Gas Wars !

Gas Wars

  • That might work. Lets buy Texaco

    Votes: 1 4.2%
  • Everyone is to busy or to lazy to cooperate

    Votes: 5 20.8%
  • I will pay $3.50 a gallon before I will sit in line

    Votes: 4 16.7%
  • Gumbo your retarded

    Votes: 14 58.3%

  • Total voters


Some of us remember the air fare wars.

Chevron ,Mobil and Exxon are our leading fuel suppliers and showing record profits.

Is there other fuel company's that are not owned by these top three ?

If there is... lets say Texaco. If everyone would go out of their way to buy nothing but Texaco gas for a month, no matter the lines or the inconvenience.
Would ,lets' say Exxon look at their profits and say,"lets lower our prices" and we will get everyone to stop buying Texaco.
So then lets say everyone stared buying Exxon, so then Chevron and Mobil say,"screw this" we can beat them prices.

Hey :shrug: it worked for us when the airlines started fighting.
Let's start a fight :duel:

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
Everyone is too lazy to co-operate. It's easier to sit on thier fat butts watching TV and stuffing thier face with cheetos than to do something.


New Member
Bustem' Down said:
Everyone is too lazy to co-operate. It's easier to sit on thier fat butts watching TV and stuffing thier face with cheetos than to do something.

Gumbo baby!! Ofcourse I voted that you were retarded.. I couldn't help myself :love:.
But seriously... You are talking about making a dent in a huge corporation...
This is a serious undertaking.. It would require a dedicated group of people. Almost liek a political campaign..I would like to think that it's possible but BD is right.
People aren't proactive.. THey don't care, or they are too lazy to get up and try to change things...
It like immigration thing... The number of chicanos isn't as great as the noise they make..
It's those people who get what they want. If we wanted it as badly as those people want to move here and take over.. We'd have gas down to a $1.25.

You organize the campaign... I'll help.. I can't afford to party up the road with gas this expensive.. It's cutting in to cocktail hour!! :tantrum:


fttrsbeerwench said:
Gumbo baby!! Ofcourse I voted that you were retarded.. I couldn't help myself :love:.
But seriously... You are talking about making a dent in a huge corporation...
This is a serious undertaking.. It would require a dedicated group of people. Almost liek a political campaign..I would like to think that it's possible but BD is right.
People aren't proactive.. THey don't care, or they are too lazy to get up and try to change things...
It like immigration thing... The number of chicanos isn't as great as the noise they make.. It's those people who get what they want. If we wanted it as badly as those people want to move here and take over.. We'd have gas down to a $1.25.

You organize the campaign... I'll help.. I can't afford to party up the road with gas this expensive.. It's cutting in to cocktail hour!! :tantrum:

Chicanos are Mexicans that are born here. :confused:

Just buy Texaco and do your part :huggy:


Football addict
Bustem' Down said:
Everyone is too lazy to co-operate. It's easier to sit on thier fat butts watching TV and stuffing thier face with cheetos than to do something.
:yeahthat: Most would rather free-ride. If you stick your neck out there you're accruing a cost whereas those who free-ride will still benefit but really won't lose anything at all.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Gumbo, you're retarded.

I thought we'd already learned that oil companies don't set gas prices - the state does. A gas station isn't allowed, by law, to lower their price to compete against other gas stations. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.

I find it fascinating that politicians are complaining about oil companies and gas prices, vowing to DO SOMETHING! Yet I haven't heard one of them suggest removing the state and federal taxes (in Maryland it's 41 cents per gallon) to give us a break.

Funny, eh? If you do the math, the government gets more money out of a gallon of gas than either the station owner OR the oil company does. So why are we talking about sticking it to Exxon?


New Member
We should all be driving these.


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24/7 Single Dad
Retarded :lol:
If one company starts selling massive quantities, they'll buy the excess they need from one of the other companies.
BUY LESS if you want to make a difference.
How many of you use a drive up window instead of shutting off your engine, getting off your azz and walking inside?


I wanna be a SMIB
Bustem' Down said:
Everyone is too lazy to co-operate. It's easier to sit on thier fat butts watching TV and stuffing thier face with cheetos than to do something.

Hey, can you see me thru the computer? Leave me alone. :coffee:


gumbo said:
Some of us remember the air fare wars.

Chevron ,Mobil and Exxon are our leading fuel suppliers and showing record profits.

Is there other fuel company's that are not owned by these top three ?

