Gay Priests or not?

Males that molest boys are

  • homosexual

    Votes: 38 97.4%
  • heterosexual

    Votes: 1 2.6%

  • Total voters


Iron City
bcp said:
I have to disagree with you here.
If (and there is no way in hell) I were to decide to molest a child, I can honestly say that there would be no chance that I would decide that giving a young boy a knobber would be the way to go.
Males do not interest me.
I think that if someone has sex, rape or otherwise with someone of their own sex, they are gay.

if the priest was not gay, he would go after the little girls.

and again, I think I have to disagree.
I feel that with your comment you are giving them too much understanding by asking for such a easy death.

Im sure we can think of ways to torture them for years and years and years before they finally pass away in some sort of hideous manner.
I really hope that you don't think a gay man is inclined to rape or, as you so eloquently put, "otherwise" with someone. (Just WTF do you mean by that?) Gay does not mean that person will abuse others.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" /><o:p></o:p>


In my experience, there is no connection between being "Gay" and a child molester. Two REALLY different things a$$hat.



Iron City
Tonio said:
I don't know if pedophiles have orientations or not. I'm not sure it's even relevant. Whether a pedophile favors boys or girls, he or she is still a sick monster. The orientation probably doesn't made a damn bit of difference to the victims.

Regarding adult homosexuality, I don't believe it's wrong. I think it's unusual but not disgusting.
I am not gay I do have family that is. I love my gay family person with all of my heart. However, he is not the scary sex thing homophobes are so worried about. He is in a relationship with a man he loves, and has been for 20 years. If you met either one of them, you would never belive they were "traditionally" gay. They are normal guys who love each other. Being gay involves a complete relationship outside of the sex crap some are worried about, the same as being hetero...if you look at a man and women, do you immediately think about how they have sex? Certainly not. Then why would you with a gay couple. Think about it. Unusual, yes, disgusting, I think not.

Peodphiles are a complete different person totally unrelated to being gay.


New Member
mrweb said:
I am not gay I do have family that is. I love my gay family person with all of my heart. However, he is not the scary sex thing homophobes are so worried about. He is in a relationship with a man he loves, and has been for 20 years. If you met either one of them, you would never belive they were "traditionally" gay. They are normal guys who love each other. Being gay involves a complete relationship outside of the sex crap some are worried about, the same as being hetero...if you look at a man and women, do you immediately think about how they have sex? Certainly not. Then why would you with a gay couple. Think about it. Unusual, yes, disgusting, I think not.

Peodphiles are a complete different person totally unrelated to being gay.

:yeahthat: Rape and molestation is about POWER and CONTROL and it has nothing to do with sex, the perps just use sex as a weapon. The forcing of someone to do something is the “thing” that gets them off for these creeps not the act itself. Pedophiles or phebophiles go after the group they are able to attack the easiest. How many alter girls do you know? You just hear more about the priests then you do the Boy Scout leaders or the coaches. Unfortunately, most of these perps that you don’t hear about are married men (who would be considered straight). I also have a family member who is gay and I have good friends who are gay. They would never think of going after a child just like I would never think of going after a child. Being gay has nothing to do with molestation and neither does being straight.


Registered Smarta$$
Josimmon said:
:yeahthat: Rape and molestation is about POWER and CONTROL and it has nothing to do with sex, the perps just use sex as a weapon. The forcing of someone to do something is the “thing” that gets them off for these creeps not the act itself. Pedophiles or phebophiles go after the group they are able to attack the easiest. How many alter girls do you know? You just hear more about the priests then you do the Boy Scout leaders or the coaches. Unfortunately, most of these perps that you don’t hear about are married men (who would be considered straight). I also have a family member who is gay and I have good friends who are gay. They would never think of going after a child just like I would never think of going after a child. Being gay has nothing to do with molestation and neither does being straight.

"You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Josimmon again"

I did not answer the survey because there was not a choice for "it doesn't matter". Whether a perp is gay or straight does not play into it.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
mrweb said:
I really hope that you don't think a gay man is inclined to rape or, as you so eloquently put, "otherwise" with someone. (Just WTF do you mean by that?)
Read again - that's not what he said. He said that if a man has sex with another male, that makes him homosexual, whether it was consentual sex or not.

I agree with that.

I'll admit I am suspicious of Catholicism in general, and am not inclined to defend the priesthood or the Catholic hierarchy - but that's another conversation. I've tried to be open-minded about the pedophile priests and how the Vatican covered it up because I know how anti-religion the Leftist media is in this country, so you have to take what they say with a grain of salt. Socialists typically don't like an authority higher than whatever dictator they've chosen, therefore they aren't real interested in religious faith. And our media is definitely made up of Socialists.

But the Vatican has a bad history of coming down on the side of money and power, saying to hell with the common folk, let 'em swing. So it's not hard to believe that the priesthood has a large predatory homosexual faction, which discourages good men who could be a boon to the Church.

Anyway, after all that rambling :lol: - yes, male priests who rape/molest other males are homosexual. Otherwise they'd go after young females instead.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Merlin said:
Whether a perp is gay or straight does not play into it.
It does from the standpoint that the gay rights groups are trying to say that predatory priests are not homosexuals, because they don't want this particular segment to be associated with them.

It's like heterosexuals saying that a man who rapes females isn't heterosexual. Of course he is - just a predatory heterosexual.

And there's some validity to their agenda, because when a man rapes a woman nobody automatically assumes that all men are rapists. But when a gay man rapes a young boy, many people do assume that all gay men are rapists and pedophiles.

That's why the gay groups want to disassociate themselves from pedophile priests.


Iron City
vraiblonde said:
Read again - that's not what he said. He said that if a man has sex with another male, that makes him homosexual, whether it was consentual sex or not.

I agree with that.

I'll admit I am suspicious of Catholicism in general, and am not inclined to defend the priesthood or the Catholic hierarchy - but that's another conversation. I've tried to be open-minded about the pedophile priests and how the Vatican covered it up because I know how anti-religion the Leftist media is in this country, so you have to take what they say with a grain of salt. Socialists typically don't like an authority higher than whatever dictator they've chosen, therefore they aren't real interested in religious faith. And our media is definitely made up of Socialists.

But the Vatican has a bad history of coming down on the side of money and power, saying to hell with the common folk, let 'em swing. So it's not hard to believe that the priesthood has a large predatory homosexual faction, which discourages good men who could be a boon to the Church.

Anyway, after all that rambling :lol: - yes, male priests who rape/molest other males are homosexual. Otherwise they'd go after young females instead.
I agree, I just didn't know what "otherwise" meant.


Dancing Up A Storm
Does anyone feel castration is out of the question - as a punishment - for those kinds of men?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Penn said:
Does anyone feel castration is out of the question - as a punishment - for those kinds of men?
I'm not a torch and pitchfork wielder. I don't want to torture or dismember anyone. With me it's very matter-of-fact and unemotional: Strap them to Old Sparky and flip the switch. Problem solved.


wandering aimlessly
I see it like this:
Men who have sex with men are homosexual
Women who have sex with women are homosexual
Men who have sex with women are heterosexual
Women who have sex with men are heterosexual
Men or women who have sex with children are to be killed immediately, no title necessary.
Simple, straightforward.


In My Opinion
mrweb said:
I agree, I just didn't know what "otherwise" meant.
I am guessing that you are referring to this "otherwise"
BCP said:
I think that if someone has sex, rape or otherwise with someone of their own sex, they are gay.
So let me clear it up since we want to play with words.
otherwise in this instance would include sex with consent. I understand how hard that was to decipher, I apologize.

next on the agenda is that some people here seem to think that I am saying that all gays molest children.
not true.
I think that there is no higher rate of molestation in the gay community than there is in the hetero community.

what I am saying is that when somebody molests a child that is the same sex as they are,, that person is gay. or acting in a manner that would suggest a gay orientation.


New Member
bcp said:
I am guessing that you are referring to this "otherwise"

So let me clear it up since we want to play with words.
otherwise in this instance would include sex with consent. I understand how hard that was to decipher, I apologize.

next on the agenda is that some people here seem to think that I am saying that all gays molest children.
not true.
I think that there is no higher rate of molestation in the gay community than there is in the hetero community.

what I am saying is that when somebody molests a child that is the same sex as they are,, that person is gay. or acting in a manner that would suggest a gay orientation.

When somebody molests a child that is the the same sex as they are, that person is an attacker or acting in a manner that is criminal. They are a pedophile. A gay person is a consensual person that is attracted to another consensual person of the same sex. Molesting a child is always rape, which is not about sex.


Registered Smarta$$
bcp said:
I am guessing that you are referring to this "otherwise"

So let me clear it up since we want to play with words.
otherwise in this instance would include sex with consent. I understand how hard that was to decipher, I apologize.

next on the agenda is that some people here seem to think that I am saying that all gays molest children.
not true.
I think that there is no higher rate of molestation in the gay community than there is in the hetero community.

what I am saying is that when somebody molests a child that is the same sex as they are,, that person is gay. or acting in a manner that would suggest a gay orientation.

There were studies done back in the ‘80s that showed that there are two categories of men who have sex with young boys. They are (1) pedophiles with a history of only having sex with pre-pubescent children (male or female), or (2) have a history of predominantly having sex with sexually mature females. I think in one study of child sex offenders, not a single one of the perps had a history of having had sex only/predominantly with sexually mature males. They were not classified as being gay.


Registered Smarta$$
Penn said:
Does anyone feel castration is out of the question - as a punishment - for those kinds of men?
They would still rape even if they had no...they would just use something else instead. I say cut the piece of the brain that makes them be agressive out.


Dancing Up A Storm
Merlin said:
They would still rape even if they had no...they would just use something else instead. I say cut the piece of the brain that makes them be aggressive out.
Maybe both operations could be performed?

One: They wouldn't have the "tools" to cause physical and mental harm.

Two: They'd always feel there's something that is missing, but wouldn't know why.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

bcp said:
It has come up once again in another forum that priests who prey on young boys are not gay.

my theory is that pedophile or not, if you have interest sexually in someone of your own sex, you are acting in a manner that would constitute a gay preference.

what do you think.

...we were told not to long ago that a blowjob is not sex. 45 million people agreed.

I guess it can be whatever you need it to be.


In My Opinion
Larry Gude said:
...we were told not to long ago that a blowjob is not sex. 45 million people agreed.
Well, if 45 million think this way, that would mean that mathmatically about half of those, or around 22.5 million of those would be women that dont look at a blow job as a sexual encounter.

I need to know where they are.



Iron City
mrweb said:
I am not gay I do have family that is. I love my gay family person with all of my heart. However, he is not the scary sex thing homophobes are so worried about. He is in a relationship with a man he loves, and has been for 20 years. If you met either one of them, you would never belive they were "traditionally" gay. They are normal guys who love each other. Being gay involves a complete relationship outside of the sex crap some are worried about, the same as being hetero...if you look at a man and women, do you immediately think about how they have sex? Certainly not. Then why would you with a gay couple. Think about it. Unusual, yes, disgusting, I think not.

Peodphiles are a complete different person totally unrelated to being gay.
Man, the red I got on my comments. To all those who gave me red, read my post and, if you are able to process my comments, you might understand where I come from. What a bunch of homophobes. In my book, the problem with our society is not with gay folks, but with straight folks not able to maintain a relationship or strong family structure...and yes, I have been very happy in my 28 year marriage. Perhaps you folks should concentrate on your own relationships instead of spending so much time on your computer complaining about gays.


Asperger's Poster Child
vraiblonde said:
He said that if a man has sex with another male, that makes him homosexual, whether it was consentual sex or not.

I agree with that.
I don't. I think if people are sexually and romantically attracted to people of the same gender, that makes them gay even if they are celibate. (What causes people to be attracted to the same gender? I don't know.) I think the same thing applies to straight people who lead celibate lives, such as clergy in various religions. And I think the idea that a straight person can be "converted" to homosexuality, or vice versa, is a load of crap.