
Some of us need a thread to commiserate about our golf games. I hadn't played much last year or this past winter, but I'm starting to play a little more now. I love to hate this game, or maybe I hate to love it - it can be quite frustrating.

I'm currently crushing my 3-wood off the tee and sticking the majority of my irons, but I can't putt to save my life. I had 8 3-putts in one round last week and shot 81. I was quite pleased with my game and quite infuriated with it at the same time. I suspect that, by the end of the summer, I'll be putting lights out but will have completely lost my distance control with the irons.
Some of us need a thread to commiserate about our golf games. I hadn't played much last year or this past winter, but I'm starting to play a little more now. I love to hate this game, or maybe I hate to love it - it can be quite frustrating.

I'm currently crushing my 3-wood off the tee and sticking the majority of my irons, but I can't putt to save my life. I had 8 3-putts in one round last week and shot 81. I was quite pleased with my game and quite infuriated with it at the same time. I suspect that, by the end of the summer, I'll be putting lights out but will have completely lost my distance control with the irons.

Sounds like you need more practice and have I got a deal for you!!!!!

Thanks to Chesapeake Hills Golf Club we have a unique and fun way to support Scouting and have fun. Please consider supporting the First Annual Western Shore District Closest to the Pin Competition!

We're selling $10 tickets for a chance to hit a golf ball closest to the pin on the range.

That same ticket will also give the buyer a free round of golf with rental of a golf cart.

Tickets can be purchased in advance this Saturday 12:00-4:00 at the golf course or on site day of.

Please pass this wonderful opportunity on to all families and interested parties.

You can also visit us at NCAC - Western Shore District - Closest to the Pin Competition


Date: June 2nd 2012

Time: 10am to 2pm


Chesapeake Hills Golf Club

11352 HG Trueman Road, Lusby , MD 20657

Tickets $10

Each ticket will grant the buyer 1 ball to hit in an attempt to get closest to the pin. That ticket will also be the coupon that the person can redeem at the golf course for a free round of Golf with rental of a golf cart week days after 11:00am. The coupon will expire Dec. 31st 2012. People can buy as many tickets as they want.

The pin will be placed on the range at about 150 yards.

Financial Incentives:

Golf Cart Rentals - $18.87
Cost of Round of Golf on Weekdays after 11:00 - $36.00


There will be prizes for the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners!


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Larry Gude

Strung Out
I'm currently crushing my 3-wood off the tee and sticking the majority of my irons, but I can't putt to save my life. I had 8 3-putts in one round last week and shot 81.

That would soooooo tick me off. That has soooo ticked me off. First time I broke 80, I three putted the 18th after playing solid all over all day, Western Maryland Open actually, and was miffed until my playing partners said 'congrats on the 79!' and I remembered the back was par 35. :lol:

However, if I have to choose, I'd rather get off the t in good shape and make good swings into the greens and putt like trash all day than the reverse.



Damn Tilted. You are swinging em well! Just think if it this way. If we could put a full game together we'd be doing it for a living!

I'm actually playing well this year. Finally won a tournament Monday that we've been getting 2nd in for years. Second shot on 9 at Cedar Point, behind the tree on the left, just left of the two humps mid fairway. Hit a huuuuuuuge draw around the tree with a 9 and stuck it about 2 ft from payday. I don't think I've ever worked a draw that well.

Enjoy the season!
Sounds like you need more practice and have I got a deal for you!!!!!

I need to put in that synthetic putting green that I've been planning on installing for years. More to the point, I need some extra money to pay for it. :smile:
That would soooooo tick me off. That has soooo ticked me off. First time I broke 80, I three putted the 18th after playing solid all over all day, Western Maryland Open actually, and was miffed until my playing partners said 'congrats on the 79!' and I remembered the back was par 35. :lol:

However, if I have to choose, I'd rather get off the t in good shape and make good swings into the greens and putt like trash all day than the reverse.


I'd generally agree. But after a while, I'd like some variety. Right now, I suspect I'd rather enjoy a round where I hit the ball all over the course, but somehow managed to make enough 30 footers to shoot 92. :lol:

Damn Tilted. You are swinging em well! Just think if it this way. If we could put a full game together we'd be doing it for a living!

Damn right!

I'm actually playing well this year. Finally won a tournament Monday that we've been getting 2nd in for years. Second shot on 9 at Cedar Point, behind the tree on the left, just left of the two humps mid fairway. Hit a huuuuuuuge draw around the tree with a 9 and stuck it about 2 ft from payday. I don't think I've ever worked a draw that well.

Enjoy the season!