If there is... lets say Texaco. If everyone would go out of their way to buy nothing but Texaco gas for a month, no matter the lines or the inconvenience.
Would ,lets' say Exxon look at their profits and say,"lets lower our prices" and we will get everyone to stop buying Texaco.
So then lets say everyone stared buying Exxon, so then Chevron and Mobil say,"screw this" we can beat them prices.

Hey :shrug: it worked for us when the airlines started fighting.
Let's start a fight :duel:

I thought Chevron merged with Texaco a few years back... :confused: It was a few years and shortly after BP and Amoco merged :confused:


gumbo said:
Some of us remember the air fare wars.

Chevron ,Mobil and Exxon are our leading fuel suppliers and showing record profits.

Is there other fuel company's that are not owned by these top three ?

If there is... lets say Texaco. If everyone would go out of their way to buy nothing but Texaco gas for a month, no matter the lines or the inconvenience.
Would ,lets' say Exxon look at their profits and say,"lets lower our prices" and we will get everyone to stop buying Texaco.
So then lets say everyone stared buying Exxon, so then Chevron and Mobil say,"screw this" we can beat them prices.

Hey :shrug: it worked for us when the airlines started fighting.
Let's start a fight :duel:

Here ya' go Gumbo :smile:



Exxon makes 4 cents per gallon of gas. Suppose for the sake of stupidity they say "Screw it, we owe people so we are going to sell fuel for cost, who cares that we will be out of business in 6 months" So they lower the price from $2.879 to $2.839, does that 4 cents make you feel better? 21 gallon tank X .04 cents savings = .84 cents saved per fill up. :yay:


aps45819 said:
Wonder how long it'll take for an $0.18 price drop to show at the pumps.

Don't know Asp, yesterday I stopped in DC for gas on the way home, way too much $$$, I drew the line... went down 381 stopped at the quick stop "checkn-go" mart for gas - someone jumped in front and beat me to THE pump.... I said screw it, then I went further down to Badens for gas... I got $30.00 worth and the pump stopped literally at 29.80... usually it slows and then comes to a complete stop at your amoutn you paid for. I kept squeezing the trigger, nothing, I kept flipping the stinky metal flippy thing up and down... I kept trying to flag the Korean lady down behind the glass booth and she kept talking on the phone almost deliberately trying to ignore me. I could have been on fire doing backflips and she wouldn't have noticed... It was 20cents they had cheated me out of. :mad: I was irratated and left, but it was then that I realized 20 cents in gas is a lot these days. This morning I stopped and hit their soda machine for a few cokes for work and a lady was there complaining to the owner about HER getting ripped off of her last 20 cents last night and the owner denied it... Are they trying to hoard or skim off the top of peoples gas that they have already paid for knowing 18 or 20 cents for most folks isn't worth arguing over??? Have we gotten into that kind of crooked extremes and cheating fellow man??? It was just sad :frown: Bad enough at Badens Grocery adjacent to there, I got ripped off $120.00 by their ATM machine and the owner argued and denied it... it showed up on my bank statement - I learned last night same family owns both :cussing:
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dems4me said:
Don't know Asp, yesterday I stopped in DC for gas on the way home, way too much $$$, I drew the line... went down 381 stopped at the quick stop "checkn-go" mart for gas - someone jumped in front and beat me to THE pump.... I said screw it, then I went further down to Badens for gas... I got $30.00 worth and the pump stopped literally at 29.80... usually it slows and then comes to a complete stop at your amoutn you paid for. I kept squeezing the trigger, nothing, I kept flipping the stinky metal flippy thing up and down... I kept trying to flag the Korean lady down behind the glass booth and she kept talking on the phone almost deliberately trying to ignore me. I could have been on fire doing backflips and she wouldn't have noticed... It was 20cents they had cheated me out of. :mad: I was irratated and left, but it was then that I realized 20 cents in gas is a lot these days. This morning I stopped and hit their soda machine for a few cokes for work and a lady was there complaining to the owner about HER getting ripped off of her last 20 cents last night and the owner denied it... Are they trying to hoard or skim off the top of peoples gas that they have already paid for knowing 18 or 20 cents for most folks isn't worth arguing over??? Have we gotten into that kind of crooked extremes and cheating fellow man??? It was just sad :frown: Bad enough at Badens Grocery adjacent to there, I got ripped off $120.00 by their ATM machine and the owner argued and denied it... it showed up on my bank statement - I learned last night same family owns both :cussing:

see me, I'd have gone back in and said you owe me .20cents right there and then. :shrug: why waste the gas to go back and complain?