groceries---$$$ up up and away....


Be about it
DoWhat said:
I got a 300 gallon tank and I use gas for hot water, garage heat, back up heat for the house and hot tub and I don't go through the amount you do.
You got a problem.

How big is your house? The tank is buried, but I can see the meter from the hole thing in thr ground. We also use ours for hot water, I forgot about that.
JabbaJawz said:
How big is your house? The tank is buried, but I can see the meter from the hole thing in thr ground. We also use ours for hot water, I forgot about that.
She says you live in a rinky dink little ole house... you gonna take that, dowhat...:popcorn:


Football season!
AMP said:
Hey, when do they open, and where exactly is it? That is one trip across the bridge I'd not mind making. :dance:
kind of a long trip from waldorf. Do you by chance know where the fair oaks mall is located? It is a couple of miles from there. In a more general sense, near where route50 and I66 intersect in fairfax


Lovin' being Texican
janey83 said:
most of it does come from the commissary, but my dad suggested BJ's to see what the prices were like......a bottle of shampoo from there will last forever :yay:

A gallon of BJ shampoo usually lasts a year in our house.


Be about it
kwillia said:
She says you live in a rinky dink little ole house... you gonna take that, dowhat...:popcorn:

:bonk: I just saw this. :lol:

I am SOOOOO not saying he has a small house, I'm just really trying to get to the bottom of our sky high bill. :ohwell: