New Member
Hmmm... Surprised? Would it really matter?
not at all. I just never knew hehe.
Hmmm... Surprised? Would it really matter?
XAQUIN - I commandeth thee to slaughter your child in the name of thyself.
Now lets hope I don't get too drunk and pass out before I call you and tell you it was all a joke.
XAQUIN - I commandeth thee to slaughter your child in the name of thyself.
Now lets hope I don't get too drunk and pass out before I call you and tell you it was all a joke.
"Father, Forgive Them For They Know Not What They Do."
no .... I'm best man at my friends wedding this sat. he is an Episcopal minister.
I show contempt to #######s. If they happen to be 'christian', that's not my fault.
Good to know, perhaps you can discuss the things of God and Yeshua with him. If he is your trusted friend you should believe what he tells you.
I am not the one you need to be addressing regarding the "joke" ; it is the God that you mock. BUT, as Yeshua said, "Father, Forgive Them For They Know Not What They Do."
I pray that one day you will really know the Truth that God is willing to give you eternal life through the Atoning Blood of His Son. This because of His Love for you even as you mock and disbelieve.
we've discussed it =)
I respect his views as he does mine.
Yes, But There Is Only One Truth.
Technically, by saying there are two, there are actually three truths.I'm sitting on a chair right now.
My monitor is in front of me.
there are two right there.
Technically, by saying there are two, there are actually three truths.
1. Chair (although a cardboard box =/= chair)
2. Monitor
3. 2 truths
Just like the loaves of bread Yeshua created to feed the starving people.
See, the TRUTH is everywhere.
I'm sitting on a chair right now.
My monitor is in front of me.
there are two right there.
Lies make baby Jesus cry.
aaannnnndddddd I'll even hit an emoticon!
I wonder why Jesus has so many names. I mean, if I went to Japan, my name would still be (what it is here in the states).
Either Yeshua is whom He claimed or He is a liar.
There is still Only One Truth.
"I Am The Way, The Truth and The Life, No Man Can Come Unto The Father Except Through Me." (John 14:6)
Either Yeshua is whom He claimed or He is a liar.
Ya know, that is something that has always bothered me. Take the United States for example. Here, we call it the United States. It is what WE created...it should be universal.
Why do the spanish call it Los Estados Unidos? Yes, that means literally translated The United States...but they should call it the United States. And I want to call it Meheekoe.
Honestly though, I can't read Arabic and Saying Jesus is probably easier than whatever it was in Arabic....and spelled a lot simpler.
I wonder why Jesus has so many names. I mean, if I went to Japan, my name would still be (what it is here in the states).
LOL - If Yeshua went anywhere in the world His Jewish name would still be Yeshua.