Larry Gude said:Now that it is legal, EVERYONE will carry a firearm. People who'd never even held a gun will now walk around like Rambo, armed to the teeth, just spoiling for someone to piss them off or look at them funny, just so they can mow them down.
This is the argument of the ignorant. The fact is that there's no way any private citizen can carry a gun whenever they want. For example, most people around here work at NAS Jacksonville, and if you don't turn your guns into security before going on base, they can get confiscated, so most people do not have guns when they are going on base... but some do. You can't have a gun on you if you go into a school. Many businesses do not allow firearms on their property, you can't carry into a bar, etc. So there a lot of inconveniences that keep people from carrying all the time. But, there are still some people out there who are armed, and that's all you need to deter a lot of criminals. You can spot a base worker by the decal on the car, but is that car driven by someone who deal with the security hassle or someone who leaves their gun at home? There's no way to tell. So while there's no way that anybody can carry all the time, there are just enough people to get criminals to think twice, which is why stranger on stranger crime, home invasions, burglaries, car jackings, etc., are going down and will go even lower now.
I agree with you about letting these idiots do things like have babies, vote, and drive cars. And they wonder why there are so many fatalities on the highways.