Gang mayhem grips LA


New Member
itsbob said:
Persoanally I think we should at least legalize marijuana, then we can tax the hell out of it like we do cigarettes. A few dollars less I have to pay every year.

" mean marrrrreeewaaaana?? But I hear that leads to harder stuff..." :lmao:


New Member
Roughidle said:
" mean marrrrreeewaaaana?? But I hear that leads to harder stuff..." :lmao:
That's only true for the people who want to get a high.

There's people who smoke Mary Jane for pain. Works better than Perkaset (sp?).

I mean, it makes no sense to me why we're locking people up for smoking a little dope.


New Member
itsbob said:
I was close, it did have to do with making paper..

Did you know the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence are both written on hemp? And the colonists were ordered to grow hemp to support their communities? Even GWashington grew cannabis on his plantatation.


24/7 Single Dad
itsbob said:
Ya beat me to it... but where are all these gang bangers getting their weapons??
I think that since they're willing to break the laws against robbery, rape, burglary and assault, they're also willing to violate the gun control statutes.
Who'd a thunk it?


AndyMarquisLIVE said:
I mean, it makes no sense to me why we're locking people up for smoking a little dope.

Smoking a little dope is one small step away from mainlining heroin. Is that what you want?

You want kids to be mainlining heroin?

What kind of sick freak are you, who wants to see dead junkie children littering the street like so many piles of useless garbage?

Why don't you just get a gun go down to the mall and start shooting babies in their carriages?

Disclaimer: The above post is an attempt at humor. I don't really believe that the original poster is a sick freak, nor I do not condone the shooting of infants at the mall. I also do not think smoking the pot is tantamount to shooting opiates.


Toxick said:
Smoking a little dope is one small step away from mainlining heroin. Is that what you want?

You want kids to be mainlining heroin?

What kind of sick freak are you, who wants to see dead junkie children littering the street like so many piles of useless garbage?

Why don't you just get a gun go down to the mall and start shooting babies in their carriages?

Disclaimer: The above post is an attempt at humor. I don't really believe that the original poster is a sick freak, nor I do not condone the shooting of infants at the mall. I also do not think smoking the pot is tantamount to shooting opiates.

Oh yea,,, love mainlineing... whew,, wheres the floor? :lmao:


itsbob said:
Probably the same place..

Persoanally I think we should at least legalize marijuana, then we can tax the hell out of it like we do cigarettes. A few dollars less I have to pay every year.
That really can't happen. Unlike cigarettes and alcohol marijuana doesn't take much effort to grow and process. They could never regulate it enough to keep people from growing their own in a sufficient quantity to ply their habit.


New Member
Toxick said:
Smoking a little dope is one small step away from mainlining heroin. Is that what you want?

You want kids to be mainlining heroin?

What kind of sick freak are you, who wants to see dead junkie children littering the street like so many piles of useless garbage?

Why don't you just get a gun go down to the mall and start shooting babies in their carriages?

Disclaimer: The above post is an attempt at humor. I don't really believe that the original poster is a sick freak, nor I do not condone the shooting of infants at the mall. I also do not think smoking the pot is tantamount to shooting opiates.
I'll be perfectly honest with you, if I do have kids, I'll have them smoke a bowl when they're 16. If they like it, that's fine. As long as they smoke in my house and that's all they do. That's what my parents did - and I never got any particular thrill out of smoking. I've smoked pot 4 times in my life and all it's ever done is make me hungry.


I bowl overhand
Pete said:
That really can't happen. Unlike cigarettes and alcohol marijuana doesn't take much effort to grow and process. They could never regulate it enough to keep people from growing their own in a sufficient quantity to ply their habit.
True, but how would that differ from today, other then the little home grower going tp jail for the ten plants he had stashed in his closet.

Just like today, you can brew your own beer without too much difficulty, but the majority still go to the store and pay the taxes for a case of Corona or Bud Light.

You grow it, and companies like Burpee's or Munchies will be selling the seeds but the majority will still be going to Super Wal-Mart to buy it.

It's even mentioned that the ease of growing Hemp (cannabis) is much better for the environment. Less watering, little or no pesticides, when compared to cotton that needs consistent watering and enough pesticide to kill an elephant, to produce the same end products.

It's a more replenishible product then wood is for paper. How long does it take to grow a hemp plant to harvest to make paper in comparison to a tree?

I'm with Woody on this one.. :yay: :yay: for cannabis!

And I for one am saying this as one that wouldn't smoke pot even if it was legal, but find it sad how many people we have in jail and how many BILLIONS of dollars we spend every year to prevent some teenager from sparkin a joint. (and it's not working BTW)


Pete said:
That really can't happen. Unlike cigarettes and alcohol marijuana doesn't take much effort to grow and process. They could never regulate it enough to keep people from growing their own in a sufficient quantity to ply their habit.

It's very easy to grow and eat tomatoes, and corn, and watermelons - yet the stores seem to still do brisk produce business.

If joints came in packs, like cigarettes, and they weren't especially expensive, I would guarantee that you'd have enough of a market that the home-growers wouldn't siphon too much to make that big of a dent.

People are lazy.... Stereotypical potheads, in particilar, have made laziness into a artform. It would be so much easier to go to 7-11 for a pack of "Unfiltered Doob 100's" than to grow it and roll it.


AndyMarquisLIVE said:
I'll be perfectly honest with you, if I do have kids, I'll have them smoke a bowl when they're 16. If they like it, that's fine. As long as they smoke in my house and that's all they do. That's what my parents did - and I never got any particular thrill out of smoking. I've smoked pot 4 times in my life and all it's ever done is make me hungry.
This explains so much. :killingme