God told me.....



I would rather dal with someone who freely admits they are motivated by sin then to deal with hypocrites who claim to be following God but instead are motivated by sin

I think sometimes the expectations of ignorant followers help influence the behavior a little of some of these politicians.


I would rather deal with someone who freely admits they are motivated by sin then to deal with hypocrites who claim to be following God but instead are motivated by sin

First of all, my comment was just a poke at boy because he's believed to be a Soros plant in this forum.

Interesting point. You're talking about people who are being truthful with you and who aren't. We all want to know people we are dealing with are honest with us. We don't like being deceived. But I would argue even the most ardent Christian is still going to be 'motivated' by sin to a certain degree. The bible is clear that “… all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23). It’s easy to stand in judgment of someone claiming they are Christian only to watch them routinely drive 15 mph over the speed limit or watch porn. It’s also easy to accept someone for being honest about their sin; there are no lost expectations there. It’s hard to look at a person who lives in that struggle to deal with sin when they have a God that tells them to ‘sin no more’, when we know that’s impossible.

Deal with people without judgment of what you believe their motivations are; unless you can ‘cast that first stone’.


First of all, my comment was just a poke at boy because he's believed to be a Soros plant in this forum.

Interesting point. You're talking about people who are being truthful with you and who aren't. We all want to know people we are dealing with are honest with us. We don't like being deceived. But I would argue even the most ardent Christian is still going to be 'motivated' by sin to a certain degree. The bible is clear that “… all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23). It’s easy to stand in judgment of someone claiming they are Christian only to watch them routinely drive 15 mph over the speed limit or watch porn. It’s also easy to accept someone for being honest about their sin; there are no lost expectations there. It’s hard to look at a person who lives in that struggle to deal with sin when they have a God that tells them to ‘sin no more’, when we know that’s impossible.

Deal with people without judgment of what you believe their motivations are; unless you can ‘cast that first stone’.

Why was there a tree of the knowledge of good and evil in the garden of Eden? Why wasn't it gotten rid of? What evil did it do being there?

Some Christians don't believe that we should get rid of all the evil because God didn't get rid of all the evil. Exactly what is evil if you aren't tempted by it? If you aren't tempted by evil, does it have any control over you? If you have pure thoughts, will you break the speed limit although evil is around you? No. Evil was around Jesus and He never sinned.


Thought pirate
Why was there a tree of the knowledge of good and evil in the garden of Eden? Why wasn't it gotten rid of? What evil did it do being there?

Some Christians don't believe that we should get rid of all the evil because God didn't get rid of all the evil. Exactly what is evil if you aren't tempted by it? If you aren't tempted by evil, does it have any control over you? If you have pure thoughts, will you break the speed limit although evil is around you? No. Evil was around Jesus and He never sinned.

Again, God is both good and evil because without evil, then God would have no point of reference of goodness. And religions would have no fear mechanism
to control you.


Well-Known Member
Again, God is both good and evil because without evil, then God would have no point of reference of goodness. And religions would have no fear mechanism
to control you.

Again, so wrong on your part. Such insecurity on your part by trying to place God into some sort of box just to satisfy yourself.

In your very finite, limited mind, you cannot stand the thought or concept of anyone (God is an anyone) being perfect simply because you cannot be.

Anything God is good. Any/all things God-like are good. Any/all things not God-like is/are evil. God is not evil in any way, shape or form. We do that all by ourselves.

Don't try and figure God out - you never will. Just figure Him. Then your eyes shall be opened.
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Thought pirate
Again, so wrong on your part. Such insecurity on your part by trying to place God into some sort of box just to satisfy yourself.

In your very finite, limited mind, you cannot stand the thought or concept of anyone (God is an anyone) being perfect simply because you cannot be.

Anything God is good. Any/all things God-like are good. Any/all things not God-like is/are evil. God is not evil in any way, shape or form. We do that all by ourselves.

Don't try and figure God out - you never will. Just figure Him. Then your eyes shall be opened.

Lol, apparently the part in your bible that speaks about not judging others doesn't apply to you. Thanks for continuing to help me paint the picture in my mind about religion.

So who or what created evil? If God created all and is truly omnipotent and timeless and all things come from a creator, did that creator not create evil as well? What significance would good be without evil? And why do most of you refer to the creator as a him? If none of you have ever personally met the creator, how do you know? From a book written my men from a time when women were subjugated to a lower status than men?


PREMO Member
Why Did God Create Evil?
FAQ: Why did God create evil? If God planned everything, why did He plan for really bad things to happen?

The "Problem of Evil" is a philosophical stumbling block for many people. Since the empirical evidence for creation, and therefore a Creator, is stunning (see prior discussions), many atheists attack biblical creation on philosophical grounds. The primary questions atheists pose are: "If God is real, and God created everything, why did He create evil?" "Why did a personal, loving God create a world in which evil exists?" "Why did God give man freedom to commit evil acts?" Atheists reason, "Surely, an all-knowing God of love would not allow evil to exist in His world."

