Gay marriage legal in MD


Lem Putt
Tonio said:
I don't know what causes homosexuality, but I believe that people can't choose who they find sexually and romantically attractive.

But I agree completely that all of us are entitled to our own beliefs about homosexuality. I don't demand that they change their personal beliefs, just like I don't demand that gay men at least try to find something attractive about breasts.

What I don't understand is, why do some people have a problem with OTHERS being gay? Shouldn't people who oppose homosexuality be satisfied with following their own moral code? What difference should it make to me if other people are gay? It's not like gays are threatening me with eternal damnation if I don't watch Bravo or Logo. If gays got the legal right to marry or enter into civil unions, that wouldn't make a difference in my daily life.

I have no choice about being straight, because the thought of gay sex nauseates me. I doubt that gays feel any differently about denying their sexuality.

I see three main reasons that people are anti-gay. First is that they aren't able to get beyond their own disgust, so they label anything different from their view as sick. Second would be those who are not confident in their sexuality and fear that they might be "deviant" and want to eliminate the temptation. Third are those who have been taught intolerance and justify it with their religous views.

I don't see how the government belongs in this debate. There are plenty of deviant hetero marriages that have nothing to do with procreation, so why are they legal? If two people want to make a legally binding contract, why should the government stop it?

One of the big anti-gay arguments is the very publicized promiscuity, and the inherent public health risks. Doesn't an exclusive relationship negate that stereotype? While marriage does not guarantee monogamy, it allows legal recourse and can be one more factor in discouraging promiscuity, thereby promoting public health.

I agree with something Vrai said. A marriage before god is a covenenant. Whether or not marriage is based in religion, it is no longer a religious institution. Look at the divorce rate and you can see that.

river rat

bcp said:
should gays be allowed in the restrooms with others of the same sex?
how about the shower at school?
its obvious that we cant put a gay guy in the shower with the girls, every guy in school would suddenly be gay.

If we have to keep men and women seperated in this instance, why do we not need to keep the gays separated from who they might find sexually attractive?

Gays really dont fit into the world as we see it, now do they?

and yes, if they are born that way (something I doubt in most cases) then they are living with a mental illness. So, why dont we try to treat them?

Just goes to so you how well behaved gays really are.
They don't go slapping Azz in the shower....even if it is a community shower through there eyes. So much for the perverted side of the argument


Lem Putt
bcp said:
should gays be allowed in the restrooms with others of the same sex?
how about the shower at school?
its obvious that we cant put a gay guy in the shower with the girls, every guy in school would suddenly be gay.

If we have to keep men and women seperated in this instance, why do we not need to keep the gays separated from who they might find sexually attractive?

Gays really dont fit into the world as we see it, now do they?

and yes, if they are born that way (something I doubt in most cases) then they are living with a mental illness. So, why dont we try to treat them?

Do you really think you haven't shared a shower or bathroom with a gay? Did they hit on you? Will making homosexuallity illegal suddenly rid the world of those you so greatly fear?

I tend to prefer the term anti-gay, but when you show how scared you are of them, maybe you are a homophobe. Are you sure you aren't just scared that you might be gay?


In My Opinion
river rat said:
Just goes to so you how well behaved gays really are.
They don't go slapping Azz in the shower....even if it is a community shower through there eyes. So much for the perverted side of the argument
Yes, but how about if a guy in the girls shower does nothing more than look? is it ok then as long as he does not go rubbing rump?

and I think we all know about the bath houses dont we?:killingme


In My Opinion
MMDad said:
Are you sure you aren't just scared that you might be gay?
Damn, you are a sarcastic bastard arent you :killingme

No sir, I do not have any fear that I might be gay... I cant even walk past an ugly women without getting a woody... never got a woody around a man,, well, there was this one tranny this time,, just kidding.:lmao:


vraiblonde said:
Why not let everyone else have "marriage" and Christians can change their designation to "covenant"? In my mind, it more suits the Christian marriage anyway - you are making a binding promise before God.

I think that is a good question but "marriage" was around a lot longer than the Government. Add to that - the concept of establishing "civil unions" is a new concept in history. "Marriage" will always be seen as an institution of the church - nothing will ever change that.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
bcp said:
should gays be allowed in the restrooms with others of the same sex?
What are you going to do - get an affidavit at the door to make sure no gay guys get in the men's restroom? Do a weenie sniff test?


