Growing up!

Head injury bicycle

  • Never knew anyone

    Votes: 40 78.4%
  • Yes I knew someone

    Votes: 11 21.6%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
A long while back at the Falkland apartments in Silver Spring, I had a high speed head on collision with Maury Povich (infamous son of Shirley Povich). Both our Roadmasters were totaled. We both had a lot of road rash but nothing serious. In later years I suspected that maybe that wreck did scramble his head.


All Up In Your Grill
I never fell off a bike, but one time we were playing capture the flag at school and I nearly concussed myself on one of the metal swingset poles...I hit that thing hard, right in my temple :killingme

That explains a lot. :yay:

Long time ago, I was riding home from school in Florida (about a 5 mile ride) and something got in the front wheel causing it to lock up causing the rear wheel to go up and over. I was riding about my average speed (25-30 mph) when it happened. Head and arm hit asphalt. Fortunately, I was wearing a helmet which probably saved my life but I'd be lying if I said the rest of my body didn't hurt like hell. Sidelined me from soccer for a few games, other than that I was up and walking the next day.

So does this. :yay:

My brother was out in an old gravel pit behind our house early one morning on his bike (pre-mandatory helmet time). Him and a bunch of us had made a bunch of ramps back there and he was out playing around. He went to jump a ramp once, pulled up on the handle bars and the handle bars came off his bike.:yikes:

He walked in my room and said "I think I hurt my face..." I woke up to see what I thought was Freddy Freaking Kruger standing right in front of me. I may have wet the bed, I don't remember.

He cut up the right side of his face pretty good. Had several stitches all over it and swelled up like a mofo. He looked like the elephant man for about a week or so.

He didn't lose any teeth, didn't break any bones, and he suffered no brain injuries from this occurence. This was back before helmets were mandatory on bicycles. Heck, we only wore helmets when we were on our dirt bikes and 4-wheelers half the time. :lol:


Major Nelson is my hero
I never had a bike growing up. I think it would be cool to ride in the side car on someones motorcycle.


Thats because you're smart like that.

You do know I really didnt give a flyin rats ass about Fight Club anymore.
I haven't in a long time. Hell I really never did. It was just an idea do give some, a place to vent. And poke fun at um.

So I just let you be the bad guy.. You're so much better at it than I am.:huggy:



New Member
Long time ago, I was riding home from school in Florida (about a 5 mile ride) and something got in the front wheel causing it to lock up causing the rear wheel to go up and over. I was riding about my average speed (25-30 mph) when it happened. Head and arm hit asphalt. Fortunately, I was wearing a helmet which probably saved my life but I'd be lying if I said the rest of my body didn't hurt like hell. Sidelined me from soccer for a few games, other than that I was up and walking the next day.

The whole thing was caught on a survalliance video. I shouldn't have survived that because the bike landed in the middle of traffic. Florida drivers, unlike Maryland drivers, will stop if something's happened though.

School used the video to promote safety - aka wearing a helmet when you're riding a bicycle.



100% Redneck
Some years back a friend was riding his kids bike and fell striking his head on a curb. It killed him, so yes this does happen. I have fallen and struck my head and scraped it up but had no real damage. this was all in the days befor helmets were required.