Gay Advocates seek apology


Well-Known Member
65,000 gay troops? How did they come up with that number? That sounds like a crock. How many people are currently serving; what percentage would 65K comprise?


LordStanley said:
Here, I'll give them one.....

Im sorry your gay.
It's not nice to make a person with 2 head fractures laugh that hard! :killingme


PC junkies aren't into tolerance. They can't tolerate someone having an opinion different from their own. Too bad, waa freakin waa.

If you can tolerate a D!@% in the A$$, you should be able to tolerate a joke, or an opinion!


Fighting like a girl
bohman said:
65,000 gay troops? How did they come up with that number? That sounds like a crock. How many people are currently serving; what percentage would 65K comprise?
So it took me about 10 seconds to find this data which is probably less time than what it took you to write the question:

1,426,713 active duty troops


Or add the reserves, 65000/2600000 = 2.5%

Both numbers seem plausible.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
truby20 said:
So it took me about 10 seconds to find this data which is probably less time than what it took you to write the question:

1,426,713 active duty troops


Or add the reserves, 65000/2600000 = 2.5%

Both numbers seem plausible.

But it's a typical statistical mistake - assuming all statistical populations are perfect samples of the larger population. Can we assume for example, that San Francisco is 2.5% gay, or that male hairdressers are 2.5% gay? Some populations are partially self-selecting. I think it's very possible that don't ask, don't tell discourages many from ever joining.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

...this is about policy; don't ask, don't tell.

Pace says adultery is immoral and homosexuality is immoral. One of the definitions of immoral is 'outside accepted norms' and the military has long said it doesn't like infidelity and homosexuality. Gays don't like the word as another definition of immoral is 'wrong'. People who cheat don't much like it either.

The real debate is whether or not the military should still be gay free in this day and age because all this was brought up again in reviewing Clinton's 'don't ask, don't tell' abomination.

If Pace believes homosexuality is bad for the military, how else is he supposed to make his case?

"We don't want people buggering in fox holes. That's no way to stand a post."

You have to make a judgement, a moral one, when you take that kind of a position. Would NOW accept a membership, or strive for one, that was 50% male? If they exclude men isn't that a moral decision? How about the NAACP? Should they strive to have an organization that is only 12% black? If not, isn't that a moral decision? Should the Girls Scouts be 1/2 boys? Boys Scouts 1/2 girls? Should we ban all boy or girl schools? Bathrooms?

On moral grounds it's acceptable and reasonable to me that NOW doesn't want men, that the NAACP doesn't want whites and so forth; It is in those organizations interests which brings us back to the original question; gays in the military?

Is it bad for the military to have a gay linguist who is fluent in Farsi? Or most any office or clerical setting?

Is it bad to have a gay guy in a tank crew? I wouldn't think a woman stuck with three guys in a tank is a great idea.

I don't accept that being gay makes you unfit for service any more than I accept being straight makes you fit for service. I do, however, think it is a consideration.

I also think Warner is doing what I dislike most about politicians; pandering. What is his position? Is he for or against 'don't ask, don't tell' and why? On what grounds? Moral ones?


Well-Known Member
truby20 said:
So it took me about 10 seconds to find this data which is probably less time than what it took you to write the question:

1,426,713 active duty troops


Or add the reserves, 65000/2600000 = 2.5%

Both numbers seem plausible.

Plausible, maybe. But it would blow my mind to know for certain that 65,000 people made a substantial committment to serve an organization that specifically does not welcome them.

And please forgive me for asking a question and wasting your 10 seconds of research time. Here's hoping you can use your time towards a more valuable purpose in the future. :cheers:


professional daydreamer
...and there was a day that our soldiers didn't want to be in a fox hole with a black man. Then it was women in the military that was the issue, then women in combat.

Do you see a trend here?


New Member
Gays in the military is a great ideer...matter of fact I think they should be our first line of defense...just think of the $$ we'd save on sandbags. :razz:


Roughidle said:
Gays in the military is a great ideer...matter of fact I think they should be our first line of defense...just think of the $$ we'd save on sandbags. :razz:

A whole new meaning to Military AIDS.......:lol:

Larry Gude

Strung Out

elaine said:
...and there was a day that our soldiers didn't want to be in a fox hole with a black man. Then it was women in the military that was the issue, then women in combat.

Do you see a trend here?

...isn't there a rather large difference between a white man who had been raised to think of blacks as inferior human beings and whose superiors thought so as well versus why we don't want a woman in a foxhole with a man of any color?

One of those reasons has changed; the other one never will. Yes? No?


New Member
Here's my 2 cents.

If you are willing to take a bullet to the head for your country, I could care less who you go home to sleep with at night.

Hell, either way...I could care less who you go home to sleep with at night.

If anything wouldn't gay bashers want gays on the front lines?