Giants v Eagles...


Dancing Up A Storm
Who said last year was a fluke? They took the Pats to the wall in the last game of the regular season at the tail end of getting a so so season on the right track. They, as a wild card, didn't play a single home playoff game and they played in and won the greatest Super Bowl of all time by making play after play after play. They won in Tampa Bay. They won in Dallas. They won in Green Bay in OT. They won 10 games in a row on the road, an NFL record. Eli didn't throw a pick in any one of those three games.


Thanks Larry!

I cannot say that I saw the idea - of a fluke - here on this site, but I did in other venues, at work, at the local gin mills, etc. Honestly, I couldn't say they would win it all, during the last 6 games of the season, but I sure hoped the G-Men would pull it off. You could see them improving, especially on defense, each of those games however. Eli Manning seemed to turn the corner, so to speak, and became a SuperBowl winner.

They did well, and I agree with you, from a Giants fan point of view, it was no fluke! :buddies: (Got that, BuddyLee?) :lmao:

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Thanks Larry!

I cannot say that I saw the idea - of a fluke - here on this site, but I did in other venues, at work, at the local gin mills, etc. Honestly, I couldn't say they would win it all, during the last 6 games of the season, but I sure hoped the G-Men would pull it off. You could see them improving, especially on defense, each of those games however. Eli Manning seemed to turn the corner, so to speak, and became a SuperBowl winner.

They did well, and I agree with you, from a Giants fan point of view, it was no fluke! :buddies: (Got that, BuddyLee?) :lmao:

...OK, well, as a Skins fan, I don't view it as a fluke, at all. They earned that.


Football addict
...who is gonna beat them? They are the only team I have seen that was clearly better than the Steelers.
I really hate to admit this to myself but if Dallas beats Philly next week I believe they'll take out N.Y. in the playoffs. A revenge of sorts.

I'd rather N.Y. get in myself but...:ohwell:

Larry Gude

Strung Out

It's the NFL. They aren't last years Patriots and they can be beaten.

The Brownies beat them.

...last years Patriots aren't last years Patriots. Care to recall who beat them when it mattered most? :buddies:

The Giants this year remind me of the old Steeler teams; true 'Giants'. If they were in the mood, they'd kill you. If they weren't in the mood, they'd beat you. If they were taking the day off because they could, then you might get one over on them, even a mediocre team. However, when it mattered, the Steelers were simply gonna win.

That is this years Giants. I'll be shocked if they don't win the Superbowl. They may not dominate from here on out, but they're the best team, they know it and they're gonna beat you when it counts.

Brutal O line, criminally brutal running game. Solid QB, real good TE and talent enough at WR.

A d line that will get to the Qb and stop the run. Good LB's, decent secondary.

Solid special teams.

Everywhere they are not great, secondary, they have what they need to cover it; awesome D line. Not so great a WR without Plax; just a sick running game and a QB who will find a way when he has to.




Football addict
...last years Patriots aren't last years Patriots. Care to recall who beat them when it mattered most? :buddies:

The Giants this year remind me of the old Steeler teams; true 'Giants'. If they were in the mood, they'd kill you. If they weren't in the mood, they'd beat you. If they were taking the day off because they could, then you might get one over on them, even a mediocre team. However, when it mattered, the Steelers were simply gonna win.

That is this years Giants. I'll be shocked if they don't win the Superbowl. They may not dominate from here on out, but they're the best team, they know it and they're gonna beat you when it counts.

Brutal O line, criminally brutal running game. Solid QB, real good TE and talent enough at WR.

A d line that will get to the Qb and stop the run. Good LB's, decent secondary.

Solid special teams.

Everywhere they are not great, secondary, they have what they need to cover it; awesome D line. Not so great a WR without Plax; just a sick running game and a QB who will find a way when he has to.


They should win the Super Bowl but I wouldn't be shocked or surprised if they didn't. I've seen far too many hot shot teams fall when we least expect it. That's why the NFL is the NFL.