Congrats! I've been able to work the ball pretty well this year (well, for the last month or so). I think I'm probably better off trying to work it than trying to hit straight shots. I feel pretty confident that, if I'm trying to hit a draw or a fade, the worst case is that I'll hit a straight ball or less curve than I want (this is with irons, not necessarily with my 3 wood or driver). In other words, in my mind I can completely take one side (or one kind of mistake) out of the equation. If I'm trying to hit a straight ball, it's still in the back of my mind that it's possible - even if unlikely - that I could miss either way. It's a big advantage to be able to take one mistake - left or right - out of the equation and choose an aiming point accordingly.


Larry Gude

Strung Out
I'd generally agree. But after a while, I'd like some variety. Right now, I suspect I'd rather enjoy a round where I hit the ball all over the course, but somehow managed to make enough 30 footers to shoot 92. :lol:

Nah. If I wanna have fun putting, I go find a nice 18 with a windmill and clown faces. Maybe a few waterfalls. :lol:

Golf is, for me, given that I don't have the talent nor dedication to get good at the whole game, is the 36 swings, not the 30, 40, 50, little waves at the ball. You mentioned working the ball and I am always more satisfied when a fade or draw comes off than I ever am pouring in a 12 footer. It's weird, I'm weird. When I make a nice swing I feel like I actually did something. I don't care if it's 6, 12, 18 or even a 30 foot bomb. Without fail, when I make a long putt or even a solid lag, it's more like 'that's what you're supposed to do' as opposed to 'Yes!!!!" I get with a good swing. I think it has something, much, to do with the athletic accomplishment, you ARE actually doing something vs. a....putt. I mean, even the words; swing. Putt.




Free Rent
I golfed thru most of the winter, both down South and up here. Haven't gone in a while. Just got my hands on some extra cash. I think Sligo Creek or Paint Branch might be calling my name in the near future.
Nah. If I wanna have fun putting, I go find a nice 18 with a windmill and clown faces. Maybe a few waterfalls. :lol:

Golf is, for me, given that I don't have the talent nor dedication to get good at the whole game, is the 36 swings, not the 30, 40, 50, little waves at the ball. You mentioned working the ball and I am always more satisfied when a fade or draw comes off than I ever am pouring in a 12 footer. It's weird, I'm weird. When I make a nice swing I feel like I actually did something. I don't care if it's 6, 12, 18 or even a 30 foot bomb. Without fail, when I make a long putt or even a solid lag, it's more like 'that's what you're supposed to do' as opposed to 'Yes!!!!" I get with a good swing. I think it has something, much, to do with the athletic accomplishment, you ARE actually doing something vs. a....putt. I mean, even the words; swing. Putt.



That's not weird. For the most part I'd agree with you. But when you've been putting as poorly as I have been - to the point that I think it's starting to get into my head, something I've typically been able to avoid more than most - it would be nice to break through with a round of good putting. It would be nice to remind myself that I actually can putt halfway decent so that I wouldn't constantly be, e.g., standing on a par 3 tee thinking I needed to hit my 4 iron within 20 feet if I want to make par - and feeling like I had a better chance to make a 1 than a 2. :lol: When you're hitting the ball as well as I have of late (compared to how I was hitting it last year), it would be nice to feel like you were cashing some of that performance in by scoring well - and accumulating points for your teammates.

I think I actually let the frustration spill over to the rest of my game this past Sunday. On the front, I lost just one shot - over-clubbed my approach on the 9th and ended up on top of a hill behind the green. I had 6 birdie putts inside of 20 feet and didn't make a single one. I had an 8-footer for birdie on a par 5 and 3-putted, and took 3 to get down from the edge of another green. The only birdie I made was a lucky chip-in after I missed my approach on 9. I had to miss a green to make birdie. :banghead:

Then I got to the back and fell apart. Standing over each shot, I had just as much confidence as I've had over every other shot for the last month. But something wasn't working - I lost more shots than I care to count. I shot 47. That's 37-47. It's always fun because I'm playing and competing with friends, but that 47 was pretty frustrating.

I suppose the point is, I'd really like to start putting somewhat decently so that I could post a few mid 70's before the rest of my game goes to #### and I'm back to padding my handicap with high 80's and 90's. :lol:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I think I actually let the frustration spill over to the rest of my game this past Sunday. On the front, I lost just one shot - over-clubbed my approach on the 9th and ended up on top of a hill behind the green. I had 6 birdie putts inside of 20 feet and didn't make a single one. I had an 8-footer for birdie on a par 5 and 3-putted, and took 3 to get down from the edge of another green. The only birdie I made was a lucky chip-in after I missed my approach on 9. I had to miss a green to make birdie. :banghead:

Then I got to the back and fell apart. Standing over each shot, I had just as much confidence as I've had over every other shot for the last month. But something wasn't working - I lost more shots than I care to count. I shot 47. That's 37-47. It's always fun because I'm playing and competing with friends, but that 47 was pretty frustrating.