I wish a few of you actually knew a gay person so you'd realize how ignorant and bigoted you sound.


vraiblonde said:
GED is not the same thing as a high school diploma. Many employers require a diploma and will not accept a GED - that's why a lot of people who got their GED go back and finish high school for that diploma.

Well that may have been a bad analogy...just hope you understood the point I was trying to make with the bad analogy. :)


Lem Putt
ajhkmr97 said:
I think that is a good question but "marriage" was around a lot longer than the Government. Add to that - the concept of establishing "civil unions" is a new concept in history. "Marriage" will always be seen as an institution of the church - nothing will ever change that.

Which church?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
ajhkmr97 said:
"Marriage" will always be seen as an institution of the church - nothing will ever change that.
That is simply not true. Millions of people have been married in civil ceremonies. I do not see marriage as a religious institution or I never would have done it. It is a legal designation - that's it.

You can SAY it's a religious institution, but that doesn't make it so.


MMDad said:
Which church?

Ahhh....good question. I am referring to any church in the modern sense but all my references about "marriage" being older than our government - then I am referring to the church Christ established Peter (I think) - the very church which all other churches trace their roots to.


vraiblonde said:
That is simply not true. Millions of people have been married in civil ceremonies. I do not see marriage as a religious institution or I never would have done it. It is a legal designation - that's it.

You can SAY it's a religious institution, but that doesn't make it so.


Lem Putt
ajhkmr97 said:
Ahhh....good question. I am referring to any church in the modern sense but all my references about "marriage" being older than our government - then I am referring to the church Christ established Peter (I think) - the very church which all other churches trace their roots to.

I've never known a Jew who traced his religion to Christ, yet they marry. I guess you believe that all buddhists, muslims, hindu's, etc. all trace their religion back to christ? Wow, isn't it arrogant to think that the western marriage tradition affected the rest of the world before it ever existed?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
ajhkmr97 said:
I am referring to the church Christ established Peter (I think) - the very church which all other churches trace their roots to.
What about Jews? Can they get married?



vraiblonde said:
That is simply not true. Millions of people have been married in civil ceremonies. I do not see marriage as a religious institution or I never would have done it. It is a legal designation - that's it.

You can SAY it's a religious institution, but that doesn't make it so.

If you ask any Christian (and how many make up US society?) if they think marriage is an institution of the church - they will say "Yes". Marriage was institutionalized before Christ (ok...not going into theological debate on that)

Ya know, it is just a matter of perspective I suppose. I truely believe that marriage was established by God via the church. If I am wrong....then I am wrong. I would like someone to verify if I am or am not right in this.

As i said before - it is a matter of asking under what authority are you holding yourself accountable for the vows you make during "marriage". God or the Government?


MMDad said:
I've never known a Jew who traced his religion to Christ, yet they marry. I guess you believe that all buddhists, muslims, hindu's, etc. all trace their religion back to christ? Wow, isn't it arrogant to think that the western marriage tradition affected the rest of the world before it ever existed?

Please dont put words to my mouth. You are reading way too much into what I am saying - which is - opinion after all. I dont understand Jewish law and never said anything about Judism, Buddism, Islam, whatever.... I am only talking about the Christian church and I appologize for assuming that you knew that.

Whether or not you think my opinioin is arrogant is beside the point. I am NOT criticizing your opinions.....debating your opposing views but that is it. Lets just get along and enjoy a heathy debate without giving the sense that we are attaching one another.
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Lem Putt
ajhkmr97 said:
Please dont put words to my mouth. You are reading way too much into what I am saying - which is - opinion after all. I dont understand Jewish law and never said anything about Judism, Buddism, Islam, whatever.... I am only talking about the Christian church and I appologize for assuming that you knew that.

Whether or not you think my opinioin is arrogant is beside the point. I am criticizing your opinions.....debating your opposing views but that is it. Lets just get along and enjoy a heathy debate without giving the sense that we are attaching one another.

You said that marriage comes from the christian church. If you'd like to backpedal, go ahead, but the truth is that marriage existed before and independent of christianity.


MMDad said:
You said that marriage comes from the christian church. If you'd like to backpedal, go ahead, but the truth is that marriage existed before and independent of christianity.

I'm not trying to "back pedal" and never said marriage came from the Christian church. i was speaking from a Christian perspective only. Again, i appologize for assuming that you knew that.

You are absolutely right in my book - marriage existed long before Christianity!