Growing up!

Head injury bicycle

  • Never knew anyone

    Votes: 40 78.4%
  • Yes I knew someone

    Votes: 11 21.6%

  • Total voters


I bowl overhand
I was knocked unconscious when I hit a car on my bike. Woke up underneath the car... a little VW bug..

Broke my shoulder trying to ride my bike with a bucket on the handlebars.. I was going fishing, and was riding my sting-ray.. I was soooo cool back then..

Bent my fork all caddywompus when I ran it into a wall at the bottom of a HUGE hill..

When ass over elbows at about 30 MPH in front of the high school on my road bike..

When over the handlebars a couple of times in Germany as an adult.. wet brakes don't work well on bicycles.. and a six inch curb WILL bring you to a dead stop.. Well bring the bike to a dead stop.. you not so much..

Yeah, I've had my issues on bikes, but I spent A LOT of time on my bike(s) growing up.. as did my friends.. None of us were ever taken to the hospital for a head injury..

And I NEVER had an injury on my unicycle.. until I tried to ride my sons 6 footer!! That didn't go so well.


I bowl overhand
I was about 11 and my friend had a stingray with a bannana seat and it had a sppedometer on it. I was riding it as fast as I could and went around a sharp turn, bike went the one direction and I went the other and it knocked me out cold.

Did your parents take you to the hospital?? Did you tell your parents??

Mine didn't take me in, and they knew I had been knocked out..I woke up I was fine, why bother?


My buddy ran over my neck after I plowed in to a paper box, and we laughed about it....had chewing gum from head to toe...:lol:


my oldest ran his bike into a ditch and shattered the growth plate in his elbow. There was no head injury involved....although every now and then when I'm wringing his neck I wonder......


So far from everyone I asked this question and from everyone thats seen this thread.
No one knows or has heard of anyone that has suffered serious head trauma or died from a serious head injury resulting from a bicycle crash.
And we all know that little bicycle helmet wouldn't even help a little bit if you were run over by a car.

So who are these group of witches that push all these stupid retarded laws?

When I read the Bible I use to find it very anti women and I always thought a lot of the books in there were very unfair to women.
But know that I've seen what congregations of busy buddy beotches are capable of in politics. I fully understand and agree with that that is written in the book of the lord.

I have met and admire women with common sense. But the fact is there are so few of you.
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No Longer the Kid
I know someone who flipped off a bike and had to get stitches, but needless to say, now she is probably smarter than 90% of the people on these boards... Masters degree, all that kinda crap, works for the gov... doing good for herself..

But, it wasn't a life ending (obviously), or rest of her life type of head injury... but she did bust it open pretty damn good...

Would a helmet have helped... in her case yes....

As for where your going with this... I think they should be optional :yay:


Pitty Party
So far from everyone I asked this question and from everyone thats seen this thread.
No one knows or has heard of anyone that has suffered serious head trauma or died from a serious head injury resulting from a bicycle crash.
And we all know that little bicycle helmet wouldn't even help a little bit if you were run over by a car.

So who are these group of witches that push all these stupid retarded laws?

When I read the Bible I use to find it very anti women and I always thought a lot of the books in there were very unfair to women.
But know that I've seen what congregations of busy buddy beotches are capable of in politics. I fully understand and agree with that that is written in the book of the lord.

I have met and admire women with common sense. But the fact is there are so few of you.

My brother was in a car accident from his own stupidity and was in a coma for 2 months. Because of his head injury's he had to learn to walk and talk all over again. He maintained is #######ness when he recooped.


New Member
I was on the handlebars of a bike, my buddy was driving, and we got clipped by a bus (a city bus). Nailed us hard, tossed me in the woods on the side of the road and my buddy was slammed in to the grass on the side of the road. We didnt hang out and wait for the Police/Paramedics as we were stoned.

So brain damage/head trauma.....maybe...... but it was more of a " get the f*** out of here before the cops take our w33d" moment than anything.


Well-Known Member
I got a few busted lips from falling off of my bike. I am very surprised that kids these days aren't forced to where full face helmets while tooling around on their Huffy. :ohwell: Kids these days get to have no fun.

I had a huffy, but never got a pair of PF Flyers...

Bikes were, and are a great way to get around...One of the greatest forms of freedom I had as a child!

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
If I had just looked in my rear view mirror on my Schwin, I would never have received that bump on my head. :shrug:


Long time ago, I was riding home from school in Florida (about a 5 mile ride) and something got in the front wheel causing it to lock up causing the rear wheel to go up and over. I was riding about my average speed (25-30 mph) when it happened. Head and arm hit asphalt. Fortunately, I was wearing a helmet which probably saved my life but I'd be lying if I said the rest of my body didn't hurt like hell. Sidelined me from soccer for a few games, other than that I was up and walking the next day.

The whole thing was caught on a survalliance video. I shouldn't have survived that because the bike landed in the middle of traffic. Florida drivers, unlike Maryland drivers, will stop if something's happened though.

School used the video to promote safety - aka wearing a helmet when you're riding a bicycle.


Throwing the deuces
I was showing off for one of my friends on my ten-speed. Had my feet sticking out in front of me. Got one of my shoes caught in the tire and flipped over the handlebars. My friend stopped to help me and nearly got run over by a car backing out of their driveway.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
So who are these group of witches that push all these stupid retarded laws?

Well, wait a minute - it takes two to tango.

People are nutty and that is well established. But somebody actually wrote that bill. And some other bodies voted it into law. Those people were mostly male.


ive probably had a couple concussions from the multiple crashes and hitting roots and trees, etc when i used to ride single track (mt bike) back in high school. helmets dont protect you from that. :lol:


Long time ago, I was riding home from school in Florida (about a 5 mile ride) and something got in the front wheel causing it to lock up causing the rear wheel to go up and over. I was riding about my average speed (25-30 mph) when it happened. Head and arm hit asphalt. Fortunately, I was wearing a helmet which probably saved my life but I'd be lying if I said the rest of my body didn't hurt like hell. Sidelined me from soccer for a few games, other than that I was up and walking the next day.

The whole thing was caught on a survalliance video. I shouldn't have survived that because the bike landed in the middle of traffic. Florida drivers, unlike Maryland drivers, will stop if something's happened though.

School used the video to promote safety - aka wearing a helmet when you're riding a bicycle.

Is there any chance you could get that video and pass it along here? I would LOVE to see it. :roflmao:


Well-Known Member
My son received a head injury from a bike accident. Knocked him out cold. The entire time in the ambulance and for a few hours at the hospital he didn't know what happened and kept repeating the same things over and over again. It was very scary.

He fully recovered, thank goodness. He'll be 20 this month, now he kills his brain cells the old fashioned way that most 20 year olds do, partying, smoking and drinking. :ohwell:


My younger brother banged up his chin falling off a tricyle when he was about 3. He needed about 5 stitches.

I did know a guy that was playing touch football a long time ago. He fell and hit the back of his head on a rock. We went home, fell asleep and died in his sleep. Must've been a severe concusion.


If I wasn't looking in my rear view mirror on my Schwin, I would never have received that bump on my head. :shrug:

;fixed: Goober.:smoochy:

Well, wait a minute - it takes two to tango.

People are nutty and that is well established. But somebody actually wrote that bill. And some other bodies voted it into law. Those people were mostly male.

P whipped men. They might as well be women.


New Member
My brother and I were racing on the roads thru the power lines (30 years ago you could ride there). I was on my Yamaha GT80 (i was 12 at the time), he was on a 125. I was in the lead, kept looking back and laughing at him, then all of a sudden he was looking at me laying on the ground laughing at me!! I had hit a big rock and just went down!! I had a helmet on, only broke my thumb. The good ole days!!!