Toxick said:
Whatever. All I know is that I'm getting hit HARD at the pumps. And I didn't used to.
So please excuse me if I'm less than congratulatory toward the people who are swimming in effing money while I suffer so they can do so.
Can't sympathize with you. When adjusted for inflation, gas prices have remained amazingly stable. They adjust seasonally, and have their spikes from time to time, but yearly averages when adjusted for inflation just simply have not changed. Take away the fact that it is also heavily taxed, and we have just about the cheapest gas on the planet.
What's funny to me is, in the late 60's and 70's, the constant CONSTANT joke was the high cost of - remember? - *beef*. It was *GROCERIES* people joked about. Johnny Carson would do a schtick about some poor consumer shelling out his entire paycheck just to buy a single pot roast. They made fun of that even in movies of the time - anyone who could afford pot roast wasn't "suffering" (what movie was that?). This was because the price of beef spiked pretty quick back then - you could get a pound of ground beef for pocket change.
I'd like to complain about - the cost of sporting events. But - I can't. I don't go because it's too expensive already. I hate the high cost of housing - I'm glad I bought one when I did. Damned real estate folks. You don't see THEM suffering from the high cost of new houses do you? I think my electric bill is outrageous. And why do most automobiles cost about a fourth of what I make in a year? When did that happen? Ever pay a plumber for something recently?
How come it costs 8 bucks to buy a *hamburger* in a sit-down restaurant? Eight bucks! It costs about a quarter to buy the damned burger meat. And they charge me 2 bucks for fizzy water flavored like Coke - which I can buy TWO LITERS of the crap right next door at the supermarket for half of that. Why does cable TV cost more, and they don't give me any new channels? How much more can it cost to transmit the same crap? Same with the local phone service.
How come cigarettes cost so damned much? And beer. I remember when you could buy a pack of cigs in the 80's for pocket change from a machine. A machine. No point nowadays - too much change. Beer used to cost about what soda costs now. And don't mention liquor. I used to buy a fifth of bourbon every day after class sophomore year of college for a few bucks. As if. I could buy a slice of pizza for change. Now it costs the same as a burger at a fast food place, and it's just cheese and bread.
It just seems to me - you can pick what you want to complain about, as far as prices go. Everything costs more. You did nail it earlier - it's *VISIBLE*. Gas is about the only thing where the price is constantly advertised. If the price of disposable diapers was on display every day, people would complain about that. If daycare places advertised their rates outside their doors, people would complain.
I just don't see the need to blame people getting rich off of oil. Used to be, the "bad guys" were the major retailers, the banks and the insurance companies. They're getting rich at Microsoft, at the mortgage company, the cable company, the cell phone network.
But for some reason - it's big oil that is the bad guys.