God orders Abraham to kill Isaac as a burnt offering. Abraham shows his love for God by his willingness to murder his son. Abraham shows his willingness to kill his son for God. Only an evil God would ask a father to do that; only a bad father would be willing to do it.
"Now I know that thou fearest God..." This is an odd statement from God, who supposedly knows everything. If God knows the mind and heart of all humans, then why did he have to test Abraham to find out what was in his heart?
I'd definitely tell anyone who thought God was telling them to kill someone to go see a doctor and make sure they're on the right meds.
This was a one-time event in the Biblical accounts of how God dealt with mankind through the Patriarchs of old.
The specific circumstance with Abraham was unique and exemplified the ultimate action that God would be taking on behalf of reconciling mankind back to Him.
Meanwhile the Bible is full of other accounts where God tested the "Free Will" of mankind and, although God would knew the final outcome, He still allowed people to make their own free-will actions which would have commendations or consequences to their response of God's directives.
Abraham's thoughts upon being asked by God to slay his son must have been: God Gives and God Takes Away. Abraham did not question the God whom he knew to be the Supreme Authority over all things. Again, Abraham had a direct and personal communication with God that was unique in his life and which became the foundation of man's faith toward God.
Now, let's not forget one of the tests to see whether mankind obeyed a directive that was not so drastic as the one given to Abraham
as a test. The best example is right at the beginning of when man was placed upon this earth:
According to Genesis, there were two decisive trees (options) in The Beginning. A tree of life that would provide eternal life and a tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.
Adam and Eve were given directions not to eat of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.
Guess what happened? Their free-will disobedience caused man's downfall and separation from a perfect environment. Both were aware that God had directed them not to eat of that specific tree but they did it anyway.
(Kinda like when a parent asks a child not to do a specific thing)
Because of that free-will disobedience, mankind became inherently imperfect and separated from through the ability to resist and defy God's directives.
Adam and Eve were then expelled out of the Garden
before they would have a chance to also eat of the "Tree of Life" which would have cause them to receive eternal life in a state of willful disobedience toward God.
Yet, God provided the way back for mankind to be forgiven and receive the eternal life that Adam and Even would have received had they eaten of the
Tree of Life instead of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.
Yeshua HaMashiach (New Testament Jesus) is also called the Tree of Life whereby all who partake of accepting God's forgiveness through His Atoning Blood will receive Eternal Life. This is something God did for you even though you may defy His Authority. God allowed His Son, Yeshua, to pay the penalty for man's disobedience, defiance and separation that our souls have toward God, thus, the need for a Saviour!
It is ultimately your free-will decision whether to accept God's Plan of Salvation for your soul or believe God is a liar or choose to believe that God does not exist.
"I Am The Way, The Truth and The Life; No Man Can Come Unto The Father Except Through Me." (John 14:6)