Gun Control Laws And Opposition


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Anti-Gunners' Attempt to Connect Timothy McVeigh and 2nd Amendment Supporters

And they do so using the absolute dumbest of arguments. This is where we get braindead tweets and articles from the likes of David Hogg, Keith Olbermann, and, in this instance, Michelle Goldberg, who penned an op-ed for The New York Times in which she tries desperately to con her readers into believing that those who support the Second Amendment are somehow in line with right-wing terrorist Timothy McVeigh.

In the piece, Goldberg uses the shooting at a mall in Allen, Texas to great effect while she wove a line between the incident, the Oklahoma City bombing, and people who dig firearms. She highlights that McVeigh viewed guns as symbols of freedom and opposing government overreach as a sign of tyranny. The article argues that McVeigh’s cause has advanced significantly since his execution in 2001, with a growing movement of individuals who share his views and engage in what appears to be a low-level insurgency against society.

Goldberg points out that while not all mass shootings are ideologically motivated, when an ideology is involved, it tends to be a far-right one. The article cites a report from the Anti-Defamation League stating that all extremist-related murders in 2022 were committed by right-wing extremists. The mass shooting at the outdoor mall in Texas is mentioned, with the killer reportedly associating with right-wing extremist symbolism and expressing hate-filled beliefs on social media.

The article suggests that the frequency of mass shootings has become a distressingly normal part of life in America, without triggering significant political change. It attributes this lack of action to politicians who hold views on guns similar to McVeigh’s. The Republican Party is accused of fetishizing guns and insurrection, with firearms seen as a means to potentially overthrow the government.

After mass shootings, instead of pushing for gun control, Republicans tend to reinforce access to guns. The article highlights the expulsion of two young black Democratic legislators who led a gun control protest in Tennessee and the subsequent passing of a bill protecting the gun industry from lawsuits.

“The reason that America endures a level of gun violence unique among developed countries, and that we can often do little about it, is so many politicians have views on guns that aren’t far afield from McVeigh’s,” Goldberg writes.

The author continued:

“As Representative Jamie Raskin, a Democrat from Maryland, has pointed out, it’s become common to hear Republicans echo McVeigh’s insurrectionary theory of the Second Amendment, which holds that Americans must be allowed to amass personal arsenals in case they need to overthrow the government. As the MAGA congresswomen Lauren Boebert once put it, the Second Amendment ‘has nothing to do with hunting, unless you’re talking about hunting tyrants.’”


PREMO Member
"If the Court were to exclude 18-to-20-year-olds from the Second Amendment's protection, it would impose limitations on the Second Amendment that do not exist with other constitutional guarantees," he opined. Payne cited the Supreme Court's 2022 Bruen decision, which determined that any gun control must be consistent with the country's history and traditions surrounding firearm regulation.

The judge contended that the government had not shown "any evidence of age-based restrictions on the purchase or sale of firearms from the colonial era, Founding or Early Republic."

Adults under 21 could already buy handguns from private sellers. Unless Payne's ruling is overturned, adults aged 18-20 will also be able to purchase handguns from licensed federal firearms dealers.

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If I may ...
For your consideration ...



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Obama Suggests U.S. Should Ban Law-Abiding American's Gun Rights

Defending his stance on gun control, Obama refused to mention that it is a constitutional right for Americans to own a gun, as stated in the Second Amendment. Instead, he claimed that gun rights have become an "ideological" and "partisan issue."

Obama also claimed that gun ownership has become part of a culture war, crediting it to the U.S. having a divided media.


Earlier this month, President Joe Biden called for stricter gun laws following a deadly shooting at the Allen Premium Outlets mall in Dallas, Texas.

He blamed Republicans for protecting Americans' rights to own firearms and not doing enough to ban them. Biden also touted that his administration has expanded highly controversial red flag laws, praising several Democrat-led states that have already banned assault weapons.



PREMO Member

Gun Control Advocates Claim Initial Victory in Illinois, but Here’s Why They’ll Likely Lose the War

Earlier this year, Illinois enacted a law prohibiting civilian sales or transfers of many types of commonly owned semiautomatic rifles, based solely on the state’s arbitrary determination that certain cosmetic features turn these guns into so-called assault weapons.

Illinois residents who already possess these firearms, potentially millions of people, may continue to do so under the new law—but only if they first register their ownership with the state.

They may not remove the gun from their property, except to take it to a gunsmith or gun range. And they can’t transfer the gun to any other person residing in the state. The only exception: A person may receive an otherwise banned gun as part of an inheritance.

The Illinois state government, of course, chose to exempt itself from these prohibitions. Despite calling these guns “weapons of war” that aren’t useful for self-defense, the government will continue allowing police officers to use them for, well, that very purpose: defending themselves and others against common criminal threats to civilians whom the state insists have no use for these same guns.

Illinois’ new law is both poor public policy and a grotesque assault on the Second Amendment rights of peaceable citizens. It unquestionably should be struck down as unconstitutional, especially in light of the Supreme Court’s 2022 decision in New York State Rifle & Pistol Association v. Bruen. In that case, the high court said that for a gun law to be constitutional, the government must demonstrate that the law is “consistent with [the] Nation’s historical tradition of firearms regulation.”


PREMO Member

20 State Attorneys General Oppose Mexican Lawsuit Against Gun Industry

“Mexico advances a legal theory that is unsupported by fact or law. American gun manufacturers are not responsible for gun violence in Mexico,” the brief states. “Rather, policy choices by the Mexican government, policy failures in the United States, and independent criminal actions by third parties are alone responsible for gun violence in Mexico.”

Chief Judge Dennis Saylor of the U.S. District Court of Massachusetts initially dismissed the suit in October 2022. According to Saylor, while he has no sympathy for gun runners and drug dealers, the Mexican government failed to prove the manufacturers were liable for any gun crime.

According to the lawsuit: “Defendants design, market, distribute and sell guns in ways they know routinely arm the drug cartels in Mexico. Defendants use reckless and corrupt gun dealers and dangerous and illegal sales practices that the cartels rely on to get their guns.”

Mark Oliva, public affairs director of the firearms trade group National Shooting Sports Foundation, predicts the suit would fail again because it has no basis in the law.

“The facts of the case haven’t changed. The case was previously dismissed because Mexico failed to make a claim, and the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act (PLCAA) still applies,” Oliva wrote in an email to The Epoch Times.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member

So it isn't enough for him to completely phyck up his own state......

"However, it would raise the federal minimum age to purchase a firearm from 18 to 21; mandate universal background checks to purchase firearms; institute a waiting period for all gun purchases; and ban "assault weapons."
Will this apply to criminals also or just law abiding citizens? If you really want some fun try to find and legal definition of "assault weapon".

Newsom's proposed amendment would also affirm that Congress, states and local governments can enact additional gun control measures.
Wow, pretty open ended authority!


Well-Known Member
Newsom is a royal POS. This is nothing more than one more step toward banning all guns.

MolonLabe Mother humper.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
I want' an amendment to ban Democrats, Marxists, Socialists and other assorted Leftist Trash.


Mostly settled in...
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The MD General Assembly has already approve the 28th Amendment.
A moot point since any amendment has to be passed by supermajorities of both the House and Senate, then be signed into Law before any ratification can take place. Nothing is Law, so just more Virtue Signaling.