elaine said:
...and there was a day that our soldiers didn't want to be in a fox hole with a black man. Then it was women in the military that was the issue, then women in combat.
Do you see a trend here?
Women in combat is still an issue, there are still many jobs out there that women are not allowed to do.. a woman can't be part of a tank crew, an infantry platoon, Cavalry Squadron.
As early as Desert Storm, the Marines pulled out ALL of the females from their deploying units, and replaced them with males, or left the billet open when the unit deployed.
One of the reasons (and just one) was the thought of how a male soldier or marine would react to say a wounded female. A male counterpart they may leave for later, finish the fight then tend to the wounded, a female would they stop to take care of her, endangering many more of them? Isn't that the way good men and boys are raised, and the way they are programmed to react?
There are many other reasons too, but that's just the top of the iceberg.
As far as the gays, I think it would be for their own preservation.. an infantryman is not the most PC person in the world.. and after taking showers with his platoon for a month finds out one of them is gay, how do you expect them to react? How can the Army or Marines protect them, and how many assets would that take away from the mission.
Everyone may want to make it acceptable, and everyone may think the military intolerant but there are many reasons for it.
The gay community want everyone to be tolerant of their lifestyle, or even take it a step further and give them extra protections, their own laws, yet they can't be tolerant of someone that was raised with different morals of their own.