Last night we had a rather major storm - thunder/lightning, tornado warnings, phones going off with alerts. The TV here preempts all channels with weather alerts when it gets crazy. Not just a little crawler, but the weather guy comes on with a map to tell you you're getting ready to get nailed. I don't recall seeing that before.
Anyway, it was impressive for awhile and we thought we might have to bug out, but the tornadoes split at San Antonio and took out small towns in north and east TX instead.
People were in the bathhouse with music and alcohol, having a tornado party

These are my kind of people. They don't freak out, they don't panic, they break out the booze and a deck of cards. If chit's gonna happen, there's nothing you can do about it - have a drink.
The storm I remember was in the Keys and I was terrified. The locals were like, meh, this is nothing, but it was the biggest storm I've ever personally experienced. And in a motorhome, no less.
And I remember when we thought we might have to bug out in Flagstaff because of the fire.
Also we had a flash flood storm in Panama City Beach - like, a real one where within the space of a few minutes our RV park was a lake.
The wind in west TX was super crazy - 50 mph was their norm. The gift shop in Fort Stockton sells t-shirts that say "Yes, it's always this windy here." That was the time Monello thought he was going to have to pull over about 30 miles from the RV park because he was getting knocked around.
What I do like is that rain in TX goes hard and goes home. None of this weeks long depressing nonstop pelting like spring in SoMD.
I'm always sorry when the bad weather happens during a weekend - especially a holiday weekend - when people have been planning a vacation, only to have this chit happen to ruin it. It doesn't matter to us; we're almost always someplace cool and recreating on some level. But here you go, you get two weeks vacation, pack up the kids and dogs and make the trip to the beach or the lake....only to have the weather jack you up. That would suck.