Got pulled over in Northern Calvert.



Thor said:
Would you like me to take a photo of the warning and show it to you?

i'd appreciate that!...i want to see the big giant warning written across it in RED, lol...geez...he's ANDY he can't help it!


82 in a 55 here (20 years ago) :howdy: I was polite, and received a warning (he laughed at my radar thingie on the dash...and had been tracking me in an unmarked car) I haven't been pulled over since. Cruise control is my friend. :yay:


Lobster Land
About 4 years ago I got stopped for doing 55 in a 35. Don't ask, but I also hadn't renewed my license in 7 years but everything else was up to date. I got tickets but the cop cut my speed down considerably and rather than say I had no license and have my car towed and me jailed, he wrote it up as an expired license. He also said the car could still be towed but he was going to sit in his car and do paperwork - if I caught his drift. I was honest with him and he gave me a big break. I also burned a field down several years ago on a very windy day and after what seemed like 5,000
firemen put it out a DNR Officer talked to me. I was honest with him and said it was my fault and I was willing to pay. He printed out what he could charge me with and the costs and left. Treat them with respect and be honest and just perhaps they'll give you a break. If not, accept the fact you were in the wrong.


New Member
Thor said:
Nope 49 in a 30. I keep telling you guys 99% of what happens after you get pulled over is a direct result of how you interact with the officer. I don't know why folks will not believe that.
Thank you for spreading the truth!


New Member
DooDoo1402 said:
I am not saying you are a liar... I just know that if you were doing 20 over the speed limit, no police is going to pull you over, just to give you a warning... UNLESS you know someone, or you are someone to them... I think there is more to the story that is not being told... Just my opinion...
I know you don't believe this, but it is true. While I don't pull a lot of traffic, my job is to make the streets safer. If I pull you over and your polite, and respectfull and say you won't do it again, then my job is done just as well as if I give you a ticket. I don't have any family here, nor do I know many of the people other than the police officers I work with. So you don't have to know someone to get a warning. You just have to mind your manners, and convince the officer that this is not normal behavior for you!


24/7 Single Dad
AndyMarquisLIVE said:
But certain police officers are more concerned about a guy doing 3 above rather than someone doing 95 in a 55 somewhere.
Guess they don't like it when you bottle up traffic by doing 58 in the left lane


Active Member
aps45819 said:
Guess they don't like it when you bottle up traffic by doing 58 in the left lane

Those people need to have a McDonalds cup thrown at them.


New Member
So what SMCOP is really trying to say is "Don't be a boot kisser" (Yes ma'm, No Ma'm, Yes Sir, No sir) etc...

Point being... the people who feel that they have been pulled over and wronged, thats why the Maryland State Police hand out forms with their traffic stops now, regardless of ticket or warning and its a complaint or commendation form. It shows what is to be expected from them and what to do during a traffic stop.

I think that this whole who's getting pulled over for what is beaten to death. We all know people are getting cut breaks. We all know that other police are hardliners and don't cut breaks for nothin, everyone gets a ticket. Some of you may change your tune about warnings and letting people go when you or someone you know gets hit at a high rate of speed and is injured or killed because of it. You will wish that there was a cop to possibly have slowed that person with a radar gun up the road.

Honestly you people don't even know what bad driving is. Try going to Italy. In Italy (Italia) the driving there is insane. People drive like its a moving demolition derby. Insanity. Crashes and deaths are the norm. After all, free health care in that country!

Kuwait is less of a bumper cars type thing but more of a giant nascar speedway. They have speed camera's in that country and hours after the film is changed out in them, it is already full. You think your going fast doing 120 or so, and someone passes you in a faster more expensive car like you are standing still... If you crash they are usually going to kill you, and the vehicle is torn to hell and usually catches fire. its left on the side of the road and cannot be removed till 12 judges inspect it so everyone can see how someone died (the body is removed). If you live, an ambulance will come and they cannot treat you for 15 minutes (they may make exceptions for americans) but they wait 15 minutes and "watch you bleed" so that "Allah" (God) may have his chance with you.

Just some thoughts....


