Gee, how can that be


Well-Known Member
kakistocratic I had to look it up, but damned if it shouldn't have our Government's picture right next to it.


Up. Identified. Lase. Fire. On the way.
...the perfidy of the Republican Party as a whole....
Saw this story at AoS the other day and while it caught my eye it didn't catch my eye:
Tucker Carlson, the Repubs, & Paul Singer

Read a bit of it and then went on to other things. Then I saw this today (specifically, the first half of the article):

Read through the first half and my reaction was, "You have to be effing kidding me!" Here's a snip:
Tucker Carlson is rapidly becoming America’s most important television journalist, because Carlson is willing, where no others are, to call out the abject lies emanating from the mainstream Beltway spin machine.

And earlier this week Carlson did the public two important services.

First, he provided a measure of accountability, where virtually no one else would, in savaging “vulture capitalist” and GOP mega-donor Paul Singer for what the latter did to the town of Sidney, Nebraska, in 2015. Singer bought stock in the hunting-and-fishing-gear retailer Cabela’s, and from his fresh seat on the company’s board he cajoled its management into agreeing on the company’s sale to Bass Pro Shops. That sale hit Sidney, the home of Cabela’s corporate headquarters, especially hard. Some 2,000 jobs went away in a town of less than 10,000 people, and the economic effects of Singer’s actions there were akin to a nuclear bomb dropping on the town.

So I went back and found the clip from that episode:

Unbelievable. Having been to Sidney, NE (ironically, just before Singer did his thing) we fell in love with the town. We resolved to go back; even considered it as a place to retire. I was floored, crushed, furious....

So why so angry? Well, the last comment Carlson makes about a text he receives as the clip aired demonstrates the perfidy of many in the Republican Party (who seem to claim residency in and loyalty to DC rather than the states that elected them). Interesting that the Republican senator he mentions is a vocal #NeverTrumper. So, if only to stick a middle finger in the face of these venal* politicians I will enthusiastically vote "Trump" once again in 2020.

* Venal: capable of being bought or obtained for money or other valuable consideration.

Rant over. Wishing all a pleasant weekend.

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