George Bush: Losing Core support?

where do you stand with Bush'e recent positions?

  • Concerned, but still loyal...will vote for in 2004

    Votes: 7 31.8%
  • Angry, might consider opponents, unsure of vote

    Votes: 1 4.5%
  • Was loyal, definitely NOT loyal now-looking for candidate

    Votes: 3 13.6%
  • Didn't vote for him in 2000, won't do it in 2004

    Votes: 4 18.2%
  • He's impressed me with his decisions...earned my vote in 2004

    Votes: 7 31.8%
  • Bush has made me apathetic, don't feel like voting for anybody.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by dems4me
I said "their" governments incompetence not "our" governement's incompetence.
I understood that. So please tell me how the African governments are responsible for their citizens getting and passing on AIDS?

I also know people with aids and they'd more than happy to tell you which party they back as well and I bet you its not republican.
And what have they gotten for their vote? We live in the most industrialized country in the world, with the most prolific communication system. If there's a single person in this country that doesn't realize you can get AIDS by having sex with an infected partner, that's their fault and there's nothing we can do about that.

I can cure AIDS in one sentence: Quit engaging in high-risk, unprotected sex.

There. Now everyone's on their own.


I know most republicans seem to think Aids is something people choose to get by lifestyles, but that is not the case -- what about the innocent wives that have unprotected sex with their hubbys. And then to find out that along the way he strayed and now she dies from it. What about all the kids that are born with aids -- is it their fault?

Yes, the African goverement denied that Aids even existed up into a few years ago. I can get you the documentation on this but I need to finish up something here at work first. This is a well known fact - why do you think we had to take it upon ourselves to supply them with thousands of condoms, etc...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Saddam and the Moon...


I'm fascinated that you bring Iraq into a discusion about Mars.
Just to answer your question, no, I don't think Iraq is or was a threat to our technological advantages or security. I'll have to come totally clean and admit that I am not to worried about Bin Laden getting to Mars first either. Though, if he is already there, that would explain why we haven't been able to find him.

Now, where technology could be of advantage and helpful through advances made in our space program, Mars or otherswise, is in medicine. Perhaps to cure, for the first time in world history, viruses, like, oh, HIV perhaps.

And maybe advances in weapons detection technologys that could help us stop a dirty bomb attack or something like Star Wars that will make ballisitc missiles useless and therefore lead to reducing or even eliminating many nuclear arsenals worldwide.

Or maybe continuing technological advances that can help people in isolated places, like AIDs plagued regions, access to data and
information to help better their lives.

I'll be kinda happy if Mars advances make my friggin cable connection more reliable.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by dems4me
I know most republicans seem to think Aids is something people choose to get by lifestyles, but that is not the case
Hello? Check your statistics, please. The overwhelming majority of AIDS "victims" are gay men and IV drug users. Those would be "lifestyle choices".

Note the source: Centers for Disease Control. Not Fox or NewsMax.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Hmm...NCI budget numbers...

...for 1992.

If memeory serves, that was a...a...GOP President year.

AIDs research: $165 million

ALL forms of cancer: $1 billion

I wonder if the total number of AID's victims in 1992 were 16% of the total number of cancer victims that year???

We'll continue to look...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Oh look...


1,500 people a day die of cancer in the US.

1.2 million Americans contract cancer each year.

It says here that 1 in 4 of us will ultimatly die of cancer...

Maybe them mean old Republicans aren't spending enough on cancer???


You could save your self some time and just see the historical view of this epidemic backed with CDC statistics and watch "And the Band Played On" which references Regan and the republican's administration's ignorning everything because they thought it was a gay thing. The point in this is that people were dying - I believe it was somewhere up to 60,000 had already died and yet the republicans were all chanting "four more years" Wahoo!!! and the aids victims were left feeling hopeless.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by dems4me
watch "And the Band Played On" which references Regan and the republican's administration's ignorning everything because they thought it was a gay thing.
:killingme Yes, let's all go watch a mockumentary so we can learn more about domestic issues. So much easier than actually getting real statistics and trying to decipher the news.

You rant about Republicans not doing anything about AIDS, however AIDS activists were completely disillusioned with Clinton because of his inattentiveness to AIDS research. I remember this well - the protests, the activism. And these were people who voted for him and had no conservative agenda.

(Sorry about the name change, Dems - I was getting ready to roll over 10,000 posts and join the Losers Club)

Larry Gude

Strung Out
And dems4... now in deep doo doo...

I've never seen a republican government give anything to help with the aids victims, research, finding a cure, etc...

1982, the year HIV/AIDs was first diagnosed in the US, the feds spent $8 million on research, care, etc...

By 1988 we spent about $1.6 BILLION dollars on HIV/AID's.

Now, help me somebody, just who took office in 1982? Anyone remember what party he was? And about 1988, President, Ron somebody I think...Party affiliation???

Oh, the humanity. I can't go on. Call the fight! 1, 2...

For anyone who cares about FACTS while forming opinions...

My inner lawyer is working on retainer...


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Anyway, the fact is that AIDS is a "lifestyle choice" disease and if people aren't willing to change their lifestyle, there's not a whole lot anyone can do about it.


vrai -- here's a link that briefs on the lack of acknowledgement of Aids by their president of south africa. He stated all the way up until 2000 that aids is not caused by HIV, etc... and his goverement was giving people more potatoes for curing it and accused the U.S. of terroism because we tried to help them.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I didn't know this...

...but in 1991 the Department of Defense spent $22 million on HIV/AID's related expenses.

1991...1991...Department of defense? GOP? How CAN this be???


Thats like me saying cancer is caused by lifestyle choices such as smoking, drinking, led point, etc... Sheet happens sometimes and this is here and now - we are dealing with the ramifications of the past. Do you think it was a lifestyle choice of the baby to have been born with aids?? There are over 40 million people infected with the HIV virus around the world currently, I doubt that 40 million people all got it from a lifestyle choice of having sex without a condom.


It is full of statistics taken from the CDC. I can go and get CDC quotes if you like, but somehow you will dismiss the CDC stats as bunk too. You see things the way you want to see them and that's all there is to it. I can say the sky is blue, proove it with a color scale and you would say the color scale was created by a colorblind democrat or something. I give up.


Re: And dems4...

Originally posted by Larry Gude
For anyone who cares about FACTS while forming opinions...


Everybody knows that the GOP hates gays and lesbians and wants them all to die slowly. That's why AIDS research has all but come to a standstill under Bush I & II's fascist regimes.

Just look at how the republicans have destroyed Boy George and Rosie O'Donnells "Taboo" venture.

GOP hates gays and wants them to die. And that is the only FACT you need to know.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

...Miss dems4ignoringthefacts,

You could save your self some time and just see the historical view of this epidemic backed with CDC

You could save yourself some spankings and get out of this "GOP bad for sick people because they hate this or that" ignorance and deal with the fact that AIDs got NO attention under a Democrat, Carter, unless of course, it suddenly appeared out of thin air, just like the homeless, when a Republican won office.

The fact is that we are in much better shape as a nation today in terms of HIV thanks to President Reagan and President Bush the First being not the demons of your imagination but being compassionate human beings who did a damn good job leading us to where we are today. Now W is trying to help a devestated land.

You believe whatever you need to.

The facts will wait.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by dems4me
He stated all the way up until 2000 that aids is not caused by HIV, etc... and his goverement was giving people more potatoes for curing it and accused the U.S. of terroism because we tried to help them.
Dems, I hope you're not suggesting we invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity! :yikes: Other than that, what are we, the citizens and government of the United States, supposed to do about AIDS in Africa? I mean, besides throw wasted money at them.

You're trying to say that the African AIDS epidemic is the fault of the African governments. Then you try and tie it into US Republicans not caring. You're also trying to say that AIDS is not a "lifestyle choice" disease.

Is all that correct, or am I misunderstanding you?

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Oh come on!!!

I give up

You can't say "I give up".

You are suppossed to say "The facts prove my opinion baseless, immature and wrong. Thank you Larry, for helping me. You are awesome!"

I'll wait...