Funny Earfquake Video


In My Opinion
You all are so racist that I am beyond myself with grief and sorrow for the human race.
Just because this poor guy was chased from his shower with the towel still on his head, you all go off and start referring to him as a terrorist, or an indian.

lets hope you never get caught with wet hair.


Would THIS face lie?
You all are so racist that I am beyond myself with grief and sorrow for the human race.
Just because this poor guy was chased from his shower with the towel still on his head, you all go off and start referring to him as a terrorist, or an indian.

lets hope you never get caught with wet hair.

You are so right...I am so ashamed of my self....I hope Allah finds it in his/her heart to forgive me...


In My Opinion
Yep, which makes it especially retarded!

You do understand that there are people that post on here that do have special needs children.
Calling people retarded is an ugly thing that can serve no purpose other than to raise the ire of those tired of hearing their children referred to in that manner.

(sorry, just wanted to be on the other end for once, Carry on.)