George Santos


Well-Known Member
That is your response?

Are you 12?

Do you have any thoughts in your brain beside what you think to be clever zingers?

Why can't you accept you are wrong and Trump was beaten fair and square.

Your life must be sad and miserable.
Haha, yes I am 12. You got me.

I think I have been pretty vocal on this site from the beginning that I don't like Trump. Didn't like him before the election, didn't like him while elected, and still don't like him. But to everyone who isn't self-delusional or who gets 100% of their news from the view it is obvious the fix was in.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
I don't think he should have been in Congress, but by the measure that was used to remove him, a LOT of members of Congress should be booted.

To my knowledge, he was not convicted of anything, and what most people know about him is, there's almost no shred of truth in any of his biographical information. At every turn, from his parent's background to where he went to school and whom he worked for, to playing volleyball to stories about his niece's abduction. The guy would be embarrassing to even count as a friend or relative, let alone a Congressman.

But those kinds of fabrications are not criminal. It's not a crime to claim you were a star volleyball player or claim you were once mugged (and you weren't). While it's a fire-able offense to claim having a bachelor's or master's for a job that requires it - to my knowledge you don't need one to be a Representative.

Making it clear, I am not defending the guy. I do think our Congress should have the best and brightest, and the take, especially from the Democrats is, so the hell what, you can be a Senator and still dress like a bum. I have little doubt that his FINANCIAL crap- campaign funds for the botox, the OnlyFans stuff - THAT would bite him in the ass. He should NOT be in the House, but the measure used to remove him continues to allow other, better connected crooks to make a career there.


Well-Known Member
Are Santos's lies any worse than Joe Biden's lies?

He is republican, Joe is democrat. That's the only difference to me.
I don't care about his background. i only care about the way he votes.
I care about the republicans voting to remove him, and would like to see their cowardly sorry asses removed.


If Biden is so senile how can he also be an evil genius colluding every government agency , judge and attorney to attack Trump?

I often asked the same question about W.

The entire left simultaneously thought he was an evil mastermind, yet barely able to tie his shoes.

My theory is the same for Biden as W.

It's not Biden (or W) who is the mastermind. It is their handlers in the hidden oligarchy that truly runs things. They could literally have Lancelot Link in the actual Office of the President of the United States and the same assholes would be in charge, and the same bullshit would be going down.