George Santos


He is, most likely, gone tomorrow. I think they will be successful this time (3rd time BTW) removing him. I understand the reasoning and frankly, he does deserve to go.

The sucky part, George really is a nice guy. He often jumps in on X Space calls and meetings. He speaks like he has it all together, but it isn't uncommon for him to get letters and memos returned to him marked up with red marker pointing out his errors. Lately, there have been added notes on the bottom like "perhaps it is time to resign."

He is also gay and I think that shocks most Democrats. The media has pegged the Republicans as gay haters when frankly, that isn't true. In fact, Scott Presler is openly gay and has done more for the GOP than Ronna ever will in her lifetime. I met Scott and got to know him when he organized a "pick up the trash" movement in Baltimore.

Just picture this, a gay, white male Republican, wearing cowboy boots, in Baltimore, in mostly all black neighborhoods organizing a 'pick up the trash' movement and while picking up all this trash, he is registering voters to be Republicans.

Anyway, heads up.


Well-Known Member
Republicans- Keep those drag queens away from children. Put them in congress where they belong
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Santos didn't dress in drag and show up at congress, plus that claim is 15 years ago.

Last night, he talked about his big balloon face outside.

Yeah, mutes got flicked on fast so he didn't have to hear anyone laugh. But really, who comes up with this stuff?



And I am not going to lie, I busted out laughing to the point I had tears streaming down my face.


Well-Known Member
Well I am neither for or against Whitmer, but it does piss me off when republicans are willing to expell him and yet they don't have the balls to go after Schiff, Pelosi, Sanders, Nadler.
His great sin was lying to get elected? Sheeeit, Don't they all?
How about this woman who was picked to replace Feinstein and she has a residence in Maryland and Maxine Waters doesn't live in her district.

Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
Well I am neither for or against Whitmer, but it does piss me off when republicans are willing to expell him and yet they don't have the balls to go after Schiff, Pelosi, Sanders, Nadler.
His great sin was lying to get elected? Sheeeit, Don't they all?
How about this woman who was picked to replace Feinstein and she has a residence in Maryland and Maxine Waters doesn't live in her district.

Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.
His big sin now is that he’s using campaign money for rent and botox.


Is there a difference in doing that and giving the money to your daughter like Maxine is doing?
Have we even seen Maxine lately?

Every picture we ever see of her looks like a cut and paste job from this one and when they did the SOTH vote, she was a faint voice from a distance that said blah blah blah and the only words that could be made out were Hakeen Jeffries and Insurrection.

And somebody shouted "What did the communist say?"

Perhaps PJay will come along soon and tell us she has been executed and replaced. :lol:



Well, Santos is up for re-election in 1 year so do we wait until he is convicted or should he go???

I think the votes are there but not sure what they are going to do.... :tap:


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
Well, Santos is up for re-election in 1 year so do we wait until he is convicted or should he go???

I think the votes are there but not sure what they are going to do.... :tap:
Should he go, yes. Will he be put out, maybe. The best the R’s could get would be no change in the number of seats, the worst would be a two seat loss.