100%? Of course not. I still give it a higher probability then 'god' though, as at least there is concrete evidence that evolution does take place.
I honestly don’t see how anyone can ignore that we live in an adaptive environment where species have evolved over time. But this theory has been distorted into claiming to explain how life itself came into existence when in fact it doesn’t support this at all.
I don't disclaim god fully (you would know this if you actually read my posts), but as there is no evidence supporting him at all ....
Belief in scientific theory isn't supposed to be as deep as god .... it's why you constantly search out evidence as opposed to simply taking it at face value.
also, we may find out one day. There is certainly no certainty that we will.
No sense in being crass. I read your posts, I just don’t remember every person’s every intricate detail. Forgive me.
If you do read other folk’s posts (which I know you do) you will see they believe science is the end-all for explaining our existence, but can’t produce the “concrete” evidence. But you don’t confront them. You confront the Christians that challenge these points. This explains why I interpret your position in that way I have.
seeing how life and nature are entertwined isn't by any means proof of god.
Devoid of a scientific explanation to the contrary, it is to me.
by all means, explain how it is true. I'm amazed that one man can beyond the shadow of a doubt prove gods existance.
It’s not just one man, it’s billions of believers, over several millennia. If that isn’t enough proof then perhaps you’re not looking in the right place. I wrote this in a different thread… belief in God has been around a lot longer than science. I don’t believe this sort of thing is born out of a void just as life didn’t spring up out of a void. We accept that anthropology, through the
observation of generations of man, explains how we have evolved yet we reject the same data that includes these same people that were believers of God as any sort of evidence of a God.
we're actually fairly in line with our thinking here. That said, I'll still support science as at least it makes a grab for knowledge.
Not sure I get this but it sounds like you’re saying believers don’t pursue knowledge? One of the great mysteries of man is our pursuit for more knowledge about God. There has been no larger effort in human existence than the pursuit to understand God.