Gee, how can that be


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
You're continually full of crap.!!!!

View attachment 142946
:killingme LMFAO..I got this down to an art form....I can almost hear Chrissy fussin' and a sputterin' all the way over heah...


Well-Known Member
You're continually full of crap.!!!!

View attachment 142946

OUCH!!! :lmao:

Although I am sure Gilligan will come back with "But..BUT... I was fishing the whole time!"

EDIT: Looks like he did that EXACT thing as I was typing this :killingme


Well-Known Member
I can almost hear



Well-Known Member
Fish. In a barrel.. ;-)

Pretty good tactic you use though. Spew drivel and nonsense all day and when you get called on it (even by showing you in black and white) you just claim you were "fishing." Its really too bad that someone of your age cannot admit that you are wrong. Seems to be a common theme around here :yay:


The people that voted for Trump are so vested in rationalizing their vote that they will tell themselves anything to convince themselves that they made the right choice in the primary


I didn't like Trump in 2016. Hell, I didn't like Trump in 1985. I've thought he was a huge douche back then, and now I think he's a yuge douche. I literally rolled my eyes throughout the 00's every time someone used the term "The Donald". Back when people who hate his guts now loved him, and figuratively massaged his balls at every opportunity.

But I voted for him - and I don't need to rationalize anything to anyone, and I don't need convince myself that I made the right choice. All I have to do is remind myself that he was running against Hillary Clinton and I can sleep like a ****ing baby every night. I can only imagine how many people would have been "commit-suicide"ed over the past 3 years if she won. But I can guarantee you one thing - everyone on the left is talking about "protecting the whistleblower" right now... if She had won, the label "whistleblower" would be a goddam death sentence right about now.

You're right about one thing, though. I don't care if Trump hasn't accomplished anything.

Furthermore, I don't care that this 106th Congress hasn't accomplished anything either.

Actually - I do care that they haven't accomplished anything.... I care, in that I am in favor of it, and I hope they all continue to accomplish nothing.

The less that the Executive and Legislative Branches "accomplish", the less they've ****ed up my life. I hope Trump wins in 2020. I hope the Democrats keep the House in 2020. Because that means they will continue to keep their sites on one another, and not on me and my family.

It's not exactly "smaller" government, per se - but as long as they're focused on ramrodding one another, the more they're leaving me the **** out of it.

I'll take that.

And it's moderately amusing. In a pathetic and exhausting kind of way. Like watching an episode of Two Broke Girls.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member

I didn't like Trump in 2016. Hell, I didn't like Trump in 1985. I've thought he was a huge douche back then, and now I think he's a yuge douche.

But I voted for him - and I don't need to rationalize anything to anyone, and I don't need convince myself that I made the right choice. All I have to do is remind myself that he was running against Hillary Clinton and I can sleep like a ****ing baby every night. I can only imagine how many people would have been "commit-suicide"ed over the past 3 years if she won. But I can guarantee you one thing - everyone on the left is talking about "protecting the whistleblower" right now... if She had won, the label "whistleblower" would be a goddam death sentence right about now.

You're right about one thing, though. I don't care if Trump hasn't accomplished anything.

Furthermore, I don't care that this 106th Congress hasn't accomplished anything either.

Actually - I do care that they haven't accomplished anything.... I care, in that I am in favor of it, and I hope they all continue to accomplish nothing.

The less that the Executive and Legislative Branches "accomplish", the less they've ****ed up my life. I hope Trump wins in 2020. I hope the Democrats keep the House in 2020. Because that means they will continue to keep their sites on one another, and not on me and my family.

It's not exactly "smaller" government, per se - but as long as they're focused on ramrodding one another, the more they're leaving me the **** out of it.

I'll take that.

And it's moderately amusing. In a pathetic and exhausting kind of way. Like watching an episode of Two Broke Girls.
Toxicus Maximus everyone. :dingding::yahoo:


Well-Known Member
Is that the defense now? He couldn't have passed anything anyway, so he didn't try?

I have no idea what “the defense” is, nor was I trying to defend anything but reality, nor do either one of us have even one shred of objective quality evidence that he hasn’t tried.

You made a claim I presumed out of ignorance of the process and I provided context to show how your claim wasn’t valid. Everything else you responded to was apparently based on voices in your head because they have nothing to do with reality.

The entire GOP has been beating the "repeal and replace" drum since Obamacare was enacted.

