Ghislaine Maxwell


Well-Known Member
It’s about time Epstein's records are coming out. The problem will be how much has been sanitized of democrats names. If Bill Clinton isn't listed you know it happened.
Names aren’t redacted — including the overweight 45th POTUS.

Those poor girls .. or boys.


Well-Known Member

Just resharing this list for people may not have seen.

Not saying they are guilty of anything.


Well-Known Member
They all have John Doe & a number. The FBI ain't disclosing $hit .
Understand your frustration. The way it's been explained to me.. by more than one person.. all of this needs to be done slowly so people can handle it. I disagree. I say put it all out there. If people can't handle the truth and what.

If you care to listen..Dave talks about it here:



Well-Known Member
Ghislaine Maxwell hires Harvey Weinstein's lawyers as she launches $10million appeal against 20-year jail term for sexual abuse after reaching 'last-ditch' divorce settlement with her former husband



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Arkansas cops rule suicide in death of Clinton aide linked to Jeffrey Epstein - who was found shot and tied to a tree with an electrical cord around his neck - despite no sign of weapon​



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Shotgun WAS found near the body of Clinton aide linked to Jeffrey Epstein: He texted wife 'found a perfect place for a nap' before blasting his chest and falling from bench with electrical cord tied around his neck​
