Originally posted by dems4me
Sadly, John Glen stated yesterday that 820,000,000 won't even be enough to start the paper work on such a huge endeavor.
That's some pretty expensive paperwork.
Originally posted by dems4me
I think the space rhetoric that W is throwing around is political posturing.
It's election year. Everything he says and does is political posturing. Conversely everything that any of the democrats say is also political posturing.
Because, believe it or not, they are all liars, cheats, pigs and greedy scumbags as well. They just have a different market base.
Originally posted by dems4me
Red rocks are kind of pretty, but for that amount of money I don't feel its worth it and I doubt the following administrations in the future will keep throwing money into this.
It worked for JFK.
Originally posted by dems4me
We have not soo much as sent a probe back to the moon in 30 years. What's the point with mars?
The current big deal with Mars is that Nasa has finally had a success with Mars, and there's already hype surrounding Mars. However, Bush's initiative includes the moon as a first stop. The moon is a priority.
Originally posted by dems4me
I feel the money should be allocated here at home.
Well there's a whole mess of crap that my tax money is spent on that I don't like. So them's the breaks. The way I see it is this - and I realize that it sounds like some Science Fiction mumbo-jumbo, but Space is the last unexplored frontier, and it should be explored. When this planet is overpopulated, it would be nice if we had somewhere to go. If the sun decides to blast supernova it would be nice if we had somewhere to go. If the Ozone really does disappear, and melt our polar ice caps turning earth into Waterworld, it would be nice if we had somewhere to go.
Granted these things are not likely to happen anytime soon - but they will happen (except for the ozone thing). Why should we wait until they're imminent?
Personally, I'd like to see space travel privatized. I'll guarantee that if American Airlines or TWA or someone who stands to make a buck by flying customers to the friggin moon on vacation, we'd get faster, cheaper and superior space travel quick fast and in a Hurry.
Originally posted by dems4me
Then again, I'm always the one at odds with everyone when it comes to politics.
Yeah, well. You've said some things I agree with.
Just not in this thread