I suppose the point is, I'd really like to start putting somewhat decently so that I could post a few mid 70's before the rest of my game goes to #### and I'm back to padding my handicap with high 80's and 90's. :lol:

Yuck. I may have under estimated just how poorly you are putting. I have goods swing/horrible putt days but, not round after round.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I suppose the point is, I'd really like to start putting somewhat decently so that I could post a few mid 70's before the rest of my game goes to #### and I'm back to padding my handicap with high 80's and 90's. :lol:

Good lord. I HAVE under estimated how bad you are putting. What's a typical back nine for you these days?????

Yuck. I may have under estimated just how poorly you are putting. I have goods swing/horrible putt days but, not round after round.

It's crazy. I walk off the practice green pretty confident that I've got it figured out, but then... I haven't.

Here's how bad it is: I missed a 5 footer on 16 Sunday and quickly remarked that I couldn't recall making anything outside of 3 foot all day. One of my partners said something like... well, I wasn't gonna be the one to mention it, but you haven't.

EDIT: I am sooooooo looking forward to playing some captain's choice events this year though. With my regular group, I usually putt last - I'm not planning on having to putt this year. :smile:
I got to play 9 holes this afternoon. Putted a little better, but hit the ball considerably worse. Such is the game. Shot 42.
I'd take 42 right now and walk away happy.


I would have a couple months ago, or last year, as well.

But, when you start hitting your irons like Sergio (okay, better than Sergio :lol:), you start feeling like you're something special and deserve to be scoring better. You aren't, and you don't, of course - and the golf Gods are certain to make that abundantly clear sooner or later - but you start getting these delusions of grandeur in your head nonetheless.


Larry Gude

Strung Out
... but you start getting these delusions of grandeur in your head nonetheless.


:lol: Yeah. Every time I string a few solid, routine pars together I start getting that...

Easy game. Just smooth it off the T, let the club do the work. Pick the right side of the fairway. Hit a nice, high cut into the pin. Smooth it up there and, if it doesn't fall it, tap in par and off to the next T. Easy game.

After about three of these, there is this blackout that happens during my swing and I can NOT swing it. I am HITTING. Over the top and when I try to relax that, then, this enormous divot shows up.



Free Rent
Will probably shoot a round on Monday or Tuesday, depending on my brother in-law...not sure if I want to take a 45 handicapper with me...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Played Lodestone this past week.

Lodestone Golf Club - Maryland Golf at it's Best - Deep Creek Lake Golf Courses

Really nice course with just a few things I'd change. Worth $125? No. However, for the enthusiast that doesn't mind dropping some coin for a good new course, sure.

Of the 'modern style' courses, the Nicklaus types with lots of dramatic bunkering and elephants buried under the greens, Lodestone, better than most, doesn't simply confuse you off the T. I could tell, right away, where they wanted you to hit it. And where not. Bunkers are laid out to say "This way is better IF you can get over" instead of "This bunker is here for no reason other than to hide the gulch/OB/environmentally sensitive area." Only a few of the greens are ridiculous.

Also, play it from the back because the member T's, if you are consistent in length off the T, you'll be playing the same approach club all day. Besides, a par should be a 625 yard full fledged 3 shot hole. :evil: And, only a few of the par 4's are beyond the hack's ability on the second shot. You'll hit some 4 and 3I and maybe a wood here and there but, hey, rather that than 8 iron all day. And play the par 3's UP except 17, back, just for the view. 225 is a BIT much 4 times.

I didn't break 100 and enjoyed it very much. #7 is perhaps the prettiest hole I've ever played in my life. They claim 13 is their signature because it's a dramatic vista to Deep Creek lake but, bleh. Not even top 3 on the course.

*NOTE: The thing went belly up and the county took it over. The driving range was not finished and the parking lot is gravel. However, if you like the cart paths at Swan Point, you'll LOVE them on Lodestone. Easily the nicest combination of cart path construction, driving excitement and GORGEOUS scenery.

It MIGHT be worth the $125. At least once. And, now that I think about it, if they do the damn range and a practice area, yeah, it's a $125 course.


Larry Gude

Strung Out
I'm supposed to play golf tomorrow. Debating on not going, but I suspect I will.

Roast. Sun burn. Sweat buckets. Sauna. Swat gnats. Labored breathing and the constant doubt of just what the hell you're doing out there.

Sounds like fun to me! :evil: