Gay Marine proposes in the White House


Jesus would say, hate the sin, love the sinner. - correct.
Put in simplest terms, we are not condemning the individual, merely pointing out what they are doing is against God's law. Jesus would say stop sinning, I forgive you for what you have been doing, but stop.
But you are correct, this person is trying to confuse the issue with the old Hebrew law and it's punishment and the new covenant. Under the New Covenant, the rules didn't change, just the punishment.

No, :lol: No one is tryign to confuse anything at all. I'm simply asking where's the discontent with all the other sins and sinners :shrug: Why continue to bash a minority of people, just to get your rocks off and then hide behind the Bible like the Bible says its okay to do this, as if the Bible were some sort of green light for this behavior. I disagree. You are supposed to love your neighbor. Not bash him for their sins, when we ALL are sinners, are we not? You know, the log in the eye? Where's all the threads started for those that work on the Sundays? Where's the discontent, and hatred and ganging up on? Clearly they were sentenced to death. We all sin, all of us in God's eyes. What goes on in your neighbor's bedroom, really isnt of anyone's business... everyone is a sinner. I dont think gay people choose to be gay either, personally. In the end, its up to them and their creator, not various people on here that feel threatened by indifference and likes to flex their muscles over a miniority of people and then hide behind the Bible saying its okay to do so.