Given'n it a shot


New Member
dmc854 said:
Need a hearing aid????? You sure heard that hooker last week..LOL

:lmao: "Perv"fect idea for a smilie, dmc!! A pervert with a hearing aid!! Didn't you know that BernieP was the first :gossip: busted in the :whip:

In related note, the joker who locks his sife out in the snow until she turns a few tricks and brings him back some $$ got a rude awakening last night...She callled the cops adn had him tossed out... :lmao: Last I saw when I left work. His sick azz was walking down GMR, poor baby!!!

Was that you B? :hugs:


fttrsbeerwench said:

:lmao: "Perv"fect idea for a smilie, dmc!! A pervert with a hearing aid!! Didn't you know that BernieP was the first :gossip: busted in the :whip:

In related note, the joker who locks his sife out in the snow until she turns a few tricks and brings him back some $$ got a rude awakening last night...She callled the cops adn had him tossed out... :lmao: Last I saw when I left work. His sick azz was walking down GMR, poor baby!!!

Was that you B? :hugs:

LOL :banana: Maybe she brought him something back to make his banana rot off!


Resident PIA
nope, not me (you won't catch me walking on GM Rd more then 5 ft from my car and the only in the dayllight)
Analysis on the "pick up line" from a male POV
"Hey Dude" - okay, an attention getter, not as good as maybe "Hey there good looking" or "Hi fellla" but it works.
'the story' - to long, a lecture, to much information, men won't process this part, it will simply be tuned out - hence the selective hearing.
"Wanna Hump?" - always a good way to get a man's attention refocused on the issue at hand.
- LOL, have a good day


"Wanna Hump?" - always a good way to get a man's attention refocused on the issue at hand.
- LOL, have a good day
Well the issue will be "at hand" if you don't get propositioned!


New Member
dmc854 said:
"Wanna Hump?" - always a good way to get a man's attention refocused on the issue at hand.
- LOL, have a good day
Well the issue will be "at hand" if you don't get propositioned!
:lmao: :lmao:

As I speed toward 30 :yikes: , I have become quite adept at the whole "at hand: business, thanks.

"Wanna hump?, is for self preservation, if the "dude" ( usually comes out "dud" for some reason) isn't attuned to anything else,, he will at least comprehend that... No sense in passing up a chance for a little diddle. You know?



fttrsbeerwench said:
OH yes!! 30!! Woohoo!

Here's to making it 30 years fairly unscathed:dead: ..Give or take an organ.

:cheers: :cheers: Two for me

:cheers: One for you!!

WTG! I hated 40 made up for it. :flowers: