Voting is ONE DAY & IN PERSON...anything else is just cheating. no ifs, ands, or buts. It's cheating...paint the cheating however you want...all you'll present is multi colored cheating...
I'm okay with multiple voting days - some people can't get off work or they're sick, or whatever. I'm also good with absentee ballots because people travel for work or whatever and can't make it in person.
But there needs to be rules in place and they need to be strictly followed. None of this, "Hmmmm.....looks like we don't have enough votes for our guy....better change the rules to get more" garbage. No rule changing within, say, 6 months of election day because that's just cheating BS.
If it were me I'd outlaw door knocking and other aggressive attempts to "get out the vote". If people aren't interested in voting on their own, they shouldn't be coerced or bribed into doing so. If they don't keep up with the issues or candidates, they shouldn't inflict their ignorance/disinterest on the rest of us.
AND (here's where I get controversial) I'd make a law that says if you aren't in possession of your faculties you cannot vote. No zoned out nursing home patients. No profoundly mentally disabled folks. No coma patients. If you can't respond correctly when asked the name of the current POTUS, or your own name, you can't vote. Now, someone with a severely disabled child might bitch and go, "My son is an American citizen and has a right to vote!" but in fact that person is NOT voting - their caretaker is voting twice. And that's wrong.
The Dembots whine incessantly about everyone's "right to vote" but that's only because they go around to schitzed out homeless people and drag them to the polls with the promise of a bottle of $2 wine.
If you cannot speak, read, or write in English, you shouldn't be allowed to vote in this country.
I've said this one before: there should be a civics test. Nothing fancy, just basic questions any American citizen should be able to answer. If you pass, you get to vote.
It's shocking to me that so many Dembots want foreigners voting in our elections. The politicians, sure, of course they want all the votes they can drum up; but you'd think even the most ardent liberal would draw the line at what amounts to tourists deciding who runs this country.
It should be harder to vote, not easier.