Are we still fined and therefore susceptible to jail for non-compliance with the ACA?


Well-Known Member

I didn't like Trump in 2016. Hell, I didn't like Trump in 1985. I've thought he was a huge douche back then, and now I think he's a yuge douche. I literally rolled my eyes throughout the 00's every time someone used the term "The Donald". Back when people who hate his guts now loved him, and figuratively massaged his balls at every opportunity.

But I voted for him - and I don't need to rationalize anything to anyone, and I don't need convince myself that I made the right choice. All I have to do is remind myself that he was running against Hillary Clinton and I can sleep like a ****ing baby every night. I can only imagine how many people would have been "commit-suicide"ed over the past 3 years if she won. But I can guarantee you one thing - everyone on the left is talking about "protecting the whistleblower" right now... if She had won, the label "whistleblower" would be a goddam death sentence right about now.

You're right about one thing, though. I don't care if Trump hasn't accomplished anything.

Furthermore, I don't care that this 106th Congress hasn't accomplished anything either.

Actually - I do care that they haven't accomplished anything.... I care, in that I am in favor of it, and I hope they all continue to accomplish nothing.

The less that the Executive and Legislative Branches "accomplish", the less they've ****ed up my life. I hope Trump wins in 2020. I hope the Democrats keep the House in 2020. Because that means they will continue to keep their sites on one another, and not on me and my family.

It's not exactly "smaller" government, per se - but as long as they're focused on ramrodding one another, the more they're leaving me the **** out of it.

I'll take that.

And it's moderately amusing. In a pathetic and exhausting kind of way. Like watching an episode of Two Broke Girls.
Post of the day.


Damned glad to meet you

I didn't like Trump in 2016. Hell, I didn't like Trump in 1985. I've thought he was a huge douche back then, and now I think he's a yuge douche. I literally rolled my eyes throughout the 00's every time someone used the term "The Donald". Back when people who hate his guts now loved him, and figuratively massaged his balls at every opportunity.

But I voted for him - and I don't need to rationalize anything to anyone, and I don't need convince myself that I made the right choice. All I have to do is remind myself that he was running against Hillary Clinton and I can sleep like a ****ing baby every night. I can only imagine how many people would have been "commit-suicide"ed over the past 3 years if she won. But I can guarantee you one thing - everyone on the left is talking about "protecting the whistleblower" right now... if She had won, the label "whistleblower" would be a goddam death sentence right about now.

You're right about one thing, though. I don't care if Trump hasn't accomplished anything.

Furthermore, I don't care that this 106th Congress hasn't accomplished anything either.

Actually - I do care that they haven't accomplished anything.... I care, in that I am in favor of it, and I hope they all continue to accomplish nothing.

The less that the Executive and Legislative Branches "accomplish", the less they've ****ed up my life. I hope Trump wins in 2020. I hope the Democrats keep the House in 2020. Because that means they will continue to keep their sites on one another, and not on me and my family.

It's not exactly "smaller" government, per se - but as long as they're focused on ramrodding one another, the more they're leaving me the **** out of it.

I'll take that.

And it's moderately amusing. In a pathetic and exhausting kind of way. Like watching an episode of Two Broke Girls.
I hope Toxick doesn't mind me adding one last thought to his lovely post, Epstein didn't kill himself.


Well-Known Member
I thought King Putt had fixed all that stuff..

Dont cha know, the evil republicans sabotaged the whole thing and the increases in healthcare cost since is all the result of what the republicans did after the grand-plan was passed (before anyone read it).


Well-Known Member
Unlike Globalists, I like America First.

I voted against Hillary when I voted for Trump in 2016, but when I vote this time in 2020 it will be for Trump.

For one thing there is nothing running against him, that I CAN vote for.

Any party consisting of people who agree with this crazed and useless coup do not need to be President.


Active Member

I didn't like Trump in 2016. Hell, I didn't like Trump in 1985. I've thought he was a huge douche back then, and now I think he's a yuge douche. I literally rolled my eyes throughout the 00's every time someone used the term "The Donald". Back when people who hate his guts now loved him, and figuratively massaged his balls at every opportunity.

But I voted for him - and I don't need to rationalize anything to anyone, and I don't need convince myself that I made the right choice. All I have to do is remind myself that he was running against Hillary Clinton and I can sleep like a ****ing baby every night. I can only imagine how many people would have been "commit-suicide"ed over the past 3 years if she won. But I can guarantee you one thing - everyone on the left is talking about "protecting the whistleblower" right now... if She had won, the label "whistleblower" would be a goddam death sentence right about now.

You're right about one thing, though. I don't care if Trump hasn't accomplished anything.

Furthermore, I don't care that this 106th Congress hasn't accomplished anything either.

Actually - I do care that they haven't accomplished anything.... I care, in that I am in favor of it, and I hope they all continue to accomplish nothing.

The less that the Executive and Legislative Branches "accomplish", the less they've ****ed up my life. I hope Trump wins in 2020. I hope the Democrats keep the House in 2020. Because that means they will continue to keep their sites on one another, and not on me and my family.

It's not exactly "smaller" government, per se - but as long as they're focused on ramrodding one another, the more they're leaving me the **** out of it.

I'll take that.

And it's moderately amusing. In a pathetic and exhausting kind of way. Like watching an episode of Two Broke Girls.



Resident PIA
I think you can blame the deep state for the inertia.
For one, why do you think Trump has so many holdovers in his administration from Obama?
Because the government agencies tasked with security clearances has been slow to act. He couldn't fire all his ambassadors like Obama did, because he couldn't replace them.
He had two years of a majority in the house. But senate rules required 60 votes. House and Senate couldn't agree on a bill and much of that goes to the RINOs. Much of it goes to the amount of influence lobbyist money holds with congress in general.
I would bet you that if you, the voter, wanted to have a face to face with Steny Hoyer you couldn't get in. You would be pawned off on an aid in a district office somewhere. But if you were a lobbyist, for say a hospital association, you would meet him in his office on capital hill.,
Tomorrow if it was what you wanted. And I only pulled Hoyer's name out of a hat, but as a senior member of the house, that's how it works.

I use the terms loosely, but Hoyer is as corrupt and immoral as anyone in congress yet he will stay in congress until he retires or dies.
If he dies in office, his hand picked heir will assume the throne.
We the people have to decide what's more important, a free ticket to the movies or reform. Clearly you would prefer the ticket in hand.

The only way to fight the corruption that power brings is to take away the power. You do that by voting them out of office.
The argument for incumbency is they know how to get things done. The problem is, they aren't getting crap done except wasting money.
Vote them out, stop voting in career politicians who lick the jack boots of their party bosses to foster their political career.
End of rant, time to go home and get drunk.


Up. Identified. Lase. Fire. On the way.
Whatever issues I have with Trump pale in comparison to the perfidy of the Republican Party as a whole since forever. I'm with Kurt Schlichter on this: most of the party flapped its collective arms, threw ash upon its collective head, and wailed when Obama/Dems were in control, but then - when once again in charge - offered nothing but excuses as to why what we elected them to do wasn't in the realm of the possible. McCain was a disappointment, Romney an even larger one, but I hold my greatest ire for Paul Ryan. Granted, he said he didn't want the job and folks said he wasn't the right person for the job, but he took it (and kept it right up to where he and the Republicans got voted out of office). He is the culmination of the betrayal of the Tea Party wing by the Republican Party: "Thanks for the votes, we'll take it from here." (And by "here," I mean business as usual as the perennial "well, I never" party.)

Say what you want about Trump, but I think one of the most important aspects of the Presidency is to be the Nation's chief cheerleader. Getting the entire herd to move in a positive direction (by this, I mean meeting the fundamental responsibilities of government: protecting life, liberty, and the pursuit of opportunity) is an incredibly difficult job.

I think Trump is doing a fantastic job insofar as I see the role of a President to be (others' mileage does vary; technocrats can't be and aren't thrilled. Nor are the kakistocratic grifters who populate the government and feel their job is to enrich only themselves and not those who elected them). Imagine how well we might be doing (with all of the things anti-Trumpers complain about that he has failed to do, is failing to do) if the Republican Party got behind its senior representative. Maybe the Party is finally learning. I hope so. Because one of the ways you #NeverTrumpers don't get another Trump (if that's such a problem and, oh, btw, I don't think it is) is to finally do the bidding we elected you to do.

So, yeah, the premium scam rests at the feet of Obama and the Democrats who insisted on passing the law so they could know what was in it. But you know what? The greater problem was the quisling Republican Party who was a bit too loyal in opposition (looking at you, John Boehner) and utterly disinterested in leading when it finally regained the majority.

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