CrunchTime said:
20 miles over and you got a warning? :faint: Are you making that up? I have female friends who show their boobs and still get tickets! :lol:

see post three he had to BLOW THE OFFICER :razz:


My 401K is now a 201K
CrunchTime said:
20 miles over and you got a warning? :faint: Are you making that up? I have female friends who show their boobs and still get tickets! :lol:

Hmmm...probably depends on what their boobs looked like and of course their 'attitude'



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Active Member
protectmd said:
Honestly you people don't even know what bad driving is. Try going to Italy. In Italy (Italia) the driving there is insane. People drive like its a moving demolition derby. Insanity. Crashes and deaths are the norm. After all, free health care in that country!

No doubt, after two years in Korea and a year in Honduras I can say our drivers are freaking tame.


Lobster Land
SEABREEZE 1957 said:
Hmmm...probably depends on what their boobs looked like and of course their 'attitude'


I'd speed every day if pic #2 was a Charles County cop, just hoping she'd pull me over. Well maybe not every day because my heart couldn't take it, but as often as possible. She could bust me every chance she got.


My 401K is now a 201K
oldman said:
I'd speed every day if pic #2 was a Charles County cop, just hoping she'd pull me over. Well maybe not every day because my heart couldn't take it, but as often as possible. She could bust me every chance she got.

Well, as long as you had the right 'attitude', she may just give you a 'stiff' warning.....:razz:

SMIB Sucks

What the?!?!?
aps45819 said:
Guess they don't like it when you bottle up traffic by doing 58 in the left lane

F***ing A, i hate that!!! People will never learn to drive around here...but I don't want to start that thread again...


Active Member
SMIB Sucks said:
F***ing A, i hate that!!! People will never learn to drive around here...but I don't want to start that thread again...

Let me guess you commute Rt4 and the Beltway too?

First rule should be retired folks should not be allowed to drive those roads till 10AM, second rule same goes for Tractor trailers.


Well-Known Member
AndyMarquisLIVE said:
They gave me a ticket for 42 in an alleged school zone. They wouldn't let you off on a warning.

Andy, Andy, Andy, give it up you were in a school zone doing 42, he pulled you over outside the school zone up by the park. His radar gun got you as you were going through the school zone. He would not have given you a ticket for just 3 miles over the limit, don''t think the Judge would have been very happy with the Officer if someone came to court to fight a ticket that was 5 miles or less over the limit. I don't know the officer who got you, but I do know a officer who does radar alot on that road and he does sit outside the school zone, but his radar gun picks you up inside the zone.

Andy you just need to know when to speed and when not to. LOL. Roads around schools a no no, Rt.5 and 301 just keep with the flow not 55 or just over you may get ice cubes or coffee thrown at you. :smack:

Word of caution Andy, if you have a need to go through Hughesville and you take the Hughesville Beltway (aka. Bypass) your friends from CCSO and MSP are out there in force getting their monthly quota's. :killingme


NOT Politically Correct!!
Rats, I got a ticket yesterday :spank: heading south on Route 4 returning from a friends funeral. The cop was cool and I was respectful, yes I was going fast and deserved it, however he hit me for 67 in a 45, reduced it to 54 in a 45. Could have been a lot worse... :elaine:


Well-Known Member
DooDoo1402 said:
I agree there are alot of people in uniform who think they are above everyone else (I have witnessed it throughout the USA)... And I also know it is true there are a few that are honest and try to do their job as respectable officers... I am not siding for one or the other, but I think Richard is on here to push buttons... and I see that he's achieving his goal...

I apologize for jumping all over you, just a moment of frustration from the button pushing that you mentioned. There are some cops out there that are arrogant jerks; I just hate to see a blanket statement made about all of them, either good or bad.


The fear of Smell
Tis ok

bohman said:
I apologize for jumping all over you, just a moment of frustration from the button pushing that you mentioned. There are some cops out there that are arrogant jerks; I just hate to see a blanket statement made about all of them, either good or bad.

No apologies is necessary. We all have our frustrations, including myself... And I have been reading many, ummm, unpleasant posters on here... almost like a hostile community. Brings out the frustrations in all of us... And I don't mean everyone... but a pattern of many...