The response to the foregoing is summed up in God's nature and His desire for mankind. Look at the logic: How could God allow for love without the potential for evil? God could have created robots that do nothing more than forever say, "I love you, I love you, I love you." But such creatures would be incapable of a real love relationship. Love is a choice, and the Bible says God desires a real love relationship with His creation. Love is not real unless we have the ability to not love. One of God's attributes is omniscience. God knew that in a world with choice, there would be much evil -- to choose not to love is evil by definition. However, there would also be the capacity for real love. Philosopher Alvin Plantinga writes, "An all loving, all powerful, all knowing Being could permit as much evil as He pleased without forfeiting His claim to being all loving, so long as for every evil state of affairs He permits there is an accompanying greater good". The potential for love out weighs the existence of evil, especially if evil can only exist for a time. Evil is a side effect of love. Suffering and death are a side effect of evil (Romans 5:12). God says in His Bible that this side effect is only for a time. Evil serves the limited purpose of establishing real love relationships between creation and the Creator, and evil will be done away with after that purpose is achieved. "And the world passes away, and the lust thereof: but he that does the will of God abides forever" (I John 2:17).


One of the most haunting questions we face concerns the problem of evil. Why is there evil in the world if there is a God? Why isn’t He doing something about it? Many assume that the existence of evil disproves the existence of God.
Sometimes the problem of evil is put to the Christian in the form of a complex question, “If God is good, then He must not be powerful enough to deal with all the evil and injustice in the world since it is still going on. If He is powerful enough to stop wrongdoing, then He Himself must be an evil God since He’s not doing anything about it even though He has the capability. So which is it? Is He a bad God or a God that’s not all powerful?” Even the biblical writers complained about pain and evil. “Evils have encompassed me without number” (Psalm 40:12, RSV). “Why is my pain unceasing, my wound incurable, refusing to be healed?” (Jeremiah 15:18, RSV). “The whole creation has been groaning in travail together until now” (Romans 8:22, RSV). Thus we readily admit that evil is a problem and we also admit that if God created the world the way it is today, He would not be a God of love, but rather an evil God.

However the Scriptures make it plain that God did not create the world in the state in which it is now, but evil came as a result of the selfishness of man. The Bible says that God is a God of love and He desired to create a person and eventually a race that would love Him. But genuine love cannot exist unless freely given through free choice and will, and thus man was given the choice to accept God’s love or to reject it. This choice made the possibility of evil become very real. When Adam and Eve disobeyed God, they did not choose something God created, but, by. their choice, they brought evil into the world. God is neither evil nor did He create evil. Man brought evil upon himself by selfishly choosing his own way apart from God’s way.

Because of the Fall, the world now is abnormal. Things are not in the state that they should be in. Man, as a result of the Fall, has been separated from God. Nature is not always kind to man and the animal world can also be his enemy. There is conflict between man and his fellowman. None of these conditions were true before the Fall. Any solution that might be given to the problems mankind faces must take into consideration that the world as it stands now is not normal.


Bead mumbler
Lol, apparently the part in your bible that speaks about not judging others doesn't apply to you. Thanks for continuing to help me paint the picture in my mind about religion. So who or what created evil? If God created all and is truly omnipotent and timeless and all things come from a creator, did that creator not create evil as well? What significance would good be without evil? And why do most of you refer to the creator as a him? If none of you have ever personally met the creator, how do you know? From a book written my men from a time when women were subjugated to a lower status than men?
Yes, he does what he accuses others of doing--treating anyone with a different view than he like crap--hence no credibility is given to him anymore--plus he is dishonest and willingly spreads falsehoods about Roman Catholic teaching.


Well-Known Member
Lol, apparently the part in your bible that speaks about not judging others doesn't apply to you. Thanks for continuing to help me paint the picture in my mind about religion.

So who or what created evil? If God created all and is truly omnipotent and timeless and all things come from a creator, did that creator not create evil as well? What significance would good be without evil? And why do most of you refer to the creator as a him? If none of you have ever personally met the creator, how do you know? From a book written my men from a time when women were subjugated to a lower status than men?

I judged nobody in any way in my response. Check out your response to a post of mine on a another thread in this forum:

08-24-2015, 07:27 PM #8
cheezgrits is online now
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Quote Originally Posted by b23hqb View Post
God did not create evil - Lucifer did when his pride took over and he placed himself at, or above, God's paygrade. I generally agree with your statement, with a few caveats: For the vast majority of time as we know it, God has let us alone to do our own freewill thing, which we have done quite badly. He intervened with the flood, and He intervened a few times by punishing Israel until they got back in line and in tune with him again.

God knew what Satan would do to humanity here - he simply let it play out the course that lead to Jesus's death, burial, and resurrection. If Satan had not rebelled, there would have been no need for God to create man, would there?

