GOOD NEWS FOR PIGS - You can go out and drink and drive again.


New Member
vraiblonde said:
Why? It should be a matter of public record and no need to keep it on the QT.
Because all I know is what I know and do not want to start anymore rumors than fly on here


Pitty Party
Tomcat said:
Did you ever think there might be 2 sides to the story? Rossignol's and the truth??

The matter of facts is the arshole left the scene of a crime/accident and went home where they arrested the jerk off!



New Member
J.South said:
OLder than me and she was carding people

The bartender that night is 40 and it is her job to card you. If she serves under age people, then the whole place gets in trouble, including herself.
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Board Mommy
PREMO Member
From the PMs I received, it sounds like the cop might not have realized he hit her. No one has said that he got her in his headlights and ran her down or anything - everyone said that the back end of his car hit her as he was turning his car around.

Sure, drinking and driving is a no-no - if you or I did it, we'd be arrested. But we'd also have to be stopped and breathalized. Can you imagine what would happen if the cops could just come to your house and arrest you for DWI based on what bar patrons and the bartender said? So there's no admissible proof that he was over the legal limit, therefore a DWI charge is out of the question.


Do I think the officer and his co-worker passenger were drunk at the time of the accident, yep, mainly because it doesn't take much to be considered legally intoxicated these days. :ohwell:

But the problem is putting him behind the wheel DRUNK at the time of the accident. If anyone remembers, he left the scene, and it was several hours later that he was arrested and charged. He could say he went home and got drunk, didn't realized he hit her and that he was not drunk at the time of the accident. It happens all the time, and I mean all the time and because the state has to have the burden of proof beyond a reasonable doubt, they get off.

There are bad people everywhere, even in law enforcement, don’t let one bad apple spoil everyone's opinion about the bunch. :yay:

And I'm posting this message anyway even if it is a repeat to vrai's because I was typing a response, got busy, came back and somebody said what I wanted to say. :tantrum: I hate when that happens. :lol:


Ugly women send me karma.
Bottom line is a drunk azz pig caught on VIDEO drinking ALL night. But he gets off. Yep sounds like BS to me.


POOH said:
Bottom line is a drunk azz pig caught on VIDEO drinking ALL night. But he gets off. Yep sounds like BS to me.

Where did it say he was caught on video tape? I'm not calling you a liar, I just don't remember seeing it. :shrug:


Ugly women send me karma.
The tape was taken from ABC at 4:00 am the night of the HIT AND RUN and given to the cops. There are 8 cameras in the place and they record 24 - 7


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
POOH said:
The tape was taken from ABC at 4:00 am the night of the HIT AND RUN and given to the cops. There are 8 cameras in the place and they record 24 - 7
THEY DO????? :yikes: Holy crap!

Trying to figure out how to break into ABC and DESTROY THOSE TAPES!!!


Ugly women send me karma.
Other bars have more than that. same have them hidden and some are out in the open.


New Member
Kizzy said:
Where did it say he was caught on video tape? I'm not calling you a liar, I just don't remember seeing it. :shrug:

You would not have seen the video. All the news channels did was interview the bartender. I've seen only 4 cameras in the bar...


morganj614 said:
You would not have seen the video. All the news channels did was interview the bartender. I've seen only 4 cameras in the bar...

If they did actually get the officer's on tape drinking it up, I'm sure the brotherhood that exists in the police department, kept it from getting released.

I'm not downing the police, so let me say that, but I just think that if it was Jo Blow the average everyday run of the mill guy, he would have been on channel 4, 5, 7, 9, at 4, 5, 6, and 10/11 news. :ohwell: