
Surely I have read quite a few knee-slappers in my time here.

But one of the best in 2008 was prompted by this asinine post.

As people began reacting in amazement, this was posted. And *ding* *ding* that was done and settled.

So simple and clever... I still :killingme about that one.
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I think the funniest posts are when Paso's talks about her shaved pussy's! :shrug:

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
Surely I have read quite a few knee-slappers in my time here.

But one of the best in 2008 was prompted by this asinine post.

As people began reacting in amazement, this was posted. And *ding* *ding* that was done and settled.

So simple and clever... I still :killingme about that one.



Board Mommy
PREMO Member
After 56 years of doing what I could to help those who need help, you and the types who attacked me here have caused me to stop helping anyone, ever again.

Well, I think you're too old to be such a drama queen.


Well-Known Member
The lesson I've learned is to let racists do what they want to. I've learned from all of you that it isn't worth it to try to change anything with racists or any other abusers. I'll do as New Yorkers are so famous for; I'll run away and not do anything to help anyone ever again.

You're glad that I decided to do this? After 56 years of doing what I could to help those who need help, you and the types who attacked me here have caused me to stop helping anyone, ever again.

And you're glad. That in itself tells me I've made the correct decision in leaving this cesspool.

I sincerely hope that you are not attacked in real life, scream for help and no one, not a single person, tries to help you.

I've deleted all but the few threads I started. In those, I've deleted the text.

I'll come back tomorrow and delete the remainder, including this one.

Then I can leave knowing that I did what I could to eliminate my presence here.

What's sad about you NGM is that you still don't get it....

Here's the lesson you should have learned.

1. Never ever assume anything about the person on the other end of a key board when you're discussing things in a forum.

2. When you make accusations and personal attacks against a person you don't know, you should be able to provide proof. Here's an example for you... I know Bluebird is white and he's a racist because this is what he has told me.... I've never defended racism here and I never claimed to be white so in the case with you and I, you wrecklessly and continuously attacked me with things you couldn't back up.

3. When you are wrong about something or someone you should learn how to apologize. Not only is apologizing the correct thing to do, it also shows that you have integrity.

If you chooese to leave this forum go right ahead. I don't think you'll be missed. If you choose to stop standing up for what's right than go ahead and do that to. At the end of the day you're the one who will have to answer for it.

Good luck to you. For a 56 year old man you have alot to learn still.....


Well-Known Member
I think you're too young and immature to know what you've helped cause.

I'm not being a "drama queen". I'm very serious in what I'm saying. You, and several others here have given abusers a win.

The last time I saw a lady getting slapped around by her husband in public, I had the guy arrested. The next time, I'll walk away from it and let him do whatever he likes to her. Kids, racial abuse, I don't care any more. Call it drama or what you wish. You bought it, you can name it.

That is what you've helped cause.

Be proud of your accomplishments.

No drama. I'll never have anyone else abuse me for trying to help.

A lesson for anyone on this group that ever intends to try helping another human being; Don't waste your time. Ignore it. Walk away and let it happen.

That's the lesson being taught here.

So, you're becoming a pussy and blaming it on people that were better at making their point than you were at making yours?


Cyber Bully Victim
Not at all. While these pro-abuse people were attacking me, the rest of the group stood by and watched and said nothing, or they joined in on the attack.

That makes you the pussy, not me.

Am I too late to get in on it? :smack:
Not at all. While these pro-abuse people were attacking me, the rest of the group stood by and watched and said nothing, or they joined in on the attack.

That makes you the pussy, not me.

Damn. Chill out princess. :diva:

You are what you eat. :killingme


Well-Known Member
Even for a 40 year old, you're pretty dense. Come back in another 16 years and talk to me, youngster.

Mature a lot between now and then.

Your sig shows your lack of maturity. It's something a little kid would do.

BTW, my apology to you for calling you names is already posted. You must have missed it in your eagerness to slam me some more.

Apology to BlueBird

More insults and you still don't get it. You may be 56 chronologically but mentality wise you're a juvenile at best... Everyone reading your nonsense can and will easily come to this conclusion.

You have never apologized....

If anyone here is immature it's you NGM. You're also stubborn and borderline maniacle.

Pretty dense? Now that's funny... Go back and read what I said a few hundred times and then maybe you'll get it.

Dense would be a word to describe you.
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