Gay TV

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Anybody consider that BBC may be on meds?

And, get ready, they are both right.

Wow, man...look at the pretty lights!?



New Member
Vrai - I suppose Gay tv wouldn't be just about sex.. I was just using that... But Im sure it would be about relationships - people accepting - people not accepting - stories of people who are actually gay - and what trauma events took place in their lives.. Kinda like lifetime..


No Larry, I am not on any Meds, but I am pretty high on life right now because Ken is agreeing with me and I am pretty darn excited about that.:dude:


Asperger's Poster Child
A bit of humor about what might happen if  Gay TV becomes a reality:

Husband channel-surfs, spots a film playing and stops to watch. Wife walks into the family room. “What are you watching?” she asks.

“Oh, some movie,” he replies. “Hey, that guy has a cute butt.”


“Why did I say that?” Befuddled, the husband looks down at his hands curiously. “What in the world—my wrists are getting limp!”

“Are you OK, honey? Your voice is developing a strange lilting quality.”

“I don’t know,” he says, a frightened tremor creeping into his voice. “What’s happening to me? Now I have this sudden urge to move into a tastefully decorated apartment in Dupont Circle!”

“What are you watching, anyway?” She checks the remote and then picks up the TV guide. “Oh, no, you’re watching Gay TV! Turn it off, quick!” she shouts.

“You’re right! That has to be the answer!” Grabbing the remote, he begins frantically hitting buttons. “I’ll turn on ESPN. I need some testosterone-laden, bone-crunching sports action. That will put me on the straight and narrow.”

The channel finally changes, but it isn’t ESPN. “Honey, that’s the Home and Garden network!” she shouts. “It’s Christopher Lowell! Don’t look!”

“Oh my God, he’s starting to sound normal!” he cries. Now in a full-scale panic, he cringes in his Barcalounger. “Help me! I’ve fallen victim to the vast left-wing conspiracy to turn decent family men into prancing, mincing queens! I can feel my heterosexuality slipping away even as I speak! Quick, call Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson. I need them to deprogram me before it’s too late!!”


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
The good news is that your wife would like you better :lol:  Maybe I'll get Gay TV for my husband :lol:

That would be a cute promo for them to run if they ever get their network off the ground, though.  Or am I the only one who has a twisted, sarcastic sense of humor?


Sharon on 1:45 pm on Jan. 22, 2002[br]I don't think it will work out and here's why...It is geared to a very small percentage of the population, that by itself is not economically viable to me.  People will protest their sponsers.  At first glance it will have a following from homosexuals and curiosity seekers but will probably lag in ratings later.  Hey, what do I know about TV?  We have cable and DirecTV--500 channels of mostly crap.  Although I do like movies I hardly ever watch sitcoms or TV shows.

TT...let me hear your views since you brought it up.

I agree with Sharon!  I think it would be like the XFL... Blasts off ok but did not have enough support for the endurance race.


If they want to do an all gay channel so be it. Does not mean I have to watch it.
As far a std's they are restricted to gay only people. What people watch is their own choice as far as thekids watcing shows that are not good for them, that is up to the parents not the the people who run the shows
well I for one think gay tv is a great idea... i am not neccesarily saying that i am gay just that it gives a much broader view of what the world is really like... and on another note what is wrong with kids watching gay tv... i agree with you they shouldn't watch anything r rated or anything like that ...but if there are just normal shows about say a gay does that differ from watching a show about a straight couple...

i mean if you had an all gay Friends for instance and one of the characters wanted to have a baby, would that be any worse than watching the normal friends...

I don't see anything the matter with allowing kids to watch Gay TV.. but like I said with parental discretion


Enjoying life!
I didn't read this whole thread, but whether your gay or straight, we are all queer in some way. Aren't we?

There are more worthy things to b*tch about...
Gay TV channel may be in U.S. by fall
Thu May 2, 2:54 PM ET
Dan Kerman,

Just saw this article on yahoo earlier today! woo-hoo! Bring it on! Can;t wait till fall!


I don’t see what the big deal is.  If you don’t want to watch it, turn the channel.  


I'm another hetrosexual in favor of gay rights. It's only a matter of time before homosexuality is just another subculture, like beatnicks or truckers or wrestling fans. This is the way that our society progresses. Remember the 1890's ministers who told us that black folk don't have souls? Made a lot of sense then...I guess. Or even that Irish were a seperate race from English. Time dispells a lot of stupid myths...Oh this gay talk reminds me of my favorite religious joke..."What do you call 2 gay men named Bob?...Oral Roberts"....My white Right Wing conspiracy neighbor hates that it's my duty to pass it on.....And for those who think I'm homophobe with that joke obviousley don't get it.


I see this as being horrible like the Ellen show after she came out of the closet. Did anyone else notice that every line or two she said Im gay or made some kind of joke about it?

What I expect will be on is stuff that is so annoying that it would annoy me if it was about being straight. How come every so called "gay" show constantly throws being gay out there? I mean I dont live my life constantly reminding everyone about my sexual preference, heck I dont think about it most of the time cept when I wanna get laid. There are quite a few gay people out there that I label as normal, but alot whose whole life revolves arround being gay. Heck people that are straight whose whole life revolves arround their sexual preference have problems.

I attended a very liberal college and and gay pride week was a bunch of people running arround saying Im gay you have to accept that. Being a person involves so much more than being straight or gay, just be a person that happens to be gay and you will more than likely be accepted much more readily.

Just wanted to get that out there.


It is a luxury for hetros NOT to have to think about their sexual preference and not worry about it. They are not the ones who could be chastized at any moment. Gays and lesbians havae it rough that way. But they also have more fun than any segment of the population that I've met yet. But I have to agree with Heretic on a point. The Ellen show was too over the top and depended way too much on being gay. That was it's whole basis for being. Many times the show struggled too hard to push the gay vibe without actually doing anything gay, because that's what the majority of viewing population really does not wanna see (well, I guess lesbians have a bit more leeway when it comes to public display...another indicator of who's in charge of acceptability). I don't like people who have to assert their gayness and prove to me that they really are gay. That is not necessary. If that's the type of person that they are then it doesn't matter what sexual preferance they have, they'll have the same attitude it and it's the attitude that I cant be around. Maybe it just shows that they're not fully comfortable with themselves yet. These people I've met like this are newly out of the closet and militant....It's a lot like born again Christians, alive with the spirit and want you to feel it too....Or, to be up with the times, born again Pagan...the whole Wiccan revival....spare me your broom speech.....Alright....too many words...not enough content....I digress