Green Energy / Climate Issues - Failures - Lies and Falsehoods


PREMO Member


There is no excuse for advanced economies to experience a shortage of electricity, or of energy generally. The world has more than ample supplies of fossil fuels. And, if you buy the global warming hype, nuclear energy is the obvious alternative, although that implies universal use of electric vehicles that are devastating to the environment.

Nevertheless, an electricity crisis is upon us. From the U.K.: “Energy could be rationed ‘for years.'”

Europe faces years of energy rationing without Russian gas, the boss of Shell has warned. Ben van Beurden said it was a “fantasy” to think that Europe’s energy crisis would be resolved soon and he warned that if Moscow were to cut off all supplies, life would be “very hard”.
Gas prices for Britain for this winter closed on Friday at a record high of 827p per therm, more than 16 times higher than the average prices over the decade pre-crisis. Soaring wholesale gas and power prices have already fed through to record household bills, which are due to increase by 80 per cent to £3,549 a year from October.

The current crisis in Western Europe is due in part to the threatened cutoff of Russian natural gas. But countries like Britain and Germany are vulnerable to such a cutoff because they fecklessly failed to provide for their own energy self-sufficiency. That was an incredibly stupid policy, but one that is now being pursued by the Biden administration despite having the Western European example before it.


PREMO Member

Nanny State Test: Company Locks Thermostats of 22K Customers, Cites 'Energy Emergency'

But for some 22,000 Xcel Energy customers in Colorado who wanted to be a little more comfortable on Tuesday when the thermometer was pegged at 90+ degrees, a bizarre message flashed on their thermostats indicating they’d lost the ability to control the temperature in their own homes.

According to KMGH-TV, “Energy Emergency” was part of the message that flashed on thermostats as temperatures skyrocketed and Xcel customers desperately tried to crank the A/C.

“Temperature locked temporarily during energy emergency. Due to a rare energy emergency that may affect the local energy grid, your temperature slider has been changed from 8:00 pm – 8:00 pm because you enrolled in a Community Energy Savings Program,” the full message read.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
All the more reason not to sign up for any of those electric company promotions.


PREMO Member

Experts blame green energy policies for Europe's full-scale energy crisis: 'A warning to the US'

The energy crisis has forced consumers to cut back on power consumption, industrial production declines and energy rationing across the continent. The European Union Council (EU) scheduled an emergency meeting of EU energy ministers slated for next week in response to the market conditions.

"The skyrocketing electricity prices are now exposing, for different reasons, the limitations of our current electricity market design," European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen remarked during a speech Monday. "It was developed under completely different circumstances and for completely different purposes. It is no longer fit for purpose."

Von der Leyen blamed the record price increases on Russia's invasion of Ukraine, which has upended global energy markets, but added that the crisis was evidence the bloc needed to transition further to green energy. Russia has throttled natural gas supplies to Europe in response to the EU's sanction packages introduced following the February invasion.


PREMO Member

As America Self-Destructs With Green Energy, China Preps For War With Coal

When policymakers and strategists erroneously ascribe to others the same motives that they have themselves, it is called the Mirror-Image Fallacy. Opponents in warfare seek to deceive — the best deception plans are those that show the enemy what the enemy wants to believe. Mirror-Image Fallacy and deception plans can work hand-in-glove.

If China was truly going all-in on EVs to reduce pollution and curb its greenhouse gas emissions, one would expect to see that in its energy consumption profile. Instead, we see something different. Yes, China has been adding wind, solar, and nuclear power, but coal use is also increasing.

From 2010 to 2020, the amount of electricity produced by coal in China rose by 57 percent to 4,775 terawatt hours. From 2010 to 2021 — the latest year available and 2020 having been depressed by the response to Covid-19 — American coal use to generate electricity declined by 52 percent to 899 terawatt hours. U.S. coal power peaked in 2007. China surpassed U.S. coal use in 2006 and never looked back.

Today, China generates more than five times the electricity from coal than the U.S., with construction underway or planned in China to build the equivalent of more than the entire operating U.S. coal fleet. By this one action alone, China will wipe out all projected U.S. reductions in greenhouse gas emissions — and then some.

Last year, China consumed 54 percent of the world’s coal. This is the main reason that China emits more greenhouse gasses than all the world’s developed nations combined — which shouldn’t be a shock given that America, Western Europe, and Japan outsourced much of their manufacturing to China over the past 20 years.


If I may ...
I haven't seen enough - support - in the press for coal plant scrubbers. I do think they are easily the best short term solution.

Germany is the country that will most suffer from this - I've already seen that Berlin is mostly dark at night, conserving energy - and it's still August (barely). They bragged so much about transitions to green energy, but still getting gas from Russia - and in the midst of getting a SECOND pipeline completed just prior to the war.

