

Nothing to see here
Oil prices are spiking again, I'd fill up today cuz I have a feeling that by the weekend, we will be back to 3.25 a gallon. That is all.. :coffee:


I get to expell my brand new $2.299 per gal tank-o-gas driving to DE tomorrow and refill at $3.35.

Otter can I use your Stang? It gets better miliage than my truck.


Nothing to see here
Pete said:
I get to expell my brand new $2.299 per gal tank-o-gas driving to DE tomorrow and refill at $3.35.

Otter can I use your Stang? It gets better miliage than my truck.

It will be above freezing tomorrow, use your bike.


otter said:
Oil prices are spiking again, I'd fill up today cuz I have a feeling that by the weekend, we will be back to 3.25 a gallon. That is all.. :coffee:

It's about time.
I haven't felt ass-raped for a while.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Are you trying to say...

otter said:
Oil prices are spiking again, I'd fill up today cuz I have a feeling that by the weekend, we will be back to 3.25 a gallon. That is all.. :coffee:

...that when Israel bombs the hell out if Iranian nuke facilities, it may have some affect the global fossil fuel chain?


No Longer the Kid
dustin said:
I blame Ray Nagin.

I second that motion....

Why are gas pricin goin back up, I thought they were "supposed" to stay "mildly" low for now....since winter hasnt been as cold as expected

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Middle East...

Softballkid said:
I second that motion....

Why are gas pricin goin back up, I thought they were "supposed" to stay "mildly" low for now....since winter hasnt been as cold as expected


Sharon is ailing; instability, what's next?

Iran is re-opening their nuclear work in defiance of agreements with the Great Nations of Germany, France and Great Britain. Instability, what's going to happen?

So, as gamblers, people are betting that oil is going to go back up enough to make some money on it; they're buying futures and bidding the price up.

By low (what the price is now)
Sell high (at whatever the price goes to if world events make it jump)



No Longer the Kid
Larry Gude said:

Sharon is ailing; instability, what's next?

Iran is re-opening their nuclear work in defiance of agreements with the Great Nations of Germany, France and Great Britain. Instability, what's going to happen?

So, as gamblers, people are betting that oil is going to go back up enough to make some money on it; they're buying futures and bidding the price up.

By low (what the price is now)
Sell high (at whatever the price goes to if world events make it jump)


We just need to drill some in Alaska.... :yay:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
You drill...

Softballkid said:
We just need to drill some in Alaska.... :yay: Alaska.

I want some type of Star Wars energy cell thingy that gets re-charged or re-placed or re-whatever'd once a year. Or every other year. Or never.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Why so high? As Larry said instability in the Middle East and a specific comment by Iran that if sanctions are imposed due to its desire to enrich uranium it would impact their output to the market, plus lower stock levels of crude that would make an interruption more significant, insufficient refining capacity and demands for varying grades due to enviromental regulation, OPEC's strategy of keeping the flow at the level to allow them to control pricing, and then the speculators that make wager on any disruption to the market and play on the fears of the investors. All these and probably more are what has the prices going back up.


Larry Gude said: Alaska.

I want some type of Star Wars energy cell thingy that gets re-charged or re-placed or re-whatever'd once a year. Or every other year. Or never.
"Larry's Original Compact Nuclear Anti-Radiation" device?

LOCNAR device