Gays in the military...

Open gay will mean...

  • Less volunteers

    Votes: 14 18.2%
  • More volunteers

    Votes: 3 3.9%
  • No difference

    Votes: 60 77.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Well-Known Member
As Pixie already pointed out, you are wrong. But in any case, we are discussing the military, so it doesn't matter what the dictionary says. The only thing that matters is what the UCMJ and regulations say.
As I pointed out above, Pixie was right for her dictionary, but not all.

And, as I pointed out previously, the UCMJ defines it both ways (for male/male and for heterosexual).
No, it's only prosecuted as part of another greater crime, like fraternization, conduct unbecoming, adultry, dereliction of duty, etc.

It hasn't been prosecuted alone in decades.
Why hasn't it? Is there a problem with proving it? How does one discover sodomy?
Looks like you need to take a reading comprehension course. I am able to understand what you write, and I am able to draw logical conclusions from that.
Then why :blah: me? :lol:
I told you that the military almost never (since they have in the past but not now) prosecutes straights for sodomy. I then said that prosecuting gays for sodomy would not be equal protection. You said that since they prosecute straights (they don't) then it would be equal.
They prosecute those that they catch in the act, as far as I can tell. Again, how do they know to prosecute? Do they set up bedroom cams, or is there some other form of "tell"?

If you "tell" that's what you do, shouldn't you be prosecuted equally? Can you show some time that a chain of command was informed in some official fashion and failed to prosecute because of sexual orientation?
You should probably wait to debate until JPC runs again. He's a good match for you.
I see no difference.....


havoc is havoc
I for one know that gays have been and still are serving in the military and I thank them for their service. They are Patriots one and all. I just find the timing off for a law to be passed to undo DADT. This is not something to jump into while combat operations are going on. This has a greater impact on the military to figure out how to implement a new policy to handle openly gay members of our armed forces. Look how long it took to put women in combatant ships and then in combat roles. How can the military handle this with no guidance from the rest of the country? Gay people can't be married in almost every state in the union, so if they have no rights in the states they live in then why is it we ask the military to recognize and accept what the rest of the country doesn't want to. The military is voluntary and all gay members joined under DADT. And someone please tell me what are the guide lines and restrictions of being openly gay. I'm not against gays serving in the military, but how do you set a policy and regulations for this when gays can be married in some states and not others, but the military has to suddenly have to accomodate same sex spouses before the state and federal levels have to...Not the time for this to happen in my opinion. Should have no impact on people fullfilling their patriotic duties.


Lem Putt
Why hasn't it? Is there a problem with proving it? How does one discover sodomy?Then why :blah: me? :lol:They prosecute those that they catch in the act, as far as I can tell. Again, how do they know to prosecute? Do they set up bedroom cams, or is there some other form of "tell"?

Under Lawerence v. Texas, the Supreme Court essentially invalidated sodomy laws based on the due proces clause of the 14th Amendment.

The United States Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces has found that the Lawerence decision applies to Article 125 in all but some very narrowly applied cases.

The military has exceptions to the due process clause, but there must be a good reason for it. Using Article 125 in order to get around a DADT repeal would not be a valid reason.

Witnesses tend to be a start for proof. The only cases I am aware of involved public acts. For example, at a party, a guy passes out and his drunk buddy starts performing on him. Someone walks in. It was a sexual assault, prosecuted under Article 120, but the sodomy was also prosecuted under Article 125.

And, as I pointed out previously, the UCMJ defines it both ways (for male/male and for heterosexual).

“(a) Any person subject to this chapter who engages in unnatural carnal copulation with another person of the same or opposite sex or with an animal is guilty of sodomy. Penetration, however slight, is sufficient to complete the offense."

You keep on saying it separates the charges. Where? It clearly states that it is sodomy if it is same or opposite sex. It does not make a distinction, it removes any distinction. It says the exact opposite of what you claim.

You should really try learning about the topic before throwing in your baseless and unfounded theories.

Did you ever serve? You don't seem to understand the way the military works at all.


Well-Known Member
So your on the ship come out of the shower stall and a gay man is looking at your ass, NOT. I see nothing but trouble, it will be trouble that we won't hear about either.


Well-Known Member
Witnesses tend to be a start for proof.
My point exactly. Someone has to "tell".
You keep on saying it separates the charges. Where? It clearly states that it is sodomy if it is same or opposite sex. It does not make a distinction, it removes any distinction. It says the exact opposite of what you claim.
Well, let's look at what I claim:
And, as I pointed out previously, the UCMJ defines it both ways (for male/male and for heterosexual).
Nope, seems you're mistaking me for someone else. Seems I've said all along it applies to all sexual orientations equally.

Sucks to be you.
You should really try learning about the topic before throwing in your baseless and unfounded theories.
:lmao: Huh, based on you continuously getting my argument wrong, even after I state it very clearly, I wonder if you want to rethink that statement!
Did you ever serve? You don't seem to understand the way the military works at all.
Yes, as a matter of fact I did. I have a very good understanding of how it works. You?