Speaking of which - I have to stop reading Russian forums. They're driving me crazy. I expected to hear how corrupt Ukraine is, and how everything the Western press says is all lies. I think just a while back though was the admonition that NATO has become a source of war and warmongering and how they provoked all of this. Really? 6-7 MONTHS of obliterating Ukraine, in a fashion reminiscent of the remark in Vietnam about how they had to destroy a whole village to save it. Another was how they might have prevented the conflict had they not kept opening membership to nations closer and closer to Russia. HELLO? NATO was *formed* to prevent what's happening in Ukraine. And they PROVE NATO's case when they do it.
Hello? NATO was formed to counter WARSAW Pact nations. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, and other communist WARSAW Pact countries, NATO should have been relegated to the dustbin of history. And since the US is the major financial financier and supporter of NATO, might as well be called USNATO. NATO was formed to protect NATO members from conflicts with WARSAW Pact countries. Not as you describe. In addition, membership, though always open to new member States, was and is being forced on certain States closer and closer to Russian State border lines, or using severe persuasion for them to join. In reality, there is no good reason for any NATO expansion after 1989-91.

And, what is happening in Ukraine is a direct result of past US intervention.


Well-Known Member
Hello? NATO was formed to counter WARSAW Pact nations. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, and other communist WARSAW Pact countries, NATO should have been relegated to the dustbin of history.
Some of what we're saying is different only semantically - some, not so much. It is clear enough to me that Hungary in 56, Czechoslovakia in 68, the Berlin Wall, Ford's comments about Poles in 76 - the Warsaw Pact was not a bloc of nations in cooperation - they were nations all under the Soviet BOOT, and when they tried to get out from under it, the USSR sent in the tanks. Once Communism began to break - it shattered incredibly fast. The former Soviet bloc member nations COULD NOT LEAVE FAST ENOUGH. When given the opportunity - yes, they wanted to join NATO. They wanted insurance the tanks wouldn't be coming back.

We formed NATO to protect against the USSR and the Warsaw Pact - but minus their buffer states - Russia still remained.

And from many Russians I read - they'd like it all back again, starting with the former republics - Ukraine and Moldova and Georgia around the Black Sea. It's no secret they'd take the Baltic states back (but they're NATO now). NATO is still relevant as long as Russia continues to do as it does.

They may claim oh the West provoked this by offering NATO membership to Ukraine. This is like an abusive husband threatening his wife if she takes out a restraining order. Well that's EXACTLY why she WOULD do it.

Russia's barbaric war in Ukraine has made the case to Europe - trust Russia at your peril. Germany has already doubled its defense spending.


PREMO Member
Russia's barbaric war in Ukraine has made the case to Europe

all the fault of the west needlessly pushing the Baltic States to Join NATO ... to get Ukraine to get ride of their Nukes ... Putin was Promised, no we don't want Ukraine in NATO ... and sine then the West has been pushing to get Ukraine and other countries in NATO

Georgia was about to join NATO Putin invaded ... putting the region in to chaos - with borders in question, Georgia cannot join NATO


PREMO Member

Biden should end talk of NATO membership for Ukraine

The pressing question for many in Washington’s foreign policy establishment is whether Russian President Vladimir Putin will attack Ukraine, and if he does attack, what actions should the U.S. and NATO take in response, given that the U.S. supports Ukraine’s aspirations to join NATO. However, a more fundamental question should be answered first: Why should the U.S. and NATO even consider extending an invitation to an unstable nation like Ukraine?

There is a common perception of Ukraine as a unified country at risk of invasion by an aggressive Russia, thus deserving Western protection. True, there is a genuine threat of an invasion by an aggressive Russia, as evidenced by the approximately 100,000 troops Mr. Putin has poised within striking distance of the Ukrainian border. But the picture within Ukraine is much more complex and should give the West pause before risking a potential war with Russia on behalf of Kyiv.

First, Ukraine is one of the most corrupt nations on earth, earning an abysmal ranking last year of being tied for 117th place globally. In fact, corruption was a driving cause of the 2014 rebellion in Kyiv that led to the collapse of the Ukrainian government and sparked the war, now in its eighth year. About one year from the beginning of the Maidan protests in Kyiv, Ernst & Young characterized Ukraine as one of the three most corrupt nations on earth.

Second, the biggest threat to Ukraine’s long-term viability as a nation isn’t the external threat of the Russian invasion but the internal threat represented by the de facto civil war currently dividing east and west Ukraine. The Kremlin supports separatists in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions of eastern Ukraine. Still, it is painfully clear the division between the east and the west of the country has been a source of friction for decades, not just since 2014.


Well-Known Member
Georgia was about to join NATO Putin invaded ... putting the region in to chaos - with borders in question, Georgia cannot join NATO
See, I can't follow this logic. This is like a homeowner calling the cops saying, help, there's a dozen gang members on lawn roaring their motorcycles all over my property and making threats all hours of the night. They've already taken my barn and my guest house.

And the cops say, no we can't help, that will make them MAD. You're on your own.

The Baltic states are especially vulnerable. They're more or less helpless, and there are few things that Russia would like more than more ocean port cities. I've been to the border at Estonia - and there's nothing - except three rich nations with nothing to stop Russia.


Well-Known Member

And see, more and more California wants to "go green", replacing electrical production from fossil fuels to renewables and replacing cars with electric. I can understand SOME of this - I remember the horrible smog of LA back in the day, of the order that Chinese cities experience now, where the smog is so bad, your eyes burn and you don't dare go outside without a mask. We lucked out on the days we were there.

However, this isn't boding very well because if they can't handle the demand NOW, what will they do in ten years when EVERYONE will be charging their cars?


PREMO Member
what will they do in ten years when EVERYONE will be charging their cars?

YOU will have to move closer to YOUR Job in live in one of these .. taking public transportation


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