GOP clown car has first occupant for 2016 ride: Ben Carson

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Yes it was so traumatic she could not remember what MONTH it occurred.

Please don't do this. You've shown intelligence and reason in the past. Bill Clinton got away with FAR more than any other man would have in terms of abuse of power over women to get sex and I think there is plenty of reason to believe he raped Brodderick. Not hit her over the head and drag in the alley rape but, coercion, belligerence, insistence, past the point where most men, and every woman, would have said "She said no a hole!" We stopped accepting that a long time ago.


Well-Known Member
hang on, are you calling me a clown or a clown car? since you dont seem to know the difference between the two i just want to make sure :killingme

Why don't you grow up or and take your trolling down to the Middle School you attend and leave adults alone.

Ding ding-------Juvenile troll alert.


PREMO Member
I think FDR was a good President. not for his policies that over time have turned out to be the foundation of the welfare circus we have today, but because he did STUFF. he would try to fix problems, if something didn't work he would drop it and try another approach until somehting worked.

if FDR had stayed out of the way the country would have recovered quickly ...
... his policies increased the recovery period [according the UCLA 7 yrs]

this from the WSJ

The goal of the New Deal was to get Americans back to work. But the New Deal didn't restore employment. In fact, there was even less work on average during the New Deal than before FDR took office. Total hours worked per adult, including government employees, were 18% below their 1929 level between 1930-32, but were 23% lower on average during the New Deal (1933-39). Private hours worked were even lower after FDR took office, averaging 27% below their 1929 level, compared to 18% lower between in 1930-32.

Even comparing hours worked at the end of 1930s to those at the beginning of FDR's presidency doesn't paint a picture of recovery. Total hours worked per adult in 1939 remained about 21% below their 1929 level, compared to a decline of 27% in 1933. And it wasn't just work that remained scarce during the New Deal. Per capita consumption did not recover at all, remaining 25% below its trend level throughout the New Deal, and per-capita nonresidential investment averaged about 60% below trend. The Great Depression clearly continued long after FDR took office.

Why wasn't the Depression followed by a vigorous recovery, like every other cycle? It should have been. The economic fundamentals that drive all expansions were very favorable during the New Deal. Productivity grew very rapidly after 1933, the price level was stable, real interest rates were low, and liquidity was plentiful. We have calculated on the basis of just productivity growth that employment and investment should have been back to normal levels by 1936. Similarly, Nobel Laureate Robert Lucas and Leonard Rapping calculated on the basis of just expansionary Federal Reserve policy that the economy should have been back to normal by 1935.

I expect sweetie pie along shortly to very her spleen
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Well-Known Member
Why don't you grow up or and take your trolling down to the Middle School you attend and leave adults alone.

Ding ding-------Juvenile troll alert.

Poor lil fella. Maybe next time you won't get confused by all those pesky words and their meanings :poorbaby:
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mama to two
Why do I think that many posts on here are really the 'battle of the penises'. It is so humorous. Y'all need to get a locker room! :lol:

There are, also, 'battles of the vagina' which I, also, find humorous. But, when it comes down to it, they won't show theirs!

Thanks, y'all. :roflmao:


Unto dust we shall return
if FDR had stayed out of the way the country would have recovered quickly ...
... his policies increased the recovery period

His policies? You silly partisan hack. You really should read history with a more critical eye. FDR's policies had their genesis in the Hoover administration. The Great Depression was going on three years before FDR took office. Hoover's programs were seen as not being effective, but FDR thought they were a good idea. He accelerated and amplified them.

And no. I'm not going to spoon feed you links. You will have to do your own homework. But you clearly are not very well educated in this area. I'll recommend some book titles if you're interested.

Many credit WW II as being responsible for ending the Great Depression. But stopping there is rather short-sighted. Building stuff only to blow it to #### doesn't create and build wealth. Now you could make the argument that the technological advances made possible by government spending during WW II had a lot to do with ending the Great Depression, but I would counter, it alone didn't end it; rather it provided the juice for the expansion *after* the war when conscription ended and all these people needed jobs after their service.

Even though official tax rates were pretty high post WW II, there were plenty of loopholes so that the effective rate was rather low. Bretton Woods, which pegged the U.S. dollar to gold … these were other factors contributing to the post-war economic boom...


mama to two
His policies? You silly partisan hack. You really should read history with a more critical eye. FDR's policies had their genesis in the Hoover administration. The Great Depression was going on three years before FDR took office. Hoover's programs were seen as not being effective, but FDR thought they were a good idea. He accelerated and amplified them.

And no. I'm not going to spoon feed you links. You will have to do your own homework. But you clearly are not very well educated in this area. I'll recommend some book titles if you're interested.

Many credit WW II as being responsible for ending the Great Depression. But stopping there is rather short-sighted. Building stuff only to blow it to #### doesn't create and build wealth. Now you could make the argument that the technological advances made possible by government spending during WW II had a lot to do with ending the Great Depression, but I would counter, it alone didn't end it; rather it provided the juice for the expansion *after* the war when conscription ended and all these people needed jobs after their service.

Even though official tax rates were pretty high post WW II, there were plenty of loopholes so that the effective rate was rather low. Bretton Woods, which pegged the U.S. dollar to gold … these were other factors contributing to the post-war economic boom...

You are so clueless. Good night.


New Member
I expect sweetie pie along shortly to very her spleen

now why would you make a strong and supported argument to support your opinion and end it with this? it is like baking a three layer beautiful cake and throwing a glob of mud on top. Admittedly not nearly as vitrol-full as LB's response (whom i wish people would stop quoting) but of the same character.

I have read books that claim that FDR saved capitalism in the USA. Any author can make any claim and find data to support their claim. the trick is to read several sourcesand form an indepdent opnion. I never claimed that FDR was the one who figured out how to put toothpaste in a tube or that we should slice bread vertically. But I feel he at least led. he did his job. Every President's action may have unwanted results. In another post on this forum someone pointed out that under Reagan this o####ry went from being the largest trading surplus nation to the nation with the largest trading deficit. Was part of that due to the fact the Reagan believed in no government influence in industry and the Japanese government subsidised their industries? Maybe. But like FDR Reagan led. he made people feel good about their country and their government.

It is my opinion that FDR was a good president. It is an opinion. It is my opinion that lasagna is the greatest food ever. That also is an opinion.