Saddam and the Moon...
I'm fascinated that you bring Iraq into a discusion about Mars.
Just to answer your question, no, I don't think Iraq is or was a threat to our technological advantages or security. I'll have to come totally clean and admit that I am not to worried about Bin Laden getting to Mars first either. Though, if he is already there, that would explain why we haven't been able to find him.
Now, where technology could be of advantage and helpful through advances made in our space program, Mars or otherswise, is in medicine. Perhaps to cure, for the first time in world history, viruses, like, oh, HIV perhaps.
And maybe advances in weapons detection technologys that could help us stop a dirty bomb attack or something like Star Wars that will make ballisitc missiles useless and therefore lead to reducing or even eliminating many nuclear arsenals worldwide.
Or maybe continuing technological advances that can help people in isolated places, like AIDs plagued regions, access to data and
information to help better their lives.
I'll be kinda happy if Mars advances make my friggin cable connection more reliable.