That "the world and the people we share are lives with are not always logical" is something we can agree on." We can't be logical all the time but it would be nice if we could be logical most of the time. I think America has lost its logical rudder. I believe it's critical for our continued prosperity as a country to improve our science and math literacy rates, which are lagging behind pretty much every other developed nation in the world. Also, teaching kids to think critically and logically would pay dividends. I'm not saying a little intuition
can't be a useful in our lives. What I am saying is that critical thinking and logic should be the foundational bedrock of 'how to think'. BTW, interesting links. Thanks
Fine then, since Atheism is a religion I'll feel free to proselytize.
I think you're misinterpreting my message but I know I've done a poor job relating it so that's mainly on me. In an effort to refocus it a tad...I would hope that people can wake up to the fact that Christianity and Islam are a net negative to the world and impede the progress of humanity in the 21st century. We have a shared humanity that religions have always been divisive to, but especially Christianity and Islam over the course of the last Millennia right up to present day. Many Americans would already agree that Islam is a net negative but they have a blind spot when it comes to Christianity.
A significant swath of the American population, Fundamentalist Christians, want creationism taught in our schools, gays and minorities as 2nd class citizens, and a Christian-Centric society where Non-Christians are essentially discriminated against. The societal costs of this nonsense are science illiteracy, bigotry, and divisiveness. The political clout of fundamentalist evangelicals has already enabled them to influence state and local laws. The problem is, that moderate Christians who may disagree, are not making their voices known and that Christianity is so engrained into American culture that many moderate Christians discount the negative impact to society overall. So it's the Atheist community that often has to take up the mantle of opposition.