Remember, God follows His plan, and not what what man wants.

Your reply:

"That makes sense, in a way and makes the question in my mind a little less perplexing. Thank you for the insight."

The same issue was addressed, and agreed to by you in that thread.

It is impossible for a perfect one to be good and evil, or to be the author of both. If you are perfect (God only), everything is good, and if evil as we know it comes from God, than everything we know as "evil" is not evil, but must be good. Therefore, murder, rape, incest, stealing, robbery, kidnapping, any other despicable human trait you can think of, are all good, right? If all is good, there can be no evil.

And please, show me any kind of judgement on my part besides saying your are wrong with your line of reasoning? That's simply disagreeing, or is that a judgement in your judgmental mind?
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Well-Known Member
Yes, he does what he accuses others of doing--treating anyone with a different view than he like crap--hence no credibility is given to him anymore--plus he is dishonest and willingly spreads falsehoods about Roman Catholic teaching.[/QUOTE

little onel -:lmao:


Thought pirate
I judged nobody in any way in my response. Check out your response to a post of mine on a another thread in this forum:

08-24-2015, 07:27 PM #8
cheezgrits is online now
Thought pirate
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Dec 2010

Quote Originally Posted by b23hqb View Post
God did not create evil - Lucifer did when his pride took over and he placed himself at, or above, God's paygrade. I generally agree with your statement, with a few caveats: For the vast majority of time as we know it, God has let us alone to do our own freewill thing, which we have done quite badly. He intervened with the flood, and He intervened a few times by punishing Israel until they got back in line and in tune with him again.

God knew what Satan would do to humanity here - he simply let it play out the course that lead to Jesus's death, burial, and resurrection. If Satan had not rebelled, there would have been no need for God to create man, would there?

Remember, God follows His plan, and not what what man wants.

Your reply:

"That makes sense, in a way and makes the question in my mind a little less perplexing. Thank you for the insight."

The same issue was addressed, and agreed to by you in that thread.

It is impossible for a perfect one to be good and evil, or to be the author of both. If you are perfect (God only), everything is good, and if evil as we know it comes from God, than everything we know as "evil" is not evil, but must be good. Therefore, murder, rape, incest, stealing, robbery, kidnapping, any other despicable human trait you can think of, are all good, right? If all is good, there can be no evil.

And please, show me any kind of judgement on my part besides saying your are wrong with your line of reasoning? That's simply disagreeing, or is that a judgement in your judgmental mind?

Again, so wrong on your part. Such insecurity on your part by trying to place God into some sort of box just to satisfy yourself.

In your very finite, limited mind, you cannot stand the thought or concept of anyone (God is an anyone) being perfect simply because you cannot be.

Remember those words? I'm pretty sure that's judging me. One, assuming I'm wrong (different from not agreeing) Judging me as insecure, Assuming I have a limited mind and assuming I can't stand a concept.

You're a typical hypocritical christian.
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Well-Known Member
Again, so wrong on your part. Such insecurity on your part by trying to place God into some sort of box just to satisfy yourself.

In your very finite, limited mind, you cannot stand the thought or concept of anyone (God is an anyone) being perfect simply because you cannot be.

Remember those words? I'm pretty sure that's judging me. One, assuming I'm wrong (different from not agreeing) Judging me as insecure, Assuming I have a limited mind and assuming I can't stand a concept.

You're a typical hypocritical christian.


All Christians are not hypocritical. Some of us are just human.... that's ripe with it's own problems. Some of us choose to be faithful, not hypocritical, or mean. Then we mess up but we keep going back to just faithful.

So .... understand that hypocritical christian does not apply to all Christians.



Thought pirate
Again, so wrong on your part. Such insecurity on your part by trying to place God into some sort of box just to satisfy yourself.

In your very finite, limited mind, you cannot stand the thought or concept of anyone (God is an anyone) being perfect simply because you cannot be.

Remember those words? I'm pretty sure that's judging me. One, assuming I'm wrong (different from not agreeing) Judging me as insecure, Assuming I have a limited mind and assuming I can't stand a concept.

You're a typical hypocritical christian.


All Christians are not hypocritical. Some of us are just human.... that's ripe with it's own problems. Some of us choose to be faithful, not hypocritical, or mean. Then we mess up but we keep going back to just faithful.

So .... understand that hypocritical christian does not apply to all Christians.


Correct, i apologize for the generalization.


PREMO Member



Why was there a tree of the knowledge of good and evil in the garden of Eden? Why wasn't it gotten rid of? What evil did it do being there?

Some Christians don't believe that we should get rid of all the evil because God didn't get rid of all the evil. Exactly what is evil if you aren't tempted by it? If you aren't tempted by evil, does it have any control over you? If you have pure thoughts, will you break the speed limit although evil is around you? No. Evil was around Jesus and He never sinned.

You're going to tell me Romans 3:23 is wrong? You have pure thoughts? Always?