General Pace's statement

How do you feel about General Pace's comment?

  • I support "Don't ask, don't tell," and think gays should NOT serve in the Military

    Votes: 6 14.0%
  • I think gays should be allowed to serve in the military just like everyone else

    Votes: 18 41.9%
  • Not only do I think they shouldn't serve, but I agree that the gay lifestyle is immoral

    Votes: 18 41.9%
  • I think gays are OK, but they don't belong in the military

    Votes: 3 7.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


J.F. A sus ordenes!
Not opposed to the gay lifestyle but I am opposed to it being open to the military lifestyle. Its a whole different planet in the military world and I don't feel it is good for troop morale to have to worry if your bunk buddy might be tossing off to the likes of you in the shower.

Whatever trips your trigger buddy as long as its not an M-16 trigger!!!!


I bowl overhand
bdh802 said:
Do you support General Pete Pace's stance on "Don't Ask, Don't Tell?"
I think they should do away with the don't ask don't tell law, and go back to saying gays aren't allowed.

Don't ask don't tell was a chicken-***t answer to the problem from a president the ruled by the poll. He tried to appease everyone instead of taking the military needs into account.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I think the Generals and other brass know what's better for the military than some stupid activist, and if they say NO GAYS then that's what it should be.

Honestly, if it were me, I'd open the doors to gays in the military completely and totally. Lesbian women will go in the service, but hetero women don't seem to have a huge problem with it. Gay men are NOT going to join no military (with a tiny number of exceptions) and the guys have a BIG problem with it.

So I'd say suck it up (no pun intended) and tolerate the 2 gay guys who might want to serve. If they come try to poke you, then you can file a harassment charge.


Americans should be allowed to serve (and die) for thier country regardles what their "preference" is.
Roman and Greek armies had (per history) gay soldiers.
Guess it comes down to, instead of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell", to "Who Cares"? Just keep personal life private and your privates personal. Do your job and serve with honor.
But IF you go public and bring shame on the military..then out ya anyone else even astronauts in mess up..out ya go!! Bye... :howdy:


9/11 - Never Forget!
I'm taking a stand neither for nor against homosexuals but if homosexual activities are to be fully accepted, as many seem to advocate, there should be a national list of which perversions are acceptable and which are not acceptable. Some perversions are praised and some are condemned. The continued use of the term "gays" is in itself a holdover from the days when polite people did not openly discuss sexual perversions and would refer to homosexuals as the "happy people." There was nothing wrong with General Pace's statement but there is something wrong with the demand for an apology. He has nothing to apologize for.


24/7 Single Dad
bdh802 said:
Do you support General Pete Pace's stance on "Don't Ask, Don't Tell?"
He is supporting the current policy, that's his job. His personal opinion is just that, his personal opinion. I dislike the "thought police" jumping on every thing somebody might think if it doesn't agree with the liberal agenda.
I'd be very hesitant to place my bare hand over the sucking chest wound of a known rump ranger.
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Dancing Up A Storm
Inkpen said:
Americans should be allowed to serve (and die) for their country regardless what their "preference" is.
Roman and Greek armies had (per history) gay soldiers.
Guess it comes down to, instead of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell", to "Who Cares"? Just keep personal life private and your privates personal. Do your job and serve with honor.
But IF you go public and bring shame on the military..then out ya anyone else - even astronauts in mess up..out ya go!! Bye... :howdy:

:yeahthat: Gays are a permanent part of our society; if they want to serve, let them. But, concerning sexual preferences, however, keep them to your self. The world does not need to "share".

Secondly, Gen. Pace was stating his opinion, just because he is a general officer, he's not allowed to speak his mind?
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Highlander's MPD
Penn said:
:yeahthat: Gays are a permanent part of our society; if they want to serve, let them. But, concerning sexual preferences, however, keep them to your self. The world does not need to "share".

Secondly, Gen. Pace was stating his opinion, just because he is a general officer, he's not allowed to speak his mind?

I remember back in my Navy days. There was a gay guy on the ship and he would always go around making crude sexual advances to the other guys, including me. It was sickening and all I wanted to do was punch him out. There was another guy on the ship with the same last name and this guy made it very clear that they were not related.
I don't know about the "Don't ask" part but I wish they'd stick to the "Don't tell" part in and out of the military. We really don't need to see gays running around holding hands acting like they are normal.


I'm the Boss of Me
Seems to work in all the other militaries around the world, and it works in ours.

flomaster said:
Not opposed to the gay lifestyle but I am opposed to it being open to the military lifestyle. Its a whole different planet in the military world and I don't feel it is good for troop morale to have to worry if your bunk buddy might be tossing off to the likes of you in the shower.

Whatever trips your trigger buddy as long as its not an M-16 trigger!!!!


Lovin' being Texican
Inkpen said:
Americans should be allowed to serve (and die) for thier country regardles what their "preference" is.
Roman and Greek armies had (per history) gay soldiers.
Guess it comes down to, instead of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell", to "Who Cares"? Just keep personal life private and your privates personal. Do your job and serve with honor.
But IF you go public and bring shame on the military..then out ya anyone else even astronauts in mess up..out ya go!! Bye... :howdy:

...and if you get AIDS from all your stool pushing while in the military you will NOT claim a service disability and you will NOT get a pension for it.


Lovin' being Texican
forestal said:
Seems to work in all the other militaries around the world, and it works in ours.

..and, of course, your military service (which gives you the qualifications to have an opinion about how well it works) was ..........? <fill in the blank>

Larry Gude

Strung Out

...was speaking, as I understand it, in uniform as a member of the US military from a leadership position. As such, he is obliged to tow the company line; he doesn't have to like, he just has to do it.

Behind closed doors, it is his duty to fight for the policies, given his position, that he thinks best with the understanding he still works for civilians and they get last say.


I bowl overhand
Larry Gude said:
...was speaking, as I understand it, in uniform as a member of the US military from a leadership position. As such, he is obliged to tow the company line; he doesn't have to like, he just has to do it.

Behind closed doors, it is his duty to fight for the policies, given his position, that he thinks best with the understanding he still works for civilians and they get last say.
Marines have been known to say like it is, damn the politics. I find it very refreshing in these unbelievable PC times.

Speaking of which, has anyone else noticed that since the Dems now control the state, the union and even DC things to be going more the Republican way? Death Penalty wasn't revoked, gun votes going our way, funding will continue being sent to support our troops.. etc. Every stupid little thing the Dem's thought of trying hasn't worked. I feel good about the way things are going right now.
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Larry Gude

Strung Out

itsbob said:
Marines have been known to say like it is, damn the politics. I find it very refreshing in these unbelievable PC times.

Speaking of which, has anyone else noticed that since the Dems now control the state, the union and even DC things to be going more the Republican way? Death Penalty wasn't revoked, gun votes going our way, funding will continue being sent to support our troops.. etc. Every stupid little thing the Dem's thought of trying hasn't worked. I feel good about the way things are going right now.

...a two dog sled right now. At present, the Dems get to be lead for awhile but they ain't going to far from where the other dog wants to go. Same for the GOp'ers. There just isn't a large enough lead for either party right now.

The big deal is the House. For 40 years before 1994 the Dems had huge majorities in the House where every spending bill is born. Whatever GOP'ers and conservatives want to do, it has to be done in large chunks when they have power because the House is chosen in such a way that will always favor population centers.

The next election will be interesting as the left simply isn't getting their way on anything.

PS: If Pace is gonna speak his mind, he's gonna have to pay the price.


Baby blues
One of the problems we had when I was in the military is the "straight" peoples (particularly you guys!) attitudes towards the gays. We had a few gays beat up pretty badly by the marines on base simply because they were gay - not because they hit on anyone or whatever. So my question is, if gays ARE allowed in the military openly, how do you handle the ones who would like to beat them up at every turn? Is it the responsibility of the military to protect the homosexual military members from harm?


I bowl overhand
Tinkerbell said:
One of the problems we had when I was in the military is the "straight" peoples (particularly you guys!) attitudes towards the gays. We had a few gays beat up pretty badly by the marines on base simply because they were gay - not because they hit on anyone or whatever. So my question is, if gays ARE allowed in the military openly, how do you handle the ones who would like to beat them up at every turn? Is it the responsibility of the military to protect the homosexual military members from harm?
That was kind of my point. Some people are raised that homosexuality is immoral, and a sin right up there with murder. A straight person brought up that way would think they are doing something good when they beat a gay person half to death, kind of like the Abortion Clinic bombers thinking they were right and just in what they were doing.

You can't change the way they are brought up, and you aren't going to make them more tolerant.


New Member
itsbob said:
That was kind of my point. Some people are raised that homosexuality is immoral, and a sin right up there with murder. A straight person brought up that way would think they are doing something good when they beat a gay person half to death, kind of like the Abortion Clinic bombers thinking they were right and just in what they were doing.

You can't change the way they are brought up, and you aren't going to make them more tolerant.

Some people are raised to believe that black people are animals and Jews are filthy money grubbing evil doers. We should just accept that, too, I suppose.


Coventry17 said:
Some people are raised to believe that black people are animals and Jews are filthy money grubbing evil doers. We should just accept that, too, I suppose.
Conversely some people think having sex with sheep, pigs and horses is just fine and dandy. Are they immoral or moral? Does it really hurt the animal? Do other animals make fun of the sheep "Ha! Baaaaaarny you got hit in the keester haha baaaa baaa." Does the horse have bad dreams and have to see a counselor? We have laws against that type of sexual deviancy, why?


I bowl overhand
Coventry17 said:
Some people are raised to believe that black people are animals and Jews are filthy money grubbing evil doers. We should just accept that, too, I suppose.
Hmm, well see, I haven't been to church in awhile. Many churches teach that homosexuality is wrong, a sin against God.. etc.. etc.. I don't recollect a church currently teaching the other two.. SO what you are suggesting is we deprogram all Christians, and tell them to leave their morals and ethics at home when it comes time to leave for BCT.. OR should we make it illegal of Christians to join the military since they are so intolerant, and let all the gays join that want?