Goodbye It Was Fun!!!



Sharon said:
I wanna play too!

Send me $20 to see the rest of the story! :elaine:

Would that be a post saved from days gone by?

Anyway :howdy: Qpid, I didn't read hardly anything you posted.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Tigerlily said:
So Vrai did Qpid request that you inactive their account?
Sort of. She gave me a farewell "f###" and about 2,000 people broke their fingers reporting it. :lmao:

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
vraiblonde said:
I don't know...wasn't it KevRock who said he was the be-all end-all of forum entertainment and that this place would fall into humdrum oblivion if he were to no longer grace us with his presence?

It seems to me that he had a hard time expressing himself without profanity as well.
:yeahthat: That and death threats. :lmao: Kitty food bags STILL scare me. :drama:


I bowl overhand
vraiblonde said:
Sort of. She gave me a farewell "f###" and about 2,000 people broke their fingers reporting it. :lmao:
Have to agree with Q-Pid with the juvenile telling on each other.. and running to Vrai with every litlle problem.. Karma wars were so stupid if it wasn't so funny i wuold have cried, now we are telling on each other so we can see who can get a time out? Yep, agree, that's awful 6th graderish..

Have ya got any "I slept with "insert name here" and now it hurts when I pee, you should ban them!!" yet?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
itsbob said:
Have to agree with Q-Pid with the juvenile telling on each other..
Could you be any less fun? If you tried rilly rilly hard? :bonk:

I told her on the board that if she does it again, she's gone. She did it again and her fan club just wanted to make sure I didn't miss it.

Be more popular and people won't want to see you get banned. :shrug: