Go Cowboys!!!

Larry Gude

Strung Out

I know i will get a rash of crap for this but who is pulling for the Cowboys to beat the redskins sunday!!



...and welcome.

Oh yeah. Die, you gravy sucking pigs.


Hail to the Redskins!
Hail Victory!
Braves on the Warpath!
Fight for old D.C.!
Run or pass and score -- we want a lot more!
Beat 'em, Swamp 'em,
Touchdown! -- Let the points soar!
Fight on, fight on 'Til you have won
Sons of Wash-ing-ton. Rah!, Rah!, Rah!
Hail to the Redskins!
Hail Victory!
Braves on the Warpath!
Fight